girl line

Chapter 4 Star Admiral

Chapter 4 Star Admiral
At this moment, unlike the usual quiet and peaceful atmosphere of studying hard, the entire campus is filled with an atmosphere of impetuousness and excitement.

Although the area of ​​the First Starship Girls Academy on Zhiyuan Star is almost as large as that of Beijing in the Earth Era, it is necessary to drive a hovering speed car to move around the campus.

But no matter how big the territory is, an explosive news would spread extremely quickly.

In just one night, a man appeared on campus, and the news that this man was likely to become a student in the school spread throughout the campus, and almost all the girls were discussing this explosive news.

For girls in this era, this news is like a woman suddenly found in a military camp full of men.

"Boss, have you heard? There is a man who is going to class with us soon, so excited!" A girl with a cute appearance, a single ponytail, and various blushes on her face excitedly held said the little fist.

"I said, Wang Chao, why are you so excited? Look at yourself, how could this handsome guy like you?" A girl with a dog-legged temperament said something disdainful, and then dragged The other girl on the side was so arrogant that she almost wrote on her head that I was the boss, and said flatteringly, "The so-called handsome guy deserves a hero. Only a hero like our boss can get that man. You all stand aside!"

"Hey, don't be so absolute!" The boss at the side said, "I, Chen Shihan, don't want any man. Only handsome men are worthy of me. I don't even look at ordinary men. If you like it, go soak him."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! The boss is right! Our boss can only date handsome men, and ugly people are not worthy of our boss!"

The three girls seemed to be a small group, and the three of them chatted with relish, and when they were almost drooling, they suddenly heard a cold snort of disdain.

"Your mind is full of rubbish! Apart from your talent, why do you become an admiral of the stars?" A man was wearing a neat military uniform of the United Universe Fleet, and the admiral's cap on his head was worn neatly. A scrupulous young girl criticized with a serious face.

It is worth noting that this young girl has long golden-yellow hair, which is a distinct feature of the Europa race.

"I said von Hindenburg, what do you mean? Do you want to fight?" Chen Shihan stood up from the chair and followed von Hindenburg viciously.

"Hmph, I just want to remind you that as an admiral of the stars, you must maintain your pure body. If you want a man so much, please take off this military uniform and don't waste the resources of the academy." After saying this, von Hindenburg swaggered away.

"Hey! Look at my violent temper, I have to teach him a lesson today!" Chen Shihan rolled up his sleeves and was about to start, but at this moment a bell rang in the classroom.This was the bell for class, no matter how courageous Chen Shihan was, he would not dare to fight during class, so he could only sit back in his seat in anger, waiting for the teacher to arrive.


Unlike usual, the teacher who used to appear in the classroom at most 20 seconds after ringing the bell, actually waited for nearly 5 minutes before arriving late.But everyone soon understood the reason why the teacher came late, because behind the teacher was a man with his head held high and his face full of curiosity.


"A real man!"

"My God! Man!"

"Is he going to be assigned to our class? I'm so excited, look at me, isn't it beautiful today? Isn't it attractive?"

The students in the classroom let out exclamations one after another. The appearance of this man made the whole classroom chaotic.

"Quiet! Be quiet! Don't forget your identities. You are all noble admirals of the stars, not teddy dogs who can't walk when they see a man." The teacher scolded, which made the classroom quiet again.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, please introduce yourself!" The teacher turned to Liu Nianfeng who was behind him.

"Hi everyone, my name is Liu Nianfeng. I am 18 years old. I have a cheerful and generous personality. Because I broke my brain a while ago, I lost all my memories before I was 18, and I can't introduce too many things. That's it. Let's go!" Liu Nianfeng said simply.

"Wow! Liu Nianfeng, what a poetic and picturesque name, and he looks so handsome!" Chen Shihan was firmly attracted by the other party the moment Liu Nianfeng appeared, looking like a pervert who couldn't wait.

"Liu Nianfeng is the first male to have the qualification of Star Admiral in 3000 years, so he temporarily joined Class [-], Grade [-] of our Star Admiral Department."

"Just like Liu Nianfeng introduced himself, he has lost his previous memories, and he doesn't know much about Admiral Xingchen. He is a simple novice. Everyone is Liu Nianfeng's classmate. I hope you can help me in your spare time. Help Liu Nianfeng, help him catch up with our study progress as soon as possible."

"However, there is one thing I must remind you. Don't forget who you are. You are the stellar admirals who shoulder the future of mankind. Don't forget what your taboos are. Once you make mistakes that you shouldn't make, there will be You know the consequences yourself."

"Okay, that's it! There is an empty seat in the fifth row by the window, Liu Nianfeng, you can sit in that seat!" The teacher pointed.

"Damn, isn't this the exclusive position for the legendary anime hero?" Liu Nianfeng looked at the position assigned to him, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.In his era, nine of the male protagonists in ten campus animations sat in this position.

The reason is quite simple, because you can see the heroine or supporting actress who is taking physical education class on the playground at any time through the window.

But the problem is, what Liu Nianfeng sees through the window is a sparkling lake, and there is no playground.

(End of this chapter)

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