girl line

Chapter 8 No men's locker room?

Chapter 8 No men's locker room?

"Is this the world in my body?" Just like what the teacher and Taoist classics said, after Liu Nianfeng entered the state of inner vision, he saw countless air currents of different colors moving in his body, ranging from red to green. There are blue, green and purple, and some colors that Fleeting Maple can't tell the color at all. They are as varied as a big dyeing workshop. Fleeing Maple has never imagined that there are so many colors in his body.

"Hurry up and find the black and white airflow!" Liu Nianfeng calmed down, and began to look for the legendary spiritual and ghost energy in the colorful airflow.

Unexpectedly, things progressed unexpectedly smoothly, and Liu Nianfeng quickly found his target: because this target was too big and too active, surrounded by air currents the size of caterpillars, but the black and white air As thick as an arm, it would be difficult for Liu Nianfeng to find them in the first place.

"The next step is to control them!" According to the method he had learned, Liu Nianfeng divided his thoughts into two strands, and attached them to the black air flow and the white air flow at the same time.

According to what the teacher said, this first level is also an extremely difficult level, because some black air currents and white air currents are very active and like to mess around.In the state of internal vision, the mind will appear very sluggish.

It's like a crippled crutch trying to catch a live rabbit. It's a very difficult thing. Many girls can't do it successfully after trying for a month.

I don't know why, but Liu Nianfeng went very smoothly, his thoughts were attached to the black air flow and the white air flow at an extremely fast speed, not as slow as the teacher said.

Liu Nianfeng didn't have time to think about the reasons behind it, when his consciousness and psionic energy merged with psionic energy, Liu Nianfeng felt as if he had become these two streams of air.

"Go to the dantian!" Liu Nianfeng shouted excitedly, and then controlled his psionic and psionic energy to move towards the bottom of the body, a white flat land like clouds... This place is the legendary dantian .

"The white one is spiritual energy, it must be turned into the sea!" After arriving at the dantian, Liu Nianfeng's consciousness gave the order to the spiritual energy to turn into sea water.

Immediately, this huge stream of psionic energy made a thunderous explosion, and then it crackled like rain, and the rain continued to fall from the white air stream.

With the continuous accumulation of rainwater in the dantian, a lake-like pool gradually appeared in the dantian... When all the white air currents, that is, psionic energy, turned into rain and fell, a 300-square-meter area of ​​about [-] square meters had appeared in the dantian. The water pool... the size was only judged by Liu Nianfeng based on his own senses. In fact, no ghost knows how big this water pool exists in his body.

"The next thing is psionic energy, which will be transformed into docks and docks!" The black air current that was motionless just now began to undergo various changes with Liunianfeng's thoughts.

It's like kneading plasticine, Liu Nianfeng used his own thoughts to knead the black psionic energy into the shape of a pier and dock, and finally fell heavily on the water.

In this way, a decent-looking pier was formed.


"Why are you still here?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng appearing in the examination room, Chen Shihan put his hands on his hips, a little annoyed, and also looked at Liu Nianfeng with some unbearable anger, "You'd better be mentally prepared now, otherwise don't cry after losing It's as ugly to a man."

"Hey! I'm a man, what does it mean to cry like a man?" Several black lines appeared on Liu Nianfeng's forehead.

"Uh, I made a slip of the tongue, I forgot you are a man!" Chen Sihan smirked, which made Liu Nianfeng feel the displeasure of sexism even more, and began to reflect on himself. When he laughed at others for "crying like a woman", Did it hurt the female friends a little bit!
"Since you are here, you are our opponent, and I will defeat you without hesitation!" Chen Sihan finally ended with these words.

"Students from Admiral's Class [-] come with me to change into combat rhythmic suits!" Under the guidance of the teacher in charge of the virtual building, Liu Nianfeng and others began to prepare to change into combat rhythmic suits.

The virtual reality technology of this era is very mature, just like the virtual reality described in the online game novels of the previous life.However, it has not advanced to the point where consciousness can enter the virtual world with just a helmet.

Players need to wear a combat rhythm suit full of various biological wave receivers in the fabric, and at the same time cooperate with a brain virtual imaging helmet to enter the virtual world.

If you want to enter the virtual world, you must wear a combat rhythm suit, and then cooperate with the complex virtual warehouse to achieve it.

