The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 476 The Second Exam Begins

Chapter 476 The Second Exam Begins

five o'clock.

The gate of the stone tower was closed at this moment.

More than fifty cloud ninjas set off from the stone tower under the leadership of the perception ninja, looking for candidates who did not arrive at the stone tower within the time limit.

inside the tower.

In the hall on the first floor, the square bluestone blocks are paved tightly, and dozens of strange statues are erected under the walls on both sides.

Candidates who passed the first round of screening stood up in a team of three, standing in the center of the hall, in front of a huge statue of gods and Buddhas.

the next moment.

An incomparably bright light suddenly appeared in midair, except for a small number of people who possessed the technique or wore sunglasses, the rest of the people closed their eyes subconsciously.

When the strong light faded away, they all opened their eyes and looked up.

There is one more person in front of the statue of God and Buddha. It is an old man with light yellow hair and long beard. He wears a thunder shadow hat on his head and a thunder shadow windbreaker on his back. His solemn face is full of majesty.

Four cloud ninjas stood on the left and right sides of the old man, protecting them closely.

There was a commotion among the cloud ninja candidates.

The third generation of Raikage has arrived!

Under the statues on both sides, the ninjas led by Yunnin, Konoha and Sand ninja also appeared one after another.

"Hey, Xiuyuan, what happened to that light just now?"

"I don't know, but it's probably the technique of time and space... maybe, I can't say for sure." Xiuyuan shook her head and lowered her voice.

The range of his perception was only limited to the tower, and he was not sure where this Raikage came from.

"The technique of time and space, is it the same as Dad's Flying Thunder God technique?"

Naruto stared at Sandai Raikage intently, sizing him up.

"Xiuzai, are you alright?" Sheath of Thousand Hands asked worriedly.

"It's okay, the medicine is very effective, and Senior White's medical skills are very powerful."

Kaguya Shuya's complexion was as pale as paper, his right hand was still limp and he couldn't use his strength, but he stood firmly.

"Didn't the three generations of Raikage say that they are all old men? Why don't they look very old?"

"... Kankuro, you idiot, don't ask me."

He rolled his eyeballs.

"But speaking of it, there are so many newcomers in Konoha! They all look so young." Temari looked sideways at Konoha's camp, a group of twelve and thirteen-year-old boys and girls, very eye-catching.

Kankuro shrugged, but said nothing.

Gaara was expressionless, quietly looking at Raikage on the steps ahead.

While the examinees were whispering, the instructors on both sides were also chatting.

"I really didn't expect it! These little guys took the Chunin exam for the first time, and they performed so well." Shisui Uchiha had an unstoppable smile on his face. Looking at these high-spirited teenagers and girls, his mood also changed. Very happy.

"Haha, this is youth!!"

A Kai gave a thumbs up, doing the classic signature pose, and all the ninjas with their white and shining teeth turned their heads sideways.

Can't bear to look at this kappa.

"How? Shiro, is there any problem?" Uchiha Obito stood beside Shiro and asked in a low voice.

"I haven't found anything yet, but I can't be careless... The ability of those white monsters to hide their breath is simply a cheating existence, so be prepared at any time."

Bai stretched out his hands to gather the hair scattered around his ears, Obito's blood surged up immediately, his face was as red as a ripe tomato, he hastily closed his eyes, and expelled that charming scene from his heart.

"I only like Lin! I only like Lin! I only like Lin..."

Hearing Obito's muttering, Shiro rolled his eyes angrily.

However, this scene made the three cloud ninjas not far away instantly bend over.

"Master Bai is so beautiful!!"

The three female medical ninjas looked at Bai's back obsessively, their eyes could no longer tolerate the existence of other people.

Ever since Tsunade led Shiro to practice medicine at Konoha Hospital, a large number of young female ninjas suddenly reported and applied to change jobs to become medical ninjas. The little girls in the medical department also fell under Bai's peerless beauty.

The most frustrating thing is that there are still many male ninjas running to Konoha Hospital without any problems.

"... 39 people, thirteen teams, that's a lot of people eliminated!"

"In one round of exams, 80.00% or nearly 90.00% of the candidates were directly eliminated... Yunin's method feels very good!" Asma was smoking a cigarette and talking to Hong.

There were originally nearly 300 candidates, but now only 39 are left. Yun Nin's assessment method is very outstanding.

"The Little Ninja Village has all been wiped out, and those who remain are basically candidates from the Great Ninja Village."

Hong looked at the team she led, feeling a little worried.

The 39 candidates who remained in the field were 18 Konohas, nine Sand Ninjas, nine Cloud Ninjas who were landlords, and finally the only Urenin team, the three Suzurans.

The third generation of Lei Yingwei's serious face could not be seen in the slightest loss or displeasure.

Calm eyes swept over the faces of the candidates, but the old man's face still showed no waves.

"Ahem, be quiet, anyone who talks again will be disqualified from the exam."

The handsome blond Yun Ren, Xi, he stepped forward, raised his voice, and suppressed the commotion among the candidates.

After all the candidates were quiet, Xi continued:
"Next, Lord Raikage of the third generation will personally explain to you the rules of the second exam. Listen carefully to me."

Originally, there was no need for Raikage to appear in the second exam, the chief examiner was Xi, but because he learned from Konoha's yellow flash, two S-rank traitorous ninja sneaked into the Chunin exam venue.

After thinking twice, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the Chunin exam.

The third generation of Raikage used the technique of heavenly gift, appeared inside the stone tower, and personally sat in to ensure the smooth progress of the exam.

"...I don't like to talk for too long. I will tell you directly that the next second exam is still a fight, a fight to risk your life. Ninjas exist to fight. If you lose the fight, the ninja will die It’s nothing, so use your fists to tell your opponents what is truth.”

The third Raikage's voice was very deep, like a storm brewing, full of oppressive force.

"The rules of the second exam are very simple. Draw lots for one-on-one battles. The winner enters the final round of exams. The loser... is just a loser. Before the exam starts, let me tell you, The second and third rounds of exams are tests of personal strength, if you think you are not strong enough, you can quit now..."

A sharp light burst out from the old eyes, like a sword piercing the chest of every examinee.

At this moment, everyone felt what it means to be strong, and the sweat unknowingly wet the clothes, as if they were just fished out of the water.

"Exiting now will not affect your teammates. From now on, we will fight on our own. Even if the same team is divided into opponents, it is not impossible... So, think carefully!"

The third Raikage said the last sentence calmly, and then looked at all the candidates in silence.

"I quit."

The first one to raise his hand was among Konoha's six teams.

Kaguya Shuya reluctantly raised his left hand.

It would not affect his teammates, which made him a lot easier, and finally did not implicate Sheath and Haruka.

One arm was broken, and it was still the right arm. It is Shiro's medical skill that Shuya Kaguya can stand here now. Fighting or something is just a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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