girl line

Chapter 6 His battlefield should be on a woman's belly

Chapter 6 His battlefield should be on a woman's belly

In the next few days, Liu Nianfeng clearly felt the changes in the girls around him.

If these girls were happy about the arrival of Fleeting Maple on the first day, they were in a state of spring.Then as von Hindenburg's words spread in the campus, more and more rejection appeared between these girls and Liu Nianfeng, even Chen Shihan rarely talked to Liu Nianfeng, who lived in this campus It becomes like a lonely family.

In fact, all the girls still paid close attention to Liu Nianfeng, but none of them took the initiative to make friends with Liu Nianfeng.

When Liu Nianfeng comes to class every day, he can find a lot of letters in the drawer of his desk. No matter how many words are in these letters and how complicated the words are, they can be summed up in one sentence: "The battlefield is a woman's business. Let the man go away."

They all hope that Liu Nianfeng will drop out of school and leave this school.

However, there is often a beautiful rose along with the letter.

It can be seen that this is the resonance of all women in this era. They do not want men to appear on the battlefield that originally belonged to them.

It's not that they are afraid that men will take away their powerful position, they just sincerely believe that the battlefield is a woman's business and has nothing to do with men.

It's as if everyone in the 21st century thinks that the battlefield is a man's business, and it's enough for a woman to be a field nurse, and bloodshed and sacrifice is a man's bounden duty.

These girls originally thought that such rejection would make Liu Nianfeng retreat. If Liu Nianfeng was really a man who grew up in this era, perhaps Liu Nianfeng would really shrink back.

In the beginning, this kind of ostracism really made Liu Nianfeng feel a little uncomfortable, and even his whole spirit was tortured, and he felt an urge to vent.

But Liu Nianfeng grew up in the 5000st century 21 years ago, in the era when "the battlefield is a man's business, let women go away".
"Me! Liu Nianfeng! How can an imposing seven-foot man be defeated by a group of women like this?" After another day of being excluded, Liu Nianfeng told himself secretly.

"This world is wrong, I will correct this mistake, and I will tell all women in this world that the battlefield is still for men, and women should be protected by us men!" Speaking of this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help clenching his fists, The whole person is full of fighting spirit.

So Liu Nianfeng got into a fight with the girls around him, no matter what actions or threats they made, Liu Nianfeng turned a deaf ear to them.

At the same time, Liu Nianfeng studied every lesson very seriously. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, he worked hard to cultivate his psionic and psionic energy, and spent almost all his time on training his abilities.

Although the beauty outside was like a cloud, Liu Nianfeng was not moved by it at all, and two weeks passed like this.


"Principal? Should we take the initiative to persuade Liu Nianfeng to drop out of school? His battlefield should be on the woman's belly, not here!" The head teacher who brought Liu Nianfeng to class on the first day, who is also Liu Nianfeng, made a list of the principals. Kexington said.

"No, although S-level planters are very rare, it is not difficult to find more than a dozen S-level planters in 18 galaxies, but there has only been one male star admiral in 3000 years, which is much higher than the value of the planter. gone."

"When the prophet heard about Liu Nianfeng, he immediately set up a large quantum array. After calculation, he found that this man is likely to be the opportunity to end the entire era. He must be the admiral of the stars, you understand. "Lexington said cautiously.

"What, Master Prophet actually set up a quantum array!" The head teacher was surprised, and then nodded vigorously and said, "I understand, but the whole school is rejecting him. I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it. give up."

"Don't worry, if you can't bear even this little thing, there is no need for the prophet to set up the quantum array. The best action for us as teachers is to do nothing, and let our students do it at ease Right! After all, we also came here as students.”

"There is one more thing!" The class teacher said again, "Tomorrow is the midterm exam, why don't you let Liu Nianfeng rest first and not take this exam!"

"Why do you say that?"

"He has only been in school for less than two weeks, and he hasn't even built his ghost port. I'm afraid that his self-confidence will be severely damaged if he takes the exam!"

"It doesn't matter! Only the mediocre will be hit, and the real people will know their shame and be brave!"

"Yes, principal, I understand."



It is scheduled to start at 8:[-] tomorrow morning for the Star Admiral Department exam. All students, please get ready and go directly to the virtual building to take the exam tomorrow.

CD City Starship Girls Academy Academic Affairs Office]

Liu Nianfeng looked at the notice sent to him by the class teacher just now, and couldn't help scratching his head, saying, is it really good for me, a student who has only been in class for less than two weeks, to take some mid-term exam directly?

"Liu Nianfeng, you'd better give up, just lie down and sleep in the dormitory tomorrow!" Chen Shihan walked over and said very seriously, this was the first time Chen Shihan talked to Liu Nianfeng in three days... Although Liu Nianfeng was During the class, I felt Chen Shihan's gaze from behind me countless times, and I stared at it for a whole class.

"Why?" Liu Nianfeng asked.

"Do you need to ask? Of course you don't have the ability to pass this midterm exam!" Chen Shihan snorted and said, "You just entered school for two weeks, and you lost all your memories before. You can only pass the midterm exam. It's over!"

"But I heard that only those who pass the exam are eligible to participate in the starship girl's reincarnation ceremony and contract ceremony, and have their first subordinate starship girl. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait for three The final exam in a month's time is really too long!" Liu Nianfeng said unwillingly.

"Handsome Fleeting Maple, I'm not telling you, stop daydreaming, and you may still pass the exam if you practice for half a year, but you, who have only been in class for two weeks, don't even have the time to build your ghost port. Not at all! There is no port of ghosts, and you are still fantasizing about a starship girl, why don't you sleep in the dormitory!" Chen Shihan continued to babble and persuade.

Liu Nianfeng's mind was not on Chen Shihan, but instead he began to think about the port of ghosts...that was a term that the teacher would mention in almost every class.

The so-called harbor of ghosts refers to the harbor of ghosts formed by the psionic and psionic energy in the body of the star admiral, which is the origin and the most important core of every star admiral.

Only stellar admirals with D-level psychic qualifications and psionic qualifications have the opportunity to build their own ghost port.

Once the starship girl's starship soul sailed into Admiral Star's ghost port, the two formally concluded a ghost contract and became a subordinate relationship. "

Liu Nianfeng once made up for the construction method of the ghost port, and learned that two conditions must be met in order to build the ghost port.

One is to be able to freely control the psionic and ghost energy in one's body: use one's own psionic energy to turn into sea water, and use psionic energy to turn into steel rocks, so that a port of ghosts can be built in several bodies.

The second is that the total amount of psionic energy and psionic energy is sufficient, otherwise it will be very funny if there is no energy in half of the construction.

For a novice star admiral, the most difficult thing is the first step: to freely control the psionic and psionic energy in his body.

And if you want to control psionic energy and psionic energy, you must first sense the psionic energy and psionic energy in your body.

(End of this chapter)

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