girl line

Chapter 3 Reach Starship Girls Academy 1

Chapter 3 Reach Starship First Starship Girls Academy
"What are you going to do with me?" Liu Nianfeng looked at the glamorous mature woman in front of him very melancholy. Since the test that day, Liu Nianfeng has been taken to a larger research institute with more advanced equipment. Under the control of the woman, various research and tests were carried out day and night, which lasted for about half a month. Liu Nianfeng was afraid that one day he would wake up and find that he had been cut into several pieces.

"Don't hate us, after all, you are so special, and your research value is very high. If it wasn't for the order from above, I really want to cut you into pieces and soak them in formalin!" The words made Liu Nianfeng feel a chill.

"But you're lucky. The higher-ups said it's a pity to slice you up. We need to see where your limit is, or where the limit is on the road of Starship Girl!" the glamorous mature woman said lightly.

"You want me to be a ship girl?" Liu Nianfeng is a college student and a deep Two-dimensional lover. He is naturally familiar with the ship girl, which is popular in the entire Two-dimensional community.

In fact, Liu Nianfeng is a senior admiral, from ship C to ship R to ship B, Liu Nianfeng is a dalao-level admiral.

According to Liu Nianfeng's understanding, the starship girls in this world seem to be very similar to those ship girls in the game, they are all in the state of fusion of girls and battleships.

Thinking that I would be like those ship girls, wearing all kinds of revealing weird clothes, carrying a set of ship suits on my back, revealing more than a dozen cannons, and five or six torpedoes tied to my legs... Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng The whole person is not good.

"Although I really want to see you as a starship girl, but you have special aptitude. You can't be a starship girl, but you can be a star admiral." The beautiful mature woman squinted her eyes and said with great interest.

"Admiral Xingchen?" Liu Nianfeng vaguely remembered that he had seen this name on the Internet, but Liu Nianfeng didn't know anything about the difference between Admiral Xingchen and Starship Girl.

Seeing Liu Nianfeng's bewildered look, the glamorous mature woman sighed, and touched her forehead helplessly, "I almost forgot, you lost your memory, and you don't know about Admiral Xingchen, so I'll briefly introduce you."

"Although the starship girl has a strong individual combat ability, when facing the star beast, the power of one person is still too weak. Only by gathering the power of multiple starship girls can it be possible to defeat the powerful star beast. .”

"However, the Starship Girls can't simply form a team to fight together. They need the Star Admiral to coordinate, manage, and order the Starship Girl alone... Simply put, the Star Admiral is the commander of the Starship Girl."

"Even a trash star admiral can more than double the strength of a team of starship girls; and a star admiral with strong strength, clear thinking, and amazing strategy can make a team of starship girls explode." Girls burst out several times or even dozens, hundreds of times their own strength."

"From this point of view, the importance of the star admiral is equivalent to several or even a dozen starship girls. According to the order of the Star Fleet Joint Command, it is best for every starship girl to have her own star admiral. "

"Then match it, isn't it hard to find someone who wants to be a leader these days?" Liu Nianfeng interrupted the glamorous mature woman, and interjected.

"Do you think Admiral Star is a planet in the universe, how many do you want?" The glamorous mature woman snorted coldly, "Tell you, Admiral Star's qualification requirements are much more stringent than those of Starship Girl, and Starship Girl only needs spiritual power." The two items of psionic energy and psionic energy are above D-level, more or less one or two qualified girls can be found out of 1000 girls."

"Um, does this admiral of the stars require psionic energy and psionic energy to be at C-level or B-level at the same time?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"That's not true. It has nothing to do with the strength of the level. Even if it is only D-level or above psionic energy and psionic energy, it can still become an admiral of the stars."

"What's so difficult about that?"

"The difficulty is that the level of psionic energy and the level of psionic energy must be at the same level, idiot!" The beautiful mature woman knocked on Liu Nianfeng's head forcefully, "I want to coordinate and command several or even a dozen starships at the same time." For a young girl to fight, she needs the psionic energy and psionic energy in her body to be in a balanced state."

"If a person's psionic aptitude is different from psionic aptitude, the strength of psionic energy and psionic energy will soon be separated. It is almost impossible to balance. Only psionic aptitude and psionic aptitude Only at the same level can the two kinds of energies be improved smoothly at the same time, this is the necessary basis for becoming an admiral of the stars, do you understand!"

"I understand!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and said thoughtfully, "No wonder you said that I have the talent to become an admiral of stars, because my psionic aptitude and psionic aptitude are both S-level, exactly on the same level! "

"Yeah, the two star admirals with S-level qualifications, even I feel jealous of you from the bottom of my heart!" After touching it, he said lewdly, "Or you might as well marry me, and I will treat you well for the rest of my life!"

"..." The goosebumps on Liu Nianfeng's body rose, although this glamorous mature woman, both in appearance and figure, was equal to a great beauty, if it was before time travel, Liu Nianfeng would have pounced on her long ago.

But this era is different, because of the development of biological beauty technology, human beings, especially female human beings, can perfectly fix their appearance before the age of 35. Even a 90-year-old woman still looks 35 years old.God knows how old this glamorous mature woman is, Liu Nianfeng doesn't want to waste her youth on a 90-year-old grandma.

"Hahaha!" After molesting Liu Nianfeng, the beautiful mature woman was in a good mood, and threw a document from her desk and put it in front of Liu Nianfeng.

