girl line

Chapter 2 Future World

Chapter 2 Future World
This is a crazy future, an era where women are superior to men, and the core reason for this situation is because of the Starship Girls, a group that is responsible for the rise and fall of the entire human race.

Human beings are engaged in life-and-death struggles with star beasts all the time, and star beasts can be immune to all the thermodynamic weapons before humans.

During the most terrifying 500 years in the history of human beings, there was no way to resist, no way to escape, and could only let the star beasts slaughter until the starship girl appeared.

The starship girl is a human girl with two aptitudes of psionic energy and psionic energy. The combat weapon born with psionic energy core and psionic spar is the only weapon for human beings that can harm star beasts.

For more than 3000 years, Starship Girl has been fighting desperately against star beasts... because only women, and pure girls, can become Starship Girls.

Because of the destructive power possessed by the starship girl herself, after hundreds of years of social changes and riots, the originally male-dominated human world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and she has mastered both the right to survival and the right to violence Powerful women have completely turned themselves into masters, and at the same time held political and military power in their hands, becoming the dominant sex in the human world.

Because men were unable to fight against star beasts, and no longer had the advantage in physical strength and strength, they gradually evolved into the role of auxiliary production, just like those women who raised fields and picked mulberries at home in ancient times.

Of course, in terms of universal values, we still pay attention to the equality of men and women, and any man holds up half the sky.

But in real life, men are oppressed and discriminated against... In the beginning, men did not resist, but as time passed, more and more men were born in the era of female authority, and there is no memory of the era of male authority. Later, the men gradually lost the idea of ​​resistance, just like those women who obeyed the three obediences and four virtues in ancient times, and finally settled down. After all, men and women are still equal in name!
This is also the reason why Liu Nianfeng felt deeply frightened and angry after learning about the status quo of this world.Liu Nianfeng lives in the era of male authority, although he has also chanted the slogan of equality between men and women since childhood, but Liu Nianfeng is a machismo in his bones.

He can have equality between men and women, but it must be the equality between men and women dominated by men, not the equality between men and women dominated by women as it is now.

So Liu Nianfeng felt deep pain in his heart. He had the idea of ​​wanting to change the world again and make men stand up again, but he didn't know how to do it.

Originally, Liu Nianfeng had found an ordinary job and settled down, and was slowly thinking about this issue.

But Liu Nianfeng didn't expect that his psionic energy was actually at the S level, which meant that Liu Nianfeng didn't even want to settle down normally, and could only be used as a reproductive machine, constantly planting seeds for other women.

Yes, Fleeting Maple no longer has the right to choose.

Because the starship girl needs a human being who has both psionic qualifications and psionic qualifications to be able to serve.

According to human research, men are born with an advantage in psionic energy, and the intensity of psionic energy is often greater than that of women.

On the contrary, women have an advantage in psychic power, and the strength of psychic power is often greater than that of men.

Further research found that a daughter's psionic aptitude and psionic aptitude depend to a certain extent on her parents. If a father's psionic aptitude is A, then his daughter's psionic aptitude is more likely to be A than other people The psionic aptitude of a human daughter is about a hundred times greater.

In the same way, the same is true for the inheritance of the mother's psionic talent.

Although it is not to say that there is no possibility of ordinary parents giving birth to a daughter with superior aptitude, but this probability is definitely lower than that of parents with superior aptitude.

By the way, although men also have psychic aptitude, since ancient times, there has never been a man with a psychic aptitude greater than D, and D is the minimum threshold for becoming a starship girl.

But women don't have such restrictions. In history, there have been quite a few girls whose psionic energy has reached S level.

This is why Starship Girls can only be women, not men.

Closer to home, if Liu Nianfeng's psionic aptitude is S, then the possibility of his daughter having a psionic aptitude above D level will be greatly increased, at least a hundred times, and the possibility of having a daughter with A-level psionic aptitude is even higher. increased tens of thousands of times.

The preciousness of Liunianfeng can be imagined, as long as Liunianfeng is allowed to mate with those females with top-level psychic qualifications, and then conceive and have children, more daughters with top starship girl talents can be born .

By the way, although I don't know the specific reason, it is only possible to give birth to a starship girl in the case of natural conception.Artificial interference like test-tube babies, which violates nature, absolutely cannot give birth to a girl with the qualifications of a starship girl.

Whenever a man with S-level psionic talent appears, the government will not hesitate to allow the other party to have any right to choose to turn this man into a super humanoid automaton.

This is sowing seeds under orders. The government is begging you to be a prostitute. The government will take the initiative to send those innocent girls to you.Moreover, there are special people who are in charge of conditioning your body and help you become a **** by various means. You can be called the emperor of the new era.

So when the two male research institutes heard that Liu Nianfeng had the S-level psionic qualification, they were immediately envious, and wished they could jump up to replace Liu Nianfeng, and become the future with the S-level psionic qualification** *.


Following the staff's report, only a few minutes later, the door of the research room was slammed open, and countless women in uniforms filed in, looking at Fleeting Maple as if they were looking at rare treasures.

Then the leader, an extremely beautiful beauty, waved his hand and said, "Take him away, we want this man, take him back to the academy!"

After the words were finished, the others gathered around Liu Nianfeng in a hurry, planning to take him away.

"Wait!" Seeing this scene, Liu Nianfeng suddenly yelled, temporarily frightening the women around him, and shouted, "I don't want to be a prostitute, I refuse!"

What Liu Nianfeng said is half true and half false, in fact, Liu Nianfeng does not reject being a prostitute deep in his heart, or Liu Nianfeng also wants to open a big harem.

But he will never be a woman under the control of others, who regards womanhood as the only goal and task in life, without any self and freedom to speak of... If this is the case, then Liu Nianfeng would rather die.

"There is no room for you to refuse!" The beautiful woman snorted coldly, and then ordered the people around her, "Make him faint before I take him away."

"Yes!" A woman took out the needle, and the other women hurriedly pressed Liu Nianfeng onto the chair.

"I don't want it!" Seeing the liquid in the needle being injected into his body, Liu Nianfeng began to struggle crazily, and then hit a certain switch of the testing chair with his hand, and several rays of light shot out immediately.

"Psionic qualification testing begins!" The testing chair prompted.

"This good-for-nothing man, it's dishonest for him to be a prostitute, and it's a waste of my resources to test my psychic aptitude." The beautiful woman snorted coldly, and everyone didn't take this psychic aptitude test seriously .

"Psychic qualification testing completed: grade: S-level," the testing chair said without any emotion.

The entire laboratory instantly became silent, and everyone stared at the unconscious man lying on the testing chair in dumbfounded.

"My God!" the beautiful woman said to herself blankly, "Is the first male starship girl in the universe about to be born!"

(End of this chapter)

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