girl line

Chapter 1 Nether Energy S-Class

Chapter 1 Nether Energy S-Class

Liu Nianfeng never imagined that he would come to an era 5000 years later. He was originally a student of the School of Archeology at Peking University, specializing in Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties civilization.As a result, when following the professor to excavate an ancient tomb of the Xia Dynasty, because he accidentally touched the Kowloon mechanism, when he woke up again, he came to the world 5000 years later.

As soon as Liu Nianfeng came to this world, before he had time to understand the situation, he was discovered by the all-pervasive Gaia system, and was locked up by the police as an undocumented black household.

But what can be called humane is that there is actually a computer in the cell, which is connected to the Internet.After a night of endless searching and understanding, Liu Nianfeng finally had a general understanding of the world.

It is now AD 7603, but humans at this time rarely use the AD calendar, and now humans use the star calendar, which is the 5100 year of the star calendar.

On a certain day in 5100, the founder of the human spaceship left the solar system with 3600 scientific researchers, which represented that human beings finally entered the era of space colonization.

But the happy time of human beings in the universe only lasted for 1500 years. In 1507 of the Star Era, human beings met the first star beast they met in their life. A professor named it Candle Dragon after discovering it. The star beast.

As a result, this star beast completely destroyed a galaxy of human beings, wiped out more than 6 human space battleships, and at least 40 billion people died tragically, but this star beast did nothing, not even a hair fell off, just like that He swaggered away.

In the following years, there will be a unilateral massacre of human beings by alien beasts from the stars.

In a period of 500 years, 18 different star beasts passed by the human galaxy, and each appearance meant the complete destruction of the galaxy and no dog or dog was left behind.A total of more than 300 billion people disappeared, and more than 4% of human power was lost. What's more, human beings had no way to deal with the star beast. Even if all the main forces were concentrated in a battle, they would not be able to harm even a single hair of the star beast.

Just when human beings felt extremely desperate and pessimistic, the Jiugan Clan appeared in front of human beings.Human beings paid a price that is still the top secret, and obtained psionic technology and psionic technology from the hands of the Nine Senses.

After obtaining the psychic and psionic technology of the Nine Senses, humans created the starship girl, successfully beheaded the first star beast, and then, under the huge casualties of the starship girls, wiped out all the stars around them. All the star beasts were beheaded.

While humans were cheering for this, humans didn't know that they had poked a hornet's nest, and there was a magical induction between the star beasts. Once a star beast died, the other star beasts in the universe would die. They came one after another to take revenge on this civilization that dared to kill their people.

Thus, the 3000-year star war between humans and star beasts began, and until now, this star war has not yet come to an end, and countless starship girls are still standing on the outermost edge of the human border. , and star beasts launched a life-and-death struggle concerning the survival of the race.


"How could the world be like this in the future?" After learning about the history and outline of this world, Liu Nianfeng muttered to himself in disbelief.

Liu Nianfeng didn't have too much time to think. Two policemen took Liu Nianfeng out of the cell and brought him to a hall where various testing instruments were placed, and finally fixed Liu Nianfeng on a testing chair.

This made Liu Nianfeng feel a little scared. Could it be that the world's pervasive monitoring network Gaia system has discovered that he is a traverser who appeared out of thin air, and plans to dissect himself?

Seeing the various names and instruments around him, Liu Nianfeng felt that this was a very possible thing.

Despite the fear in his heart, Liu Nianfeng was still very calm.I am just an ordinary student. My greatest skill is to identify antiques and characters from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. Apart from that, I have no special skills, let alone a superman. Come down and play by ear.

Soon, a very obese woman in a white coat who seemed to be a staff member came over, followed by two men behind her.

This woman walked majesticly, with the words pride and contempt written all over her body.The man behind her was cautious, bowing his head in a submissive manner, as if he was very afraid of the woman in front of them.

Liu Nianfeng took a special look at the badges hanging on the three people, and found that these three people were all researchers. He sighed in his heart, and it was indeed the same as the information he had checked just now. The future world changes are too great, man The status of women and men has been completely reversed.

In this era, women are the dominant sex, and men have been weakened to the point of becoming vassals of women.

This can also be seen from what happened to Liu Nianfeng next.

"Tell me, how did you escape the management of the Gaia system and not have an identity chip embedded in your body?" The woman asked with a snort.

Fleeting Maple has already learned about the identity chip through the Internet, and knows that it is something similar to an ID card in the future society.It's just a step further than the ID card. The ID card may be lost or forged, but the ID chip is embedded in the human body, bound to the human DNA, working with the biological energy of the human body, and accompanying the human life. is the only means of identifying a person.

In this human society covered by the Gaia system, the identity chip in each human body must be automatically identified hundreds or even thousands of times.Once there is no legal identity chip in the body, it will be discovered by the Gaia system immediately and arrested as a black household. This is why Liu Nianfeng was immediately arrested as soon as he traveled to this world.

