girl line

Chapter 12 Saddam Class Star Heavy Cruiser

Chapter 12 Saddam Class Star Heavy Cruiser
"It's you!"

"It's you!"

When they saw their last opponent clearly, Liu Nianfeng and von Hindenburg exclaimed at the same time.

Liu Nianfeng's exclamation was full of shock, he never expected that Chen Shihan's crow's mouth would come true, and his next opponent would really be von Hindenburg, which could be said to be the worst possible outcome.

Although Liu Nianfeng is still full of fighting spirit, deep down he still knows 99% that he will lose three times in a row.

The voice of von Hindenburg was a little surprised, but the surprise was well hidden, and soon he changed into a serious and expressionless face, and said unceremoniously to Liu Nianfeng, "Although you are a man , although my mother taught me not to bully men since I was a child, but you are no longer a man, you are my opponent, and I will crush you from the front!"

This was the entire conversation between Liu Nianfeng and von Hindenburg, and they remained silent for tens of seconds of preparation time until the battle started.

What Liunianfeng didn't expect was that after entering the battle map, the hummingbird suddenly reported to Liunianfeng that there was a communication signal trying to connect.

At this time, on the battlefield, there was no one other than von Hindenburg who could access the communication signal, but Liu Nianfeng couldn't figure it out.Since he had nothing to say to himself in the preparation stage just now, how could this von Hindenburg contact himself after the battle started?
"Get through the communication!" Of course, Liu Nianfeng couldn't refuse, otherwise, wouldn't it mean that he was afraid of Feng Hindenburg's failure.

"I'm at coordinates X110 Y119 Z120, driving towards seven o'clock at regular cruising speed!" This was the first sentence von Hindenburg said after the communication was connected.

"What do you mean?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback by von Hindenburg's words. At this time, both sides were in a state of blindness. Possibly conceal one's position.

Because any party is the first to expose its position, it means that it has fallen into an inherent disadvantage.

But this von Hindenburg is lucky, he actually confessed his position and coordinates to Liu Nianfeng immediately, and even confessed his course and speed. For Liu Nianfeng, it was like playing Warcraft Open the full screen map in general.

So Liu Nianfeng couldn't figure out why von Hindenburg exposed himself so actively.

"I said, I will crush you thoroughly and return you to the position that a man should be!" Von Hindenburg said proudly indifferently, "I just want you to know that no matter where you are, Under any circumstances, no matter what kind of opportunities you take, you will never be my opponent, and men will never be women's opponents. I will let you understand the direct gap between you and me! "

"By the way, my battleship is a Saddam-class star heavy cruiser!"

After adding the last sentence, von Hindenburg cut off the communication with Liu Nianfeng.

"Damn it!" Liu Nianfeng punched the pilot angrily, this von Hindenburg actually despises her like this, does she really think that she is sure to win?
Although he was not reconciled with his mouth, Liu Nianfeng knew in his heart that even if he knew the position of von Hindenburg, he might not be von Hindenburg's opponent, because von Hindenburg's Saddam-class star heavy Cruisers are simply too powerful to be defeated by Hummingbird-class destroyers.

【Saddam Class Star Heavy Cruiser

Three triple mounted 150m psionic naval guns
Three triple mounted 88m psychic cannons
Four dual-mounted 37m psionic cannons
Four 20m ghost cannons

Four triple-mounted 533m ghost torpedo launchers

Two unmanned reconnaissance mechs
Cruising speed 8 knots

Maximum speed 10 knots

Ghost armor thickness 0.1m]

Liu Nianfeng quickly went through the data of the Saddam-class star heavy cruiser in his mind, and compared it with the data of the Hummingbird-class star destroyer, and he knew how terrifying the combat effectiveness of this heavy cruiser was. Nothing else.

But so what if the speed is fast, even if the Hummingbird-class destroyer is used for 10 minutes without pressure, it may not even be able to attack half of the opponent's blood... and the opponent only needs one shot to destroy it in an instant. Losing the entire Hummingbird-class destroyer is really a battle with no chance of winning.

"Admiral, do you want to go to that coordinate?" When Liu Nianfeng lost his mind, Hummingbird suddenly asked.

"Hummingbird, can you defeat a heavy cruiser?" Liu Nianfeng raised his head and asked Hummingbird.

