girl line

Chapter 11 Taking the Battlefield as a Classroom

Chapter 11 Taking the Battlefield as a Classroom
"Ding! The battle failed, your starship girl Hummingbird is dead!"

"You lost four points, now you have four points left, Chen Sihan got four points, now you have twelve points."

When the notification sound in Liu Nianfeng's ear ended, he returned to the familiar preparation room just now, and Chen Sihan, who had defeated him perfectly, was looking at him with some concern.

"Are you okay..." Chen Sihan rubbed his head embarrassingly, "I forgot that you are a boy after all, you shouldn't be so ruthless, I should be gentler to boys!"

"No! I'm a man, you are a woman, I should be nice to you!" Lian Nianfeng gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground. As a man in the 21st century, he will never accept the ridiculous setting of men and women in the future. .

"What nonsense are you talking about? Boys' commanding ability is not as good as us women's, and we should let boys go." Chen Shihan said as a matter of course.

"I..." Liu Nianfeng really wanted to refute a few words, but the fact of the fiasco made him unable to utter a word.

"Hey, I've always told you that war is our women's business, and you boys are not good at fighting... You don't even know that you have to enter stealth mode before fighting, how do you fight?" Kindly persuaded, but the taste of ridicule made Liu Nianfeng even more unbearable.

"May I ask you a question!" Liu Nianfeng asked after struggling for a while, "Why are you shooting so accurately? Both salvos hit me, but there was not even a single shell."

"Hey... I was just about to say this, did you not enter the ghostly resonance state with your starship girl?" Chen Shihan said helplessly.

"What is a spiritual resonance state?" Liu Nianfeng asked with an embarrassed face, as if he had never heard of this term.

"Psychic resonance state is to resonate your psionic energy and the psionic energy of the starship girl into the same frequency, so as to manually control your own starship girl to fight... After all, this is a simple artificial intelligence, what is the prediction line, spiral positioning I don’t know any shelling skills like this, I can only aim and shoot, and of course I can’t hit it.”

"But if you and the admiral enter a state of psychic resonance, you can greatly improve the accuracy of shooting. It's like one is shooting by feeling, and the other is shooting with a scope. The accuracy is not at the same level!"

"You don't even know this basic common sense, why are you here to take the midterm exam? I advise you to give up early, go back to sleep in the dormitory, and show off the strength of the man you said in the final exam..."

"The rest time is over, ready for the second battle match!" Before Chen Shihan finished speaking, he was forcibly taken away by the system.

"I'm really not the protagonist... Isn't it ridiculous to try to win without even learning basic common sense?" The words Chen Shihan said when he left echoed in his ears, and Liu Nianfeng's will inevitably wavered a little .

"No, even if I, Liu Nianfeng, am not the protagonist, I am still a man. I am the only man who is qualified to prove the strength of men. I absolutely cannot just admit defeat here!"

As soon as the wavering thought came up, it was crushed by Liu Nianfeng himself. From this point of view, although Liu Nianfeng lost badly, he was a real man!


"Why is it you again?" Chen Shihan saw clearly his assigned second-round opponent, couldn't help touching his forehead and said, never expecting that his second-round opponent was actually Liu Nianfeng.

"Hehe! This is fate!" Liu Nianfeng accepted it very calmly, and said cheerfully.

"Fate? Is this really fate?" Chen Shihan blushed upon hearing this, and his eyes instantly became even more different when he saw Liu Nianfeng... If the two of them were not in the virtual world now, Chen Shihan might have jumped It went to Liu Nianfeng.

"The next battle will start in 12 minutes and 23 seconds!" The virtual guide just reminded, interrupting the fate entanglement between the two men and women.

"Strange? There was only 1 minute of preparation time for the last battle, how come there are so many 12 minutes this time?" Hearing what the guide said, Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"It's probably because the battle between the two of us ended too quickly, and the others are still fighting. The second round of battle can only start after everyone's first round of battle is over!" Chen Shihan explained.

"If that's the case, Shihan, can you do me a favor?" Liu Nianfeng's eyes lit up.

"Shihan..." Chen Shihan's face froze, even though she was called by Liu Nianfeng's affectionate name, Chen Shihan was still secretly happy.

But thinking of being called such by others, Chen Shihan still couldn't help but feel goosebumps popping out.

He raised his fist and said to Liu Nianfeng, "If you call me so disgusting again next time, I'll treat you to some ghost torpedoes."

"Er... well... so Shihan, can you help me with this?" Liu Nianfeng asked without hearing anything.