"I have some good news for you. According to the order of the Star Fleet United Command, you have been assigned to the second class of the Star Admiral's first grade under the No. [-] Starship Girls Academy on CD Star to receive training from the Star Admiral."

"I hope that Comrade Liu Nianfeng can always take the revival of human beings as his great cause and destroy the stars and beasts as his duty, study hard, fight with blood, devote himself to death, and die!"

"Ganqing is going to school again!" Liu Nianfeng was in a complicated mood holding the admission notice.In his previous life, he crossed time before finishing his university studies, but this time he had to start studying again.

"*******, why do you avoid it because of good fortune and misfortune?" Suddenly, such words came out from the mouth of the beautiful mature woman.

"What does this mean?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback when he heard that, looking at the glamorous mature woman inexplicably, only felt the words +1 second pop out of his head.

"This is the school motto of the No. [-] Starship Girls Academy on CD Star, I think you must remember this school motto!" said the beautiful mature woman, "Okay, you can go out through this door, there is someone waiting for you at the door, She will take you directly to your dormitory. Get ready, class can start tomorrow."

"Hehe, you really know how to choose the school motto!" Liu Nianfeng complained in his heart, but the words of the glamorous mature woman made him a little puzzled, is this place so close to the No. [-] Starship Girls Academy on Zhiyuan Star?It's just a few steps out of the door.

"May I ask, where is this place? Beautiful sister, who are you!" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously what he thought of.

"Finally know that I need to ask my sister about my identity?" The glamorous mature woman said with a charming smile, "This is the principal's office of the No. Lexington."


"Hey, my wife's personality is not like this!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help sighing in his heart when he thought of his beloved wife in the ship.

【PS: Don’t worry if you haven’t played ship girl games before.It's just some small complaints, and it won't affect any plot of the main text. You can read it with confidence. 】

Liu Nianfeng opened the door of the principal's office, and sure enough, he saw a young girl waiting for him at the door.

"Unexpectedly, there will be a maid costume in 5000 years!" Seeing the girl who led her way wearing a standard Gothic maid costume, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, only good things can be passed down for thousands of years!

"Excuse me, are you a starship girl too?" Liu Nianfeng, who was a little bored following the maid walking in the building, asked curiously.

"How can a little girl have the qualifications to become a starship girl? We are just maids hired by the academy to take care of the noble starship girls' daily life! We are all ordinary people!" hurt her.

"Hehe!" Liu Nianfeng smiled awkwardly. At this moment, the two of them just walked out of the building. Half a month after Liu Nianfeng came to this world, he finally saw the bright sunshine again, and the beauty in the sunshine. Cute girls strolling around.

As expected, this is the Academy of Starship Girls. Looking around, there are all girls in short uniforms, showing two lovely white and tender thighs... Fleeting Maple who sees such a beautiful scenery can be described as refreshing.

However, Liu Nianfeng was not the only one who felt refreshed, these girls seemed to become relaxed and happy after discovering the man Liu Nianfeng appeared on campus.

"Look! Man!"

"My God! It's a man!"

Liu Nianfeng detonated the atmosphere of the entire campus like a bomb, and those girls who looked elegant and reserved just now suddenly surrounded him one after another, surrounded Liu Nianfeng, commenting wantonly.

"It's pretty handsome
These girls wantonly said some jokes, which made Liu Nianfeng, who is a man, feel a little ashamed and scared. He felt that these girls seemed to turn into perverts in an instant and strip off his poor clothes.

"Yes, this is a world of female authority. The word pervert is no longer used to describe men, but to describe women!" The extremely uncomfortable experience brought about by the inequality between men and women.

In the end, it was Lexington who appeared to help Liu Nianfeng out of the siege, she reprimanded those perverted girls who were in heat to disperse, and the little maid was able to bring Liu Nianfeng to the dormitory safely.

"This dormitory is not bad! Are the living conditions of the students here so good?" Liu Nianfeng looked up and down his dormitory, and found that it was a room of about 100 square meters, with bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and all kinds of home appliances... This is not a school dormitory, it is clearly a well-decorated hotel-style apartment.

"Of course not. The students all live in a four-person dormitory. This is a teacher's apartment, and it's all for teachers to live in. Because you are a man, the principal has specially approved this apartment for you. ’ explained the maid.

"Hey! It's a pity, I'd rather live in a dormitory!" Liu Nianfeng lost interest when he heard that he was living alone. It would be great if he lived with three beautiful starship girls.

"Master, please don't have such thoughts. If you live in the dormitory, if those girls are not careful, they won't have such a good personality!" Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, the maid immediately persuaded a little nervously.

"What's wrong with being a man!" Liu Nianfeng said indifferently.

"Oh... so the master..." Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, the maid immediately took out a small notebook from under her skirt and began to write it down... While writing it down, she silently read what she wrote, Let Liu Nianfeng hear one head and two big ones.

"Hey! How can you use it to describe me? Isn't this used to describe a woman?" Liu Nianfeng said anxiously.

"No, this is used to describe a man!" The maid opened her eyes, blinking at Liu Nian Feng and said.

"Eh... I won't talk..." Liu Nianfeng was about to despair, what kind of future world is this?

[PS: Ahem, the author has double-opened for the third time, and this time I used a large size, so you can probably read this book with peace of mind!In other words, it seems that it is still a little short to make up [-] characters]

(End of this chapter)

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