"..." Hummingbird didn't answer Fleeting Maple's question.

"Haha! I almost forgot, you are just a simple artificial intelligence, how can you answer my question!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, but at the same time seemed to cheer up his spirits, muttering to himself, "Even if you lose, you can't answer my question!" You will be defeated on the road to shining the sword."


"Report to the admiral, found the target!" Von Hindenburg was really arrogant, and he reported that Liunianfeng was the real data, and Liunianfeng's quantum radar quickly found von Hindenburg's trace.

"Sneaking in close to him quietly, and then attacking him with ghost torpedoes, this is my only chance of winning!" Liu Nianfeng knew in his heart that letting a destroyer and a heavy cruiser fire at a long distance is undoubtedly courting death. The odds of winning are ghost torpedoes.

The ghost torpedo is a compound weapon made by using a large amount of psionic and psionic energy. Its power is equivalent to the damage caused by dozens of shells of the same caliber. More importantly, the ghost torpedo has extremely terrifying penetrating power, which can penetrate the enemy The Wraith armor of the Fang battleship.

Even if it is a heavy cruiser, after eating one ghost torpedo from a destroyer, most of its HP will be empty. If it hits two torpedoes, there is a 90% chance that it will sink on the spot. This is the only chance for Liu Nianfeng.

But the biggest problem with ghost torpedoes is the short range and slow moving speed. The farther the radiation distance is, the lower the hit rate will be.

Admiral Xingchen's textbook clearly stated that the hit rate of releasing ghost torpedoes beyond 0.1 kilometers is 5000%, but if released within 12 kilometers, the hit rate is as high as [-]%.

If it can be within a thousand kilometers, the hit rate is as high as 60%.If it is launched within 99.99 kilometers of the limit distance, the hit rate is as high as 0.01%, and the remaining [-]% failure rate is due to the failure of the torpedo itself, which has become a dumb mine.

So at this time, Liu Nianfeng's tactics are very obvious. Get as close to von Hindenburg as possible, and release his ghost torpedo at the closest distance. This is a simple and crude tactic, and it is also the only tactic that Liu Nianfeng can use. .

It has to be said that after Chen Shihan's teaching in the last battle, Liu Nianfeng made rapid progress, and at least used the stealth state decently. When he was close to 30 kilometers away from von Hindenburg, the opponent still had no Any reaction, as if you didn't find yourself at all.

You must know that the quantum radar equipped on the star heavy cruiser is not comparable to the crude quantum radar of the destroyer. It is a medium-performance quantum radar capable of scanning 60 kilometers.

"Okay, the stealth state is useless if you get closer, now accelerate with all your strength, charge me to the heavy cruiser!" After estimating the limit distance of the stealth state, Liu Nianfeng let out a roar, and the antimatter engine of the Hummingbird-class destroyer was fully driven , accelerated his action speed to the limit state!

"Report Admiral, the enemy battleship, the Hummingbird-class Star Destroyer, has started to accelerate!" What Liunianfeng didn't know was that von Hindenburg in the cockpit had already discovered Liunianfeng's body as early as 50 kilometers away. Therefore, Liu Nianfeng's sneaky and extremely concealed stealth state is just like a joke in the eyes of von Hindenburg.

"My head is quite clear, and I know what my only chance of winning is!" Looking at the constantly accelerating Hummingbird on the map, von Hindenburg showed a disdainful smile on his face, and ordered his battleship to "maintain its original state and speed." Change, let him come!"


"Damn it, you really don't take me seriously, you should change your course and speed, don't you think I'm not the slightest threat?" Liu Nianfeng clenched his fist unwillingly. , but von Hindenburg's arrogance also gave Fleeting Maple a chance, and the speed of the Hummingbird-class destroyer became even crazier.


"Report Admiral, the enemy ship has entered the range!" After a while of chasing, the Saddam-class heavy cruiser reported.

"Okay! Then play with this little man first, and let him know what a terrible opponent he has met!" With a disdainful smile, von Hindenburg closed his eyes, and entered the ghost at the same time. The state of resonance took over the gunfire control of the battleship.

"The ridiculous movement evasion has no predictive value at all!" Von Hindenburg made a rough estimate, and with a thought in his mind, Saddam and the star heavy cruiser mounted a triple-mounted 150m psionic naval gun. Fires in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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