But when Liu Nianfeng was about to change clothes, trouble came.

The changing room of the virtual building adopts an open design. In other words, everyone shares a large public space. Since everyone is a girl, there is nothing wrong with it.

But when Liu Nianfeng appeared, something went wrong. Liu Nianfeng couldn't go to the dressing room full of girls and take off all his clothes to change into a combat rhythm suit!
What's even more painful is that because there are only women, there is no men's changing room in the entire virtual building. Liu Nianfeng can only stand awkwardly at the door of the changing room, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

"Come in, handsome boy!"

"Yes! Come in and change! We won't eat you again!"

"Hee hee, when you change clothes, we promise to close our eyes and never peek at you!" The girls in the changing room didn't mind Liu Nianfeng, and kept encouraging Liu Nianfeng to come in.

But what they said was basically farting, as long as Liu Nianfeng came in, they could feast their eyes on what the man's sexy body looked like, and where would they close their eyes.

"Hey, what's the matter? Why don't you change your clothes? Don't you want to take the exam?" Just when Liu Nianfeng was in a dilemma, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Principal!" Liu Nianfeng shrank his head and said respectfully, it turned out that it was the dean of the college, Lexington, who appeared at this time.

Liu Nianfeng told Lexington all about the embarrassing situation he was facing. Lexington seemed to have heard a very funny joke, covered his mouth and laughed, and finally said, "Come to my office, No one else can spy on you there!"


No one in Lexington's office can spy on Liu Nianfeng, but there is a woman who can openly appreciate Liu Nianfeng's body...that is our principal, Miss Lexington.

Holding the soft combat uniform in his hand, and looking at Lexington's fiery eyes, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but feel uneasy, for fear that as soon as he took off his clothes, this unscrupulous principal would pounce on him like a pervert.

"Hee hee! Are you still afraid that if I eat you, you won't succeed?" Lexington saw through Liu Nianfeng's distress, licked his lips, and said with some regret, "Don't worry, although I have retired to the second line to work in education, I still still work together The space carrier Lexington registered by the headquarters may go to the battlefield to fight at any time, so I have to keep this pure body that gets in the way and hate it, and I will not and dare not do anything to you!"

"What do you mean?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback.

"You don't know? Didn't your teacher tell you?" Lexington also froze for a moment, then explained with a wry smile

"Whether it's the starship girl or the star admiral, you must maintain your pure body. Otherwise, once you break your body, the psionic and psionic energy in your body will quickly fade away, and you will turn back to a mortal within half a year, so the joint The headquarters strictly ordered that all registered starship girls are prohibited from engaging in any impure behavior, and must maintain their virginity."

"Once you violate this rule, you can wait to go to a military court, and you will be sentenced to at least ten years in prison. It's terrifying!" Lexington said, patting his plump chest.

"That is to say, those girls are women who can be seen but not played with!" Hearing what Lexington said, Liu Nianfeng suddenly felt helpless.

"Wrong!" Lexington waved his hand, "It's not that they should be seen and not be played with, but you, a man, should be seen and not be played with."

"Actually, you don't need to come to me to change clothes. You can change clothes directly in the changing room. Apart from the uncomfortable sight, there will be no other risks."

"Forget it, I'll change clothes at your place!" Liu Nianfeng pouted, without hesitation, took off his clothes, and changed into this blood-red combat rhythm suit.

"Wow! It's amazing! It's so big!" Our dean, Miss Lexington, lay down in front of Liu Nianfeng without any morals, staring at Liu Nianfeng's breasts, admiring Liu Nianfeng's breasts.


"How can this suit be like this..." This combat rhythm suit is indeed a futuristic technology. Although it is a one-piece suit that covers from head to toe without a trace of ventilation holes, it feels like a gel coat when touched.

But when I actually put it on, I found that the clothes are very light and fit very close to the body. Although there are no ventilation holes, the body does not feel any suffocation. It is as natural as wearing a brand new skin.What's even more amazing is that after wearing this suit, even the body becomes active and full of strength, as if wishing for a [-]-meter long-distance run.

As far as the wearing experience is concerned, this battle rhythm suit is naturally not black. It is not only comfortable to wear, but also very beautiful. Looking in the mirror, it looks like the battle suit in the anime "Evangelion".

(End of this chapter)

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