girl line

Chapter 10 The First Battle of Life

Chapter 10 The First Battle of Life

Liu Nianfeng sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, quickly entered the state of internal vision according to the secret method he learned from "Qinghua Secret Text", controlled the remaining ghost energy in his dantian, and created a mechanical arm, That is, what is scientifically called the Bridge of Ghosts.

This ghost bridge protruded from Liu Nianfeng's body, grabbed the starship soul of the Saddam-class star heavy cruiser suspended in front of him, and pulled it into his own ghost port.

"Damn! It's too big!" The moment Liu Nianfeng pulled this Saddam-class star heavy cruiser into the port of ghosts, he realized that he was too ridiculous. The size of this battleship was about five times that of the dock. A starship is bigger than the entire port of ghosts, how could it be docked, and in desperation, the phantom of this star heavy cruiser can only be sent out.

"There are still 5 minutes!" The virtual guide reminded at the right time.

"Damn, it takes 5 minutes for a bridge of ghosts, and you can only try once at most!" Liu Nianfeng showed a wry smile on his face. He really thought that he was the protagonist of those Long Aotian's starting point novels. How could the star admiral, a newcomer for two weeks, be so awesome that he could directly get the star heavy cruiser.

Judging from the size of the phantom, it is impossible for the light cruiser to dock in his ghost port. In desperation, Liu Nianfeng could only choose the phantom of the destroyer, and use the ghost bridge to pull it into his body.

"Just right!" The Hummingbird-class star destroyer entered Liunianfeng's body. Only then did Liunianfeng realize that the size of this starship fits perfectly with his dock, and there is not even a trace of excess. For light cruisers, it is estimated that the current Fleeting Maple is already GG.


"Greetings, Admiral!" When Liu Nianfeng opened his eyes, he saw a petite girl in a student sailor uniform, who looked no different from an ordinary elementary school student, standing beside her.

"Is this my starship girl?" Liu Nianfeng looked at the elementary school girl with some surprise.It's just that unlike normal girls, this girl's eyes don't have any look, she looks like a robot.

This is not surprising, after all, this is a starship girl simulated by the virtual system.

"The construction time for the Ghost Bridge is over, and the first battle match begins!" Before Liu Nianfeng had figured out the abilities of his starship girl, the virtual guide immediately announced the start of the first battle match.

"The battle match is complete. The match candidate, Class [-], Grade [-], Star Admiral Department, Chen Sihan."

"Entering the battlefield: Endless Void, waiting for the map to load."

"The map is loaded. Candidates have 1 minute to prepare. After 1 minute, the battle will officially start. The battle time will be 10 minutes. If the winner cannot be determined within 10 minutes, the winner will be determined by the integrity of the remaining starships."

As the voice of the virtual guide fell, Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find himself floating in the universe... This is a universe without any stars, only nothingness, no wonder this map is called endless void.

"Unexpectedly, my first opponent will be you!" On the other side, when Chen Shihan saw his opponent clearly, he was so surprised that he almost jumped up.

"Yes! I didn't expect you to be the first opponent!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly.

"I'm the one who was more surprised, okay? I thought you would just GG and leave because the Port of the Ghost was not built well, or the size of the Port of the Ghost could not accommodate the Star Destroyer, but I didn't expect you to do it all! "

The surprise on Chen Sihan's face was not fake, she was indeed shocked by Liu Nianfeng, "You have only been in school for two weeks, this is really terrible! It's terrible!"

"Is this strange?" Liu Nianfeng touched his head!

"Nonsense, even if I have double B-level talents, it took me three months to achieve this. What kind of talent do you have? Could it be that you have double A-level talents?" Chen Shihan asked curiously.

"Ahem, you know, this is a secret, you can't tell it!" Liu Nianfeng waved his hand, and Lexington specifically told him before enrolling that his talent level is an absolute secret, and no one is allowed to disclose it.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, I will blow you up, come on, fight your starship girl!" After Chen Sihan's voice fell, the girl beside her suddenly changed into a huge starship .


Liu Nianfeng looked at Chen Shihan's star battleship that appeared in front of him, swallowed and said, in terms of the capabilities of the battleship, his destroyer was no longer at the same level.

