The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 475 The First Exam Final

Chapter 475 The First Exam Final

Wait until the billowing yellow sand disappears into the rubble.

Coleus Thousand Hands and the other six breathed a sigh of relief.

Except for Coleus thousand hands who still had the strength to stand still, the rest of them lay down on the ground like mud, panting like an old scalper after plowing.

"Long Dan, it's really miserable for you to look like this."

Xiuyuan did not go after Gaara.

Originally, I didn't care much about this exam. Compared to chasing up and fighting Gaara, it is more important to help Gendan and the others deal with their injuries first.

"Tsk! It hurts so badly..."

"Hey! It's really lucky this time. I didn't expect Sand Ninja to have such a murderous person. We are not opponents at all..."

Gendan grinned and said.

"Okay, you, shut up obediently if you are injured! Hurry up to the mountain and find a medical ninja to help you... heal your wounds."

On the side, Kaguya Xiuya finally couldn't hold it anymore, fell to the ground and passed out.

"Xiuzai! Hey, wake up, you kid, don't scare me?"

Sarutobi hurriedly helped the unconscious Kaguya Xiuya to his feet, but no matter what he said, Kaguya Shuya did not reply.

"Yao, shut up, put Xiuzai on your back, we go up the mountain, he just passed out, not dead yet!"

Sheath a thousand hands cursed, and helped put Kaguya Shuya on Sarutobiyao's back.

The shadow clone on Xiuyuan's side also set up a gentian and continued to climb the mountain.

Although the rest of the people were exhausted, they also knew that now was not the time to rest, so they strutted their exhausted bodies and staggered towards the stone pagoda on the top of the mountain.

In this short distance, Xiuyuan felt five or six waves of chakra fluctuations hovering around them.

It's just that in the end it still didn't make a move.

There were nine people in the group, although there were many disabilities, but a sheath of a thousand hands with little loss of combat power was enough to make many people lose their minds.

Among the hundreds of candidates, the combat power of Coleus Thousand Hands is definitely the strongest level.

If it wasn't for getting entangled with Gaara, this first exam would not be so embarrassing at all.

In addition, Xiuyuan and Naruto summoned a large group of shadow clones scattered on both sides of the team, and those defeated dogs who were guarding here trying to catch the leak did not have the courage to come up and fight.


on top of the mountain.

Walking up the narrow mountain path that is only for one person, the scenery in front of him changes, and what he sees is a huge stone tower.

From a distance, this six-story stone tower is not eye-catching.

But it was only when I got close to it that I realized that this thing is really not small.

The stone tower covers an estimated area of ​​more than 2000 square meters, and each layer is more than ten meters high, especially the first layer is more than 30 meters high, and the entire stone tower is nearly [-] meters high.

"Have you collected all the number plates?"

At the entrance of the stone pagoda, there were two tables. Yun Nin, who was sitting behind the tables, looked at the people walking by and asked.


Xiuyuan simply took out the seven number plates.

I have checked on the road before, and the two teams of Coleus Thousand Hands and Gendan have collected number plates.

"Seven dollars? Good job."

Yun Nin recorded the number, changed hands and threw the number plate into the bamboo basket behind his back, making a crisp, clanging sound.

Xiu Yuan glanced sideways, the bamboo basket was almost full.

Next, Coleus thousand hands and the others also submitted their number plates.

"Okay, you go in, someone inside will show you the way to Konoha Ninja's residence."

Yun Nin waved his hand to let them go, and the group entered the stone pagoda.

"Where are you going? Didn't you say someone led the way?"

This is a crossroads, with a curved corridor on the left and right sides, and dozens of steps ahead, there is an extremely empty flat land.

Nine people stood at the intersection, not knowing which way to go.

Naruto yelled.

"Hey, where is the person? Where did the person who led the way go?"

The echoes lingered in everyone's ears, and the heads of the noisy people hurt. Sasuke frowned, and was about to say something to Naruto.

It's just that he didn't say anything, and when he rolled his eyes, he turned his head and looked to the left.

"It's coming, don't rush? Why are young people so impatient..." A rather old cloud ninja walked out of the corridor on the left, and glanced at the nine people, "It's Konoha's Ninja? This way, Konoha's station is here."

Someone led the way, and quickly climbed to the second floor, and found Konoha's residence.

It is said that it is a resident, which means that seven or eight houses are allocated for the candidates who arrived one step earlier.


"Let me see, the wound is not inflamed or festered... the physical exercise is very good."

His slender and fair fingers lightly landed on the injured calf. Long Dan clearly knew that the doctor in front of him was a man, but he blushed when he saw that face, which was three points prettier than a woman's.

Fortunately, because the injury was on the calf, he was lying on the bed.

This avoids awkward eye contact, and potentially even more awkward situations.

"The injury is not serious. Eat more meat for the next two days and make up for it. It will heal soon."

Bai pressed the wound with both hands, and used the palm fairy technique to help heal the wound. As for the missing part of the flesh, the gentian had to grow it slowly by itself.

Fortunately, the vitality of the Uzumaki family has always been tenacious. With Bai's help, this injury really healed within two days.

"Brother Bai, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Yunyin Village?"

Xiu Yuan sat on the armchair beside her, dangling around like riding a horse.

"Did you forget the news you sent back?" There was a smile on Bai's face, and Xiuyuan's heart skipped a beat.

Fortunately, when they were young, the two of them had a lot of contact, so Xiu Yuan developed a little resistance.

"Knowing that there are those two dangerous elements active, how could you let you stay here? Not only me, but half of the jonin in the mission have rushed over this time... Xiuyuan, you should have sensed it, right? "

"Hmm! Teacher Zhishui is upstairs."

Xiuyuan nodded, before entering the stone pagoda, he had already sensed the entire stone pagoda.

"Minato-sama informed Yunin, but Yunin didn't pay much attention to it. In short, when you take action next, you must be accompanied by at least three jounin. Those candidates who were eliminated are also gathered together. Master Minato sent back to the village."

Bai continued.

"Isn't it? Three Jonin escorts? It's not so strict in the prison, is it?"

Gendan couldn't help turning around and complaining.

"Also, what's the situation with that dangerous person? What happened?"


Xiuyuan looked at Bai, he didn't know whether to tell this matter or not.

"It's okay, let's talk about it. I was going to tell you about this. After all, you have to stay in Yunyin Village to take the next exam, and someone will tell you about it later."

With Bai's words, Xiuyuan immediately felt relieved, and briefly talked about Senju Zen and Uchiha Genzong.

"I'm going, two S-level rebels... isn't it just a Chunin exam? How did it become so dangerous?"

Gendan sighed sadly, with a melancholy expression on his face.

"Haha, Gendan, you can also choose to abstain! Wait until five o'clock, just to determine the list of candidates for the second exam. At that time, abstention is allowed..."

Xiu Yuan laughed.

Outside the window, the sun was slowly sinking towards the west.

(End of this chapter)

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