girl line

Chapter 5 The battlefield belongs to women, men should go away

Chapter 5 The battlefield belongs to women, men should go away
"Now we are starting class. We were supposed to teach you "Starship Battlefield", but considering that Liu Nianfeng has just come to class, I will explain the basic content again. Students who are not good at learning here can learn it again. Students who do well can also deepen their impression.”


In the next class, the teacher began to talk about the basics of Star Admiral.

This can be said to be the most important step for Liu Nianfeng to understand the world and the admiral of the stars. Therefore, Liu Nianfeng is very serious in class and keeps taking notes. In the world of Admiral Star.

"Hi! Let's go out and play. I know there is a delicious barbecue restaurant nearby. The three-legged frogs grilled there are so delicious. Let me take you to eat, okay?" When Liu Nianfeng was still recalling himself When he just learned something, a fragrant body leaned on Liu Nianfeng's body, which made Liu Nianfeng's heart throbbing uncontrollably.

"Who are you..." Liu Nianfeng turned his head and was taken aback immediately, only to see a girl with glossy hair looking at him salivatingly, as if he wanted to swallow himself alive.

"My name is Chen Shihan, and I'm the boss of this class. From now on, just hang out with me, and I'll cover you!" Chen Shihan patted her chest and said, "Let's go, let's go to dinner, I'll treat you."

"No, this class is not over yet, let's talk about it after class!" Liu Nianfeng quickly refused.

"No! The class is over, it's time for lunch!" Chen Shihan said strangely,

"Are you kidding? I remember that I had one class in the morning, and there are still three classes left!" Liu Nianfeng said puzzled.

"..." After listening to Liu Nianfeng's words, Chen Shihan showed an expression like an idiot.

"Hey... what did I say wrong? Is there any problem here?" Liu Nianfeng felt a little panicked.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, didn't you go to school when you were young? All schools only have two classes a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. This is common sense that even three-year-olds know. How come you don't know?"

"Ahem! I lost my memory... I lost my memory..." Liu Nianfeng coughed, and he habitually brought the memory of the past world to the future world.

Take a look, how beautiful the future world will be. Only two classes are taught every day, which is the dream of every student.

"Okay, let's go eat!" Under Chen Shihan's insistence on dragging the cage, Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to follow him to eat the legendary three-legged frog that was so delicious.

I don't know which planet this three-legged frog is a specialty of. It is as big as a chicken and has three frog legs arranged in a line. Frightened, Liu Nianfeng hesitated for more than ten minutes before mustering up the courage to eat the first frog. A mouthful of frog meat.

But after eating the first bite of meat, Liu Nianfeng completely let go.Indeed, just like what Chen Shihan recommended, this three-legged frog is so delicious that it explodes.

And when Liu Nianfeng was eating, more and more girls gathered around, all of them looked at Liu Nianfeng with bright eyes, as if they wanted to strip Liu Nianfeng's clothes off.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng would like to thank Chen Shihan and her followers. These enthusiastic girls forcefully drove away those girls with unruly intentions around them, and barely gave Liu Nianfeng a stable eating environment.

"Man, I have to tell you, this is not the place you should come to!" Suddenly, a fist hit Liu Nianfeng heavily in front of him. When Liu Nianfeng raised his head, he saw a blond girl in military uniform with a face full of blood. He looked at himself disdainfully.

"She seems to be my classmate too, I saw her in class!" Seeing this blonde girl, Liu Nianfeng recalled, "But did I offend her somewhere? Why does she seem to hate me so much? "

"Feng, what do you want to do?" At the critical moment, Chen Shihan bravely jumped out and took the initiative to confront the blonde girl head-to-head.

"Don't call me Feng... How many times have I told you that my surname is Hindenburg, not Feng!" Several black lines appeared on Feng Hindenburg's forehead.

"That's why I said that you people of Europa blood are really strange. Why do you put your surname at the end? It's against the common sense of science. Newton would crawl out of the coffin in anger when he found out!" Chen Shihan spread her hands and said.

"Newton doesn't care about names, he only cares about physics...and even Newton...his surname is at the back..." There are more black lines on von Hindenburg's forehead.

"Oh! No wonder Newton often crawled out of the coffin. It turned out that the surname was misplaced!"

"Hahaha!" Chen Shihan's complaints made Liu Nianfeng on the side couldn't help laughing, which made von Hindenburg feel ashamed and angry, leaving Chen Shihan aside, pointing directly at Liu Nianfeng's forehead and loudly reprimanded road.

"Men, you go back to the fields to farm; go back to work in the factory; go home and take care of your children; that's where you should stay, and it has nothing to do with you men!"

"The battlefield is our women's business. Please go away, men. We won't let our men get hurt until all the women on the battlefield are dead!" Feng Xing Deng Bo left without turning his head.

"Hey, although Feng's surname is quite annoying on weekdays, I, Chen Shihan, still agree with this sentence!" Chen Shihan suddenly turned around and said to Liu Nianfeng, "You are very handsome, I like you very much, and I hope that You have always been by our side. But just like what Feng said, the battlefield is our woman's business, please leave, you men, you should quit school quickly, and leave this dangerous place, I don't want you to be like this People who can make me fall in love also die on the battlefield!"

Chen Shihan also didn't give Liunianfeng a chance to speak anymore, she left directly with her followers, and the words of these two people seemed to have touched the hearts of other girls around, they were no longer around Liunianfeng, but silently After walking away, Liu Nianfeng's surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet.

Good guy, this Miss Chen Shihan has changed her friendly attitude towards Liu Nianfeng in such a short time, is this a little too fast, is it a little too hasty?
As far as it feels, this is certainly hasty, but there is a certainty behind the haste.

In the beginning, when a woman appeared in the barracks, it naturally aroused the madness of the men.But when this woman tries to challenge the man's status, the situation will become completely opposite.

Every girl in the college has accepted since childhood that women are the protectors of the world, and women should fight to protect their men... This view, so after the excitement at the beginning, the girls are not satisfied with the appearance of Liu Nianfeng. become dissatisfied.

They are not dissatisfied with Liu Nianfeng, but with Liu Nianfeng's gender. It's like the reason why hot-blooded men on the battlefield don't want women to stand in front of them.

So when von Hindenburg pointed out this sentence, Chen Shihan, who was caught in the beauty, suddenly woke up, and left Liu Nianfeng coldly, hoping to make Liu Nianfeng feel excluded, so as to leave this place Women's battlefield.

"This very uncomfortable..." Liu Nianfeng's face was slightly moved, but more of it was ashen-like ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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