"Battle your starship girl, otherwise you won't even have a chance to show your strength!" Chen Shihan urged.

"Please!" Liu Nianfeng touched the head of the starship girl beside him, and at the same time, the psionic energy in his body was poured into the starship sky soul in the port of ghosts, and his starship girl also transformed into a starship girl in an instant. a starship.

"Two single-mounted 120-meter psionic naval guns; five single-mounted 76-meter psionic cannons; three single-mounted 3-meter ghost torpedo launchers; cruising speed of 450 knots, and a maximum speed of 28 knots. For comparison, except for speed Besides, I don't have any advantages to speak of!" Looking at the data of his star warship, Liu Nianfeng said with a wry smile.


"The initial stations of both sides are in place! The battle begins!" With the order of the guide, the battle officially began!

"Let's think about it... What is the first step in the battle..." After all, this is Liu Nianfeng's first battle. Although he has read the battle strategy several times before, Liu Nianfeng can even memorize part of it. However, when it really came to the battlefield, Liu Nianfeng felt an inexplicable panic in his heart, no matter how firmly he had remembered before, he would inevitably forget a lot.

"I remembered, search for the location of the enemy ship in advance!" Liu Nianfeng touched his head and thought for a while, before he barely remembered the first step of the battle.

"Hummingbird! Turn on the quantum radar immediately and search for the location of the enemy ship!" At this time, Liunianfeng was sitting in the cab of the Hummingbird-class star destroyer, but Liunianfeng didn't need to perform any operations, he only needed to give orders to his starship girl That's enough, the rest of the work will be done by Starship Girl herself.

"Turn on the quantum radar...the scanning radius is 30 kilometers, but no targets were found!" Hummingbird-class star cruiser Hui reported.

"The fourth cosmic speed is 120 kilometers per second. The speed of 10 knots means ten times the fourth cosmic speed, which is 1200 kilometers per second. With a scanning radius of 30 kilometers, there is only 260 seconds of preparation from the discovery of the target to the engagement. Time!" Liu Nianfeng secretly calculated the data.

Naturally, it is impossible to sail in the universe at the speed of 1 knot equal to 1.852 kilometers per hour in the sea. In the universe, this speed is a thousand times slower than that of a snail, and it has long been used by countless automatic aiming The weapons were destroyed.

In the cosmic era, the speed of one knot refers to one time of the fourth cosmic speed, which is 120 kilometers per second, which is equivalent to 43 kilometers per hour, and 1/2500 of the speed of light.

"Where will the opponent be?" Liu Nianfeng looked at the small map in front of him and fell into deep thought. The area of ​​this battle map is a square of 1000 million kilometers x 1000 kilometers. On such a map, his Hummingbird-class destroyer and a The size of an atom is about the same, and the opponent's Stone-class light cruiser is just a slightly larger atom. It is really difficult to predict the position of such an atom!

"Let me think about it again...what does the textbook say..." As a pure novice, Liu Nianfeng has no idea at all when facing the vast universe, and can only desperately recall the knowledge he has learned in the textbook.

"By the way, it seems that we want to use a sports model, which can avoid the scanning of enemy radars and at the same time achieve the maximum coverage of the map!" Liu Nianfeng recalled.

But God is sorry, Liu Nianfeng only knows that *** is the president of the United States who is born with a yellow hair attribute, but Liu Nianfeng doesn't know what a **** sports model is!

"Hummingbird, do you know what a sports model is?" In desperation, Liu Nianfeng could only ask Hummingbird.

"I know!" Hummingbird replied concisely.

"Uh...then proceed according to the *** movement model!" Liu Nianfeng immediately said excitedly.

"It turns out that this **** movement model has no rules, and it looks like a messy trajectory!" Looking at the trajectory formed by the movement of his warship on the small map, Liu Nianfeng said with emotion.

Although ***'s movement trajectory is extremely ugly, I have to admit that this is indeed a movement trajectory that is very difficult for the opponent to figure out... But at the same time, it also makes Liu Nianfeng, the commander, also find it difficult to figure out.

"It's strange, I've scanned almost half of the map, why haven't I found the opponent's shadow yet!" As time passed, but still did not find the opponent's shadow, which made Liu Nianfeng feel a little anxious .

