girl line

Chapter 7 The Art of Inner Vision

Chapter 7 The Art of Inner Vision
According to the information that Liu Nianfeng has consulted, whether it is the star admiral or the starship girl, except for those super geniuses with outstanding talents, generally speaking, it takes about two months to sense the psionic energy and ghost in one's body. Yes, it will take another month or so to fully learn the skills of controlling these energies, and together it will take three months.

It was precisely because of these two months that Chen Shihan asserted with certainty that Liu Nianfeng hadn't even built his ghost port.

In fact, Liu Nianfeng did not build his ghost port well, and even said that Liu Nianfeng didn't even sense the psionic and ghost energy in his body.

After class in the afternoon, Liu Nianfeng ran directly back to his dormitory. The messy bed when he got up in the morning was still very messy. See.


"Spiritual energy and psionic energy are like two small fishes in the human body. They are constantly wandering in your body. You need to immerse your spirit into your body, feel the flow of your blood, and feel the flow of your own blood. Internal organs, feel the airflows of different colors in your body, and then find the most active airflows, one black and one white, this is your psionic energy and psionic energy." This is what the teacher said when he was in class A description of the psionic and psionic energy in his body.

When Liu Nianfeng heard this passage for the first time, he instinctively thought of the technique of inner viewing that has been passed down by Taoism since ancient times.

Liu Nianfeng is still able to recite the general outline of the art of inner viewing. The so-called "travelers do not know how to observe internally, those who travel outside seek preparations from things, and those who observe internally rely on themselves." This is the untold secret of Taoism .

According to the legend of Taoism, if a person wants to cultivate into an immortal, he must first learn the technique of inner vision, and observe the breath in his body through the technique of inner vision, so as to adjust the yin and yang and five elements, consolidate the foundation and cultivate the vitality, and finally become immortal and ascend to immortality .

[PS: I don’t know if this paragraph is true or not, or whether it is possible to cultivate into a fairy, anyway, that’s what Taoism says. 】

Although there is a gap of thousands of years between the two, when compared with each other, there is almost no difference except that one expression is more straightforward and the other expression is more mysterious. , is the art of inner vision.

The bad thing is the internal vision technique. Liu Nianfeng calmed himself down according to the method taught by the teacher, and after emptying his mind... within 3 minutes, Liu Nianfeng fell asleep, and the result could only be in a dream. Go find your psychic and psionic energy.

"Still not!" When Liu Nianfeng opened his eyes again, the sky had become dark, Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly in his heart, knowing that he might have slept all afternoon.

"Hey! It's impossible to be successful with internal vision... When did I fall asleep so easily?" Liu Nianfeng muttered to himself, his mind was terrible.

Liu Nianfeng was not the only one who was troubled by internal vision. Most of the starship girls and admirals were stuck on this level, unable to enter the state of internal vision.

Even if 3000 years have passed, no one has come up with a specific method to teach their students such a mysterious and mysterious thing as internal viewing. They can only roughly say that you should close your eyes to calm your mind, and you must unite your mind and thoughts. Nonsense, most of the students can only rely on their own comprehension to enter the state of internal vision.

In this way, a gap appears. If you are lucky, most girls need a month or even two months to comprehend the state of inner vision.If you are not lucky, some girls who have never been able to get in may not be able to enter the state of inner vision throughout their entire lives.

Liu Nianfeng heard that there was such a girl in the college, from 13 to 43 years old, she was just an ordinary person for 30 years, because she couldn't enter the state of internal vision.

Therefore, Liu Nianfeng's mood is not too bad. After all, he has only practiced for two weeks, and it's not yet a month. He will definitely succeed in the future.

It's just that tomorrow's exam is probably...

"Hey, forget it, let's watch TV!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, and decided to watch TV to change his mood, but when he turned on the TV, he was surprised to find that almost all TV stations were broadcasting the same TV. news.

"Dear viewers and friends, what you are seeing now is the excavation site of fragment A290268. According to the inference of archaeologists, there is a probability of more than [-]% that this meteorite is a fragment of the earth. Maybe we can find it on the meteorite. Items left over from the age of the earth, knowing how our ancestors lived on the earth!"

"Friends from the audience! According to the information received ahead, the archaeological team has excavated a cuboid-shaped object in the meteorite. According to the judgment of experts, this should be a communication tool in the earth age, a mobile phone called Apple. However, the Apple mobile phone has It has lasted for 360 generations, and archaeologists are judging which generation of Apple mobile phones this is!"

After the host's voice fell, a photo appeared on the screen, and on this photo was an old Apple mobile phone with a breath of time.

"You don't need to be judged by an expert... Let me tell you... this is an Apple 7plus!" Liu Nianfeng recognized the model of the phone when he saw this photo, but unfortunately, no one believed him even if Liu Nianfeng told him.

"Has the earth been destroyed by the alien beasts of the stars?" Liu Nianfeng lost interest in watching TV, and fell on the bed in a daze, recalling the 5000-year history.

In the 500 years that can be called hell, more than a dozen galaxies that humans lived in were destroyed, including the solar system, the home galaxy of humans... Including the earth, all galaxies were smashed into pieces by star beasts.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but secretly feel lost, even if he wants to go back to the place where he lived 5000 years ago, it is already impossible, the earth is gone.

"Friends from the audience, what has been unearthed now is an ancient book called "Tao Te Ching". According to the marks on it, it should be a version printed in 2017. It has a history of 5000 years and has extremely precious historical value. "

"It's a pity that the "Tao Te Ching" itself is already in our database. If it is a historical classic that has been lost by human beings, it will have even greater significance!" The host said with some regret after being excited. A large number of classics have been lost in 500 years, especially after the destruction of the earth, more than 2/3 of the historical documents have been lost, which makes human beings deeply regretful. Now any lost classic can be sold for at least one The price of a battleship.

""Tao Te Ching"!" The so-called speaker is unintentional, but the listener is interested. When Liu Nianfeng heard the book "Tao Te Ching", the roots of his ears moved instinctively, and then he sat up suddenly from the bed, clapping excitedly. He shook his head and said, "I'm such an idiot. The ancient books of Taoism must have recorded the method of inner vision. I just need to follow the gourd and draw a scoop!"

In his previous life, Liu Nianfeng was a student of the School of Archeology, and also a student who studied the history of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. He knew all kinds of ancient Chinese books in detail, and he could even recite many ancient books backwards, including many Taoist classics.

As a result, Liu Nianfeng began to quickly search for Taoist classics related to inner vision in his memory. Not to mention, in the end, Liu Nianfeng remembered a Taoist classic called "Qinghua Secret Text", which clearly stated the method of inner vision: "If the heart cannot be quiet, it cannot be called simply the heart, because the gods also serve the heart, and the heart also serves the gods. The two interact with each other, and desires are born. The heart must first restrain the eyes, and the eyes are wandering in the house. The eyes serve the heart, so suppress the eyes and make them return to the heart. Therefore, when looking inward with the eyes, the mind is concentrated and the vitality is abundant.

"Bingo! It's you!" Liu Nianfeng immediately followed the "Secret of Qinghua", rested in peace, put his tongue against his roof, and looked at his nose with his own eyes, and then Through his nose, he thought of his own heart, and then looked down at his dantian. As expected, he soon entered the realm of internal vision that Liu Nianfeng dreamed of.

(End of this chapter)

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