The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 363 Verification

Chapter 363 Verification
The method cruelly smashed every inch of bone in Han's limbs.

The chains strangled his mouth.

Remove Han's last trace of resistance.

The next step is the last experiment to verify whether the theory of observing the moon is correct or not, so the slightest mistake is not allowed.

"Ninja method, six pillars of space."

The emerald green barrier of light was propped up, imposing another layer of insurance.

"·······Han, take a gamble! See if you will be the first Jinzhuriki to be drawn from the tail beast and survive······"

Black patterns appeared on Han's chest, complicated and mysterious, but there seemed to be an unknown order hidden in the confusion. These were multiple seals arranged by Guanyue to seal Wuwei and Han's chakra.

But now, in order to carry out the experiment smoothly, these redundant seals need to be untied, and only the original seals should be kept.


Lightly tap the dazzling and complicated patterns with your fingers, and the black prints start to twist and move like living things, and slowly dissipate like cocoons.

The five-tailed Chakra, which had been suppressed for a long time, suddenly erupted like a waking volcano.

The vast breath was fleeting, and it was not released for a long time.

Because Guanyue started.

"Ninja method, empty cup."

The palm of his right hand came out like lightning, and it was heavily imprinted on Han's chest. In an instant, the invisible restraint force spread, cutting off the channel for releasing the power of the five tails in Han's body that was about to fall into a rampage, and forcibly distorting the direction of circulation, the tailed beast Chakra gathered towards Han's heart.

The blood-red chakras full of ominous aura shone like flying sparks imprisoned in an invisible cage. Even if they were unwilling, they were powerless to resist the restraining power. resumed.

The violent and unruly power of the five tails flowed into Guanyue's palm along a fixed path little by little, as if flowing into an empty bottomless pit, no matter how much chakra it was, it could not fill this bottomless void.

The top technology used by Uzumaki to extract tail beasts.

— Empty cup.

An empty cup means a cup that will never be filled.

Using oneself as a container, as both the caster and the recipient, without the intervention of a third or even a fourth person, one person can use this technique to complete the work of extracting the tailed beast, and by the way, create a new renzhuli. This is the empty cup.

Of course, this is also a secret technique that only the Uzumaki family can play. It is a secret technique created by the ancestors of the Uzumaki family based on the blood and body of the Uzumaki family. Even if outsiders have the same huge chakra, they do not have the Uzumaki It is impossible to perform this technique without the chakra with the sealing nature at home.

Han leaned his back against the cold wall, his eyes were muddled, and he couldn't see a glimmer of inspiration.

The whole person was crippled by Guanyue's beating. The mental torture and physical pain made this iron-clad man completely collapsed. Even now that Wuwei was stripped from his body little by little, he still didn't respond at all.


Watching the moon does not require his mental reaction.

The fluctuation of the physical body is the focus of his research.

"Hey! Has it started to decline? This speed is really fast...but it is still within the fault-tolerant unit..."

A total of twelve shadow clones squatted around, monitoring Han's reaction all the time. If it was not limited by the size of the space inside the six-pillar space, this number might have doubled several times.

The peeling process of the five tails has not yet completed one-tenth, Han's body showed some signs of decay, the activity of the cells suddenly dropped, and the beating frequency of the heart began to decrease...

Time continues to advance, and the progress of the five-tail stripping is also rising.

When more than half of the five tails were stripped off, Han's vital functions were once again in great disorder.

The heartbeat was maintained at a low level and did not drop, but the cells in his body seemed to be out of control, abnormally swelled, cell membranes ruptured, and cell necrosis appeared.

During the past three days, several experiments were performed.

Guanyue used the empty cup twice to pull out the five-tailed chakra, and each time he reached about seven-tenths of the progress, he stopped the experiment and fed the chakra back.

Because, once the extraction amount exceeds seven tenths, the cells in Han's body will begin to undergo irreversible necrosis.

"...has the necrosis started?"


Five out of ten is a limit.

The palms of the shadow clones landed on Han's limbs and began to heal his necrotic cells. As long as the seven-tenth limit was not reached, these cells still had the possibility of recovery.

The idea of ​​watching the moon is based on this recoverable period.

When the necrotic cells of Hinjuri are still in the recovery period, medical ninjutsu is used to heal the cells that should take time to recover as quickly as possible.

Then maintain this state, that is to say, keep the state of cell necrosis permanently in the recoverable period, even if it breaks through the seven-tenth limit, it will not fall into the state of irreversible cell necrosis.

This is the Renzhuli therapy theory established by Guanyue.

At first glance, it seems to be a very simple theory with nothing special about it, but after careful consideration, there is also no direct and powerful reason to refute it.

The simpler the truth, the harder it is to break!
The four shadow clones gathered around each other performed their duties, using their physical energy to heal the necrosis of cells in different parts, while the deity cut a wound in the palm of his left hand, and drips of blood poured into Han's mouth.

The necrosis of the cells does not occur suddenly in a certain part, but with the attenuation of the five-tailed radiation source and safety valve, the cells that were forcibly appeased by the five-tailed chakra begin to go into a rampage, which is an outbreak all over the body.

It can be said that when the tailed beast was pulled away, a large number of cells in Renzhuli's body died, which affected important body organs such as viscera and brain, and death would follow.

"······ We will soon see the outcome, whether our theory can work..."

A shadow clone muttered, while Guanyue's deity was concentrating on casting the empty cup, steadily drawing the power of the five tails...

All the way up to seven out of ten.

In an instant, seven-tenths of the five-tailed chakra was pulled out, and Han's body began to tremble violently. Unfortunately, the bones of his limbs were broken. Apart from writhing in place like a worm, Han could not do any other movements.

"Come on, hold on!"

"Fuck, the consumption of Chakra has accelerated too much, right? If this continues, we will disappear in just 3 minutes."

The shadow clones shouted.

When the limit was broken through, Han's body's vital functions rapidly declined in an instant. At this point, the work of extracting the tailed beast was irreversible. .

More than seven-tenths of the tailed beast chakra is stripped, which represents the transfer of the main will of the tailed beast. The remaining three-tenths of the tailed beast's chakra is just a tree without roots and a source of water. Wait until this part of the chakra dissipates Exhaustion, the exhaustion of the body will be inevitable, according to the original principle...

But this time is different, the shadow clones of Guanyue are not stingy with the squandering of Chakra to heal the cells that have fallen into rapid necrosis.

What's more special is that Guanyue used her own blood, the majestic vitality to heal the cell necrosis and body collapse caused by the fading chakra of the tailed beast...

(End of this chapter)

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