girl line

Chapter 9 Hummingbird-class Star Destroyer

Chapter 9 Hummingbird-class Star Destroyer


Returning to his classmates again, Liu Nianfeng suddenly found that all eyes were focused on be precise, on his combat rhythm suit.

Because the combat rhythm suit is extremely close-fitting, Liu Nianfeng's body lines are perfectly outlined.In addition, when Liu Nianfeng was a student, he often followed his mentor to dig archaeological tombs in various places.So the physical fitness is very well trained, although not to the extent of having nine-pack abs, but the three shallow mermaid lines can still be seen.

Although these three mermaid lines are very attractive to these girls who can't see men in their lives, they are not enough to make all girls drool.

"You blue-faced disaster... Please quit school quickly, don't let us be distracted!" A blond girl walked up to Liu Nianfeng and said coldly.

This girl is naturally the same classmate who pushed Liu Nianfeng into a lonely situation after a few words, von Hindenburg.

"I will prove it to you! We men are better than you women in the matter of Admiral Xingchen!" Liu Nianfeng struggled to stand up from the ground and said with blazing flames in his eyes.

"Then you pray that you don't become my opponent, because I never know what it means to be sympathetic, and I will destroy your poor self-esteem without hesitation!" After speaking, von Hindenburg swaggered away.


"Everyone prepares, everyone enters the virtual cabin!" The virtual cabin is a small box that is only the size of a human body and looks similar to a coffin.When Liu Nianfeng lay down in the virtual cabin, countless wires were born inside the virtual cabin, which were precisely attached to various positions of the combat rhythm suit, and at the same time a helmet covered Liu Nianfeng's head.

"One... two... three... start!" As the word "begin" fell, Liu Nianfeng felt that his computer was shocked by a violent electric shock, and his eyes went black for an instant. When he opened his eyes again, he had already Appears in the cockpit of a spaceship that looks like something out of a sci-fi movie.

"Welcome to the first-year midterm exam of Star Admiral Department of Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy. The identity of the candidates is being confirmed."

"Welcome, Liu Nianfeng's classmate, I am your guide, and I will guide you through the entire exam!"

A virtual human figure was projected in front of Liu Nianfeng, the appearance was not clear, only the outline of a person.

"The rules of the exam are very simple. Each of you has an initial score of 8 points. You will be randomly assigned to three classmates in turn as opponents. If you beat the opponent, you will get half of her points. In the end, the total score will rank among the whole class. Those who rank in the top ten are eligible for the ghost contract with the students of the starship girl class."

"It's really a simple and rude rule!" After listening to the guide's explanation, Liu Nianfeng complained.

From the point of view of the rules, it seems that there is no fairness in this exam. It depends on luck. For the same person, if he is lucky enough to meet three students who are weaker, he will win. On the contrary, if he meets three students who are not strong enough, he will win Will be eliminated, as expected, the exam with the same paper is the fairest!

The reality couldn't allow Liu Nianfeng to continue complaining, the guide snapped his fingers, and three models of warships appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng.

"These three battleships are the starship souls of the initial starships you can choose. They are the Hummingbird-class star destroyer, the stubborn stone-class star light cruiser, and the Saddam-class star heavy cruiser."

"These three warships are all the data of the basic mass-production version uniformly stipulated by the Joint Command. It is extremely fair that they do not have the soul of ancient warships."

"Candidates have a total of 10 minutes to guide the bridge of ghosts. Please choose the starship soul that you can accommodate according to the capacity of your ghost port. If you cannot complete the guidance within 10 minutes, you will lose your qualification for the exam. .”

After speaking, the virtual guide stepped back and stopped talking to Liu Nianfeng.

Anyone who knows a little bit about naval warfare knows that the strength of heavy cruisers is naturally greater than that of light cruisers, and the strength of light cruisers is greater than that of destroyers. If there is no restriction of the ghost port, then every candidate will choose the Saddam-class star The heavy cruiser is her starship girl.

But the tonnage of star destroyer, star light cruiser and star heavy cruiser is different. Star destroyer may only be about 1000 million tons, but star light cruiser has at least 3000 million tons. As for star heavy cruiser, it has jumped to about 6000 million tons. tonnage

The tonnage of the star battleship is different, and the size of the ghost port required is naturally different
The size of the port of ghosts in Admiral Star's body is determined by the amount of psionic energy and phantom energy, and the amount of psionic energy and phantom energy comes from the aptitude of Admiral Star and the diligence of cultivation. In this way, every student The urine and urine in the ghost port in the body are different, showing differentiation, and also distinguishing the excellent students from the inferior students.

According to the information obtained by Liu Nianfeng, a candidate with D-level psionic energy and psionic energy, if he practices hard for eight hours a day, it usually takes a year to build a ghost port that is enough for the star destroyer to berth.

Star light cruiser takes two years

Stellar heavy cruiser takes three years

Although ordinary candidates are very greedy for the star heavy cruiser, they can only choose the star destroyer at most.

As for a guy like Liu Nianfeng who just became Admiral of the Stars, he himself didn't know how to choose his starship girl.

"It doesn't matter, let's try a star heavy cruiser first!" Liu Nianfeng is not afraid of tigers when he is a newborn calf, so he will choose the most powerful choice first.

(End of this chapter)

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