"I don't know!" Liu Nianfeng decided to learn the routine of the protagonist in his favorite starting point novel before time travel...pretending to have amnesia.

"I don't know anything, I don't remember anything. When I wake up, the identity chip in my body is gone, and I don't remember everything before." Liu Nianfeng pretended to be in pain Said, as for this woman's belief or not, then Liu Nianfeng can't control it.

"Then let's check your DNA first!" The woman manipulated the tablet controller in her hand, and a small mechanical arm stretched out from the testing chair that trapped Liu Nianfeng, on Liu Nianfeng's arm. After pricking it and sucking a whole tube of blood, it retracted again.

"It seems to be testing my DNA!" Liu Nianfeng guessed secretly.

Sure enough, a test report was sent to the woman very soon. The woman glanced at it and said in surprise, "Are you Liu Nianfeng?"

"Yes, I'm Liu Nianfeng!" Liu Nianfeng also became surprised, he didn't remember telling anyone in this world his name, how did this woman know her name?
Could it be said that the current technology is so sophisticated that it is possible to check people's memory by testing blood?

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help feeling terrified.

"You were born in the No. 16 Maternity Hospital of Nanning Star, but you disappeared inexplicably in the baby room of the hospital just 15 days after you were born. You have been missing for 25 years. Where have you been for these 25 years? Who stole you?" The woman asked in shock.

But at this time, Liu Nianfeng was even more shocked than this woman. Liu Nianfeng had no idea that his DNA was actually recorded in this world, and it was such a perfect record, as if he was really born in this world.

The problem is that I am clearly a human being born 5000 years ago. I have a father and a mother. How could I have DNA records in this world?

Could it be that the theory of DNA is wrong, that everyone's DNA is not completely different, and that there are two human beings with exactly the same DNA in this world?

At the same time, a more terrifying guess was born in Liu Nianfeng's heart, that is, there was an invisible hand behind him, and during the period when he was caught yesterday and tested today, he temporarily added this forged hand to the database. record of.

If this is the case, then things will become extremely complicated and troublesome... Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng has a severe headache, this feeling of not knowing what is going on is really terrible.

"Forget it, I don't care about how you disappeared. I will report your matter to the Ministry of Public Security, which is their responsibility." The female staff member decided to give up such brain-intensive thinking and complete her own duties. Work.

"Since you have a birth record, it's easy to handle. I'll make a new identity chip for you, but it still needs some small tests!"

"Thank you!" Liu Nianfeng said sincerely, no matter how complicated things are hidden behind this, it is undoubtedly the best thing for Liu Nianfeng to have an identity chip now.In just one day, Liu Nianfeng has fully experienced how bad it is to not have an identity chip.

"Lie down! This test will allow us to judge your ability, and then see what kind of school we can assign you to." The woman pressed the controller, and countless rays of light shot out from both sides of the chair, covering On Fleeting Maple's body.Liu Nianfeng only felt a pain in his head, and saw an inexplicable scene.

There is an endless universe in front of him, surrounded by countless space battleships, and on the opposite side of these space battleships is a huge terrifying monster like a planet.

"Ah!" Liu Nianfeng screamed, and escaped from this illusion, sweating profusely, as if he had experienced something very terrifying.

"The test is complete, and the test results are as follows." He only heard a mechanical voice from the test chair.

"Strength Rating: C"

"Tsk tsk, it's too low. As a man, you only have the power of C. You don't even have the only value as a man!" As the computer continued to announce the test results, the female staff also began to comment viciously .

But this sentence also vaguely reveals that in the eyes of people in this era, the only value of a man is pure strength.

"Intelligence score: A+"

"Intelligence is not bad, actually has A+, second only to S and S+, I take back what I just said, you may be a scientist, it is still worth something!" It also looks a lot better.

"Psychic Energy Score: S"

"Damn it! S! It's actually S! My God, it's actually a man of S-level phantom energy! No, I want to report it, so I will report it right away! My God! Our CD star also has a man of S-level phantom energy !" Seeing this result, the woman suddenly became very excited, and the two men behind the woman were also shocked, or jealous.

Yes, they looked at Liu Nianfeng with extremely jealous eyes, as if they wished to swallow Liu Nianfeng alive.

Besides, the obese female staff member, after reporting the news of Youneng S to her boss, this female staff member rushed to Liu Nianfeng's side, looking at Liu Nianfeng with affectionate eyes, as if she wanted to pick it up immediately. Stripped of Liu Nianfeng's clothes, Bawang looked like he was bowing hard.

"My psionic energy is actually at the S level!" Liu Nianfeng also looked confused. After consulting the information, Liu Nianfeng clearly knew what S-level psionic energy means... This means that Liu Nianfeng has become The world's number one male breed (harmony) horse.

[PS: Ahem, the author's new book is here again, everyone applauds and welcomes.This time it’s still double-opening, and the update of Jianniang will not be affected. I really wanted to write about Jianniang honestly, but the problem is that "Azur Lane" is so fun, I want to write it...]

(End of this chapter)

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