It would be fine if both parties were blind at the same time, but if it was only him who was blind and the other party knew his actions clearly, then it would be a big trouble.

Things in this world are always afraid of what will happen. Just as Liu Nianfeng was worried, a shrill siren suddenly sounded in the cab, "Alarm! Alert! An enemy warship is approaching me quickly, and the distance from our ship is 12 kilometers away." km, we are expected to meet in 40 seconds! We are expected to meet in 40 seconds!"

"What! We will meet in 40 seconds!" Liu Nianfeng jumped up from his position in fright, what a joke, we will meet in 40 seconds, and I am afraid that his battleship will not be able to complete the turn!

"How did this happen? Didn't you say that the scanning radius is 30 kilometers? Why did the opponent suddenly appear at a distance of 12 kilometers from us?" Liu Nianfeng asked emotionally.

"Report to Admiral, the opponent may have turned off the anti-matter engine and moved in stealth mode. In stealth mode, the quantum radar's scanning radius for the enemy is only 8 kilometers!" Hummingbird reported.

"Damn! Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Liu Nianfeng almost shed tears when he heard that.

"Report Admiral, you didn't ask Hummingbird!" Hummingbird's answer was impeccable, and Liu Nianfeng was not going to fight with an intelligent program, and began to analyze the map quickly.

"The textbook says that for a destroyer, tailing attack is the best way, and the most taboo is to attack the enemy head-on. Hummingbird, adjust the course immediately, adjust the course immediately!" Liu Nianfeng said hurriedly.

"It's too late! We've already entered the opponent's range!" Hummingbird said.

"What?" Before Liu Nianfeng understood what happened, the battleship began to tremble violently. Liu Nianfeng, who was standing on the ground, was directly knocked down, with bright red blood on his forehead.

"Alert! Alert! Hummingbird was shot in the tail, damage level C, damaged compartments: 34, 35, 36...56. The total loss area is 23%, the anti-matter engine is intact, and the No. [-] psychic cannon is damaged and is being repaired urgently .”

"Are we shot?" Liu Nianfeng, who was covered in blood, got up from the ground, looked at the map, and said with a bitter face, "Aren't we still 3 kilometers away? Why did we get shot? "

"Report to the admiral, the effective range of the 140M psionic naval gun is 5 kilometers, and we are already within the effective range of the opponent." If the hummingbird has self-awareness, she will definitely feel that her admiral is too good and stupid He didn't even know the effective range of the opponent's naval gun.

"What about us? What is the effective range of our 120M psionic naval gun?"

"Report to the admiral, it is [-] kilometers"

"Then fire the cannon... Now it's [-] kilometers, you fire the cannon!" Liu Nianfeng shouted.

"Yes!" Liu Nianfeng saw two crimson rays of light flashing out of his battleship, looking expectantly at the dark universe in the distance, but after waiting for four or five seconds, there was an echo. Didn't hear either.

"Did we hit it?" Liu Nianfeng asked tentatively.

"The record of the outbreak of spiritual energy was not detected, and the guessed result was a miss!" As soon as Hummingbird finished speaking, Liu Nianfeng's warship trembled violently again, and this time Liu Nianfeng was blown out of the air.

"Alert! Alert! Hummingbird was shot in the middle, the damage level is B; the tail was shot, the damage level was B; the 13th, 14th...92 cabins were severely damaged, the total loss area was 62%, and the antimatter engine was fatally damaged. Injury, No. 70 psionic ship gun is damaged, No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] psionic cannon are damaged, and the automatic repair system is damaged. It is judged that our ship has lost [-]% of its combat power, please be careful, admiral."

"Damn! I lost 70% of my fighting power after two rounds of volleys?" Liu Nianfeng was completely confused. He didn't even see his opponent's face, and he had already fallen into such a miserable situation.

"Alert! Alert! Detect the ghost torpedo, detect the ghost torpedo, please dodge, please dodge!" On the map, Liu Nianfeng suddenly saw two fast-moving torpedo tracks attacking his battleship... ...But sadly, his warship had lost power and the ability to turn. Finally, under Liu Nianfeng's extremely sad gaze, he collided with his own hummingbird, and Liu Nianfeng's eyes were instantly enveloped in flames.

(End of this chapter)

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