"As long as you don't call me that, everything will be fine!" Chen Shihan said with some headaches, but when she heard Liu Nianfeng's request clearly, her headache became even worse. She had never heard of such a request.


"Student Liu Nianfeng, how many times have I told you, you must remember to enter stealth mode first."

"Liu Nianfeng, that's not the way to use the Tup sports model, now is not the time to use it"

"Liu Nianfeng, are you too stupid, I'm already in range, why don't you react at all?"

"Liu Nianfeng, you said you have to brake urgently at this time to avoid my shelling. You can't dodge by turning left."

"Torpedo... torpedo is not used like this... You use torpedo at a distance of 3 kilometers, and the range of torpedo is only [-] kilometers, okay?"

"My haven't figured out how to get into psionic resonance. It only took me 5 minutes to figure it out back then."

" have entered the state of psionic resonance now? Damn, it took me five days...ahem...I was wrong, don't pay attention to these details."

"That's right. Although it didn't hit me, it's less than a kilometer away from my battleship. This is a big improvement!"

The other students and teachers who took this exam must have never imagined that someone would turn a serious battle exam into a temporary battle teaching.

Under Liu Nianfeng's request to sell her beauty, Chen Shihan reluctantly agreed to use the 30 minutes of fighting time to teach Liu Nianfeng some basic combat knowledge. Teach Fleeting Maple's dialogue.

As a result, the more Chen Shihan taught, the more frightened he felt. This Fleeting Maple was like a dry sponge, constantly absorbing the water in his body. No matter what he said, the other party would quickly understand it and put it into action.

Chen Shihan has never seen a guy with such a good learning ability in his life. In just 30 minutes, at least [-]% of his skills were learned by Liu Nianfeng, and Liu Nianfeng was finally at the end of the game. Hitting Chen Shihan's battleship once with his own ability, this is something Chen Shihan never expected.

Of course, it was Chen Shihan who won in the end. In the last minute, Chen Shihan used two melee ghost torpedoes to blow up Liu Nianfeng's battleship.

In fact, if Liu Nianfeng is more shameless at this time, maybe he can use torpedoes to destroy Chen Shihan's battleship first, after all, Chen Shihan has no defense against Liu Nianfeng.

But Liu Nianfeng had no face to do such an ungrateful thing, so he could only watch helplessly as he failed again!

"Perhaps, men's fighting talent can really be compared to women's?" At this time, the result has become unimportant. Chen Shihan couldn't help recalling Liu Nianfeng's entire fighting and learning process in his mind, and he felt more and more horrified in his heart. The firm belief also began to waver.

But Chen Shihan immediately threw this idea out of his mind, and said to himself, "This is just a case, it's just that Fleeting Maple is special... There are always one or two special ones among hundreds of billions of men, it's not surprising. I am just a woman with ordinary talent, Liu Nianfeng must not be able to compare with those talented geniuses!"

"Shihan, do you think I have the ability to defeat the next opponent?" Liu Nianfeng asked with some expectation when he was about to separate from Chen Shihan.

"This...Liu Nianfeng, I'll tell the truth." Chen Sihan hesitated for a while, "If you meet the bottom of the class, you may still have a chance. But most of the opponents, you don't have any chance. Especially If you met that von Hindenburg, you should simply admit defeat, although she is usually cold, but she is like a bomb in a fight."

"Thank you so much! Shihan!" Liu Nianfeng smiled charmingly at Chen Shihan [Author: It's really embarrassing to use the word "xiemei". 】"By the way, don't call me classmate Liu Nianfeng from now on, I'm older than you, you can just call me brother Feng from now on!"

"Ah...Brother Feng..." After listening to Liu Nianfeng's words, Chen Shihan's face flushed, and she ran away like running away... At this time, she has recovered some of the characteristics that girls in the 21st century have.


"Principal! Did you commit a foul..." the teacher in charge said with a headache as he watched Lexington arbitrarily adjusting the battle arrangement in the backstage of the virtual game.

"Hee hee, what's the big deal, besides, don't you think this thing has become very interesting? I really underestimated our little cutie, I didn't expect his learning ability to be so powerful!" Lexington Said with a grin.

"Then principal, which opponent do you plan to arrange for Liu Nianfeng next?" The head teacher was helpless, she was powerless to stop the principal, so she could only ask along.

"Don't worry, I've thought about it a long time ago, our little cutie's next opponent should naturally be our big devil!" Lexington smiled, and pulled the names of von Hindenburg and Liu Nianfeng together .

(End of this chapter)

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