girl line

Chapter 13 Star Book and Shang Dingwen

Chapter 13 Star Book and Shang Dingwen
"Boom!" The huge roar sounded in Liu Nianfeng's ears, causing Liu Nianfeng's ears to ring for a while. After the battle with Chen Shihan, Liu Nianfeng already knew that it was the sound of psionic shells exploding around his battleship at close range.

"Report the loss!" Liu Nianfeng gritted his teeth and said, judging from the roar just now, his battleship may have lost a lot this time.

"Report to the admiral! The battleship has not suffered any damage, and its integrity is 100%!" Hummingbird soon reported a result that Liu Nianfeng hadn't expected.

"What? That's impossible! Even Chen Shihan can easily hit me. How could it be possible that none of her von Hindenburg's nine cannonballs hit me? Could it be that she is a silver-like wax gun head with a strong outsider?" Liu Nianfeng Said inconceivably.

"Report to the admiral! Only the explosion traces of three shells were detected, the closest one was only 100 meters away from me, and the farthest one was 150 meters away." Hummingbird said immediately.

"The shells are so close!" Although 100 meters and 150 meters sound far away, in the universe, this distance is about the same as 1 meter and 1.5 meters on the earth. The body of the battleship passed by.



Before Liu Nianfeng had time to think for too long, two bursts of roar came successively within a few seconds.Although the result was still that the Hummingbird-class destroyer did not suffer any damage, what made Liu Nianfeng feel terrified was that the quoted distances for these two times were exactly the same as the previous one, and they were both controlled at a distance between 100 meters and 150 meters.

"This guy! He's teasing me!" No matter how stupid Liu Nianfeng was, she understood von Hindenburg's intentions at this time.Of course, it is impossible for the opponent to miss Liu Nianfeng. On the contrary, every shell of the opponent can hit Liu Nianfeng.

But she just missed on purpose... This is undoubtedly a great contempt for Liu Nianfeng.

"Admit defeat!" von Hindenburg connected to Liu Nianfeng's communication for the second time, and said bluntly as soon as he opened his mouth, "I just aimed a little bit, and your battleship has been turned into pieces. You don't have any If you win, admit defeat!"

"Hmph! If that's the case, then you can just blow up my battleship, why do you tease me like this?" Liu Nianfeng gritted his teeth and said.

"I hope you can take the initiative to admit defeat, so that you can remember today's lesson very deeply, and then get out of school!" Von Hindenburg's voice was very flat, so flat that it could piss anyone off.

"That will disappoint you, I will never admit defeat!" Liu Nianfeng replied loudly.

"That's good too! The longer you play with it, the deeper your impression will be!" After speaking, von Hindenburg ended the communication.

Facing von Hindenburg's persuasion, Liu Nianfeng responded with a charge without slowing down.

And von Hindenburg also has a whole new way to start playing Fleeting Maple.

This time von Hindenburg controlled the location of the explosion at a distance of 20 meters to 50 meters. Although the psionic shells could not directly cause damage to the battleship at this distance, the psionic shock wave after the shell exploded was able to attack the ship through the armor. Battleships deal small damage.

This kind of damage can't be like a normal shell, which can paralyze most of the battleship with one hit, and damage one or two cabins at most, which is equivalent to causing damage of about [-]% of the total blood volume.

Such an injury once or twice is naturally not a big deal, and no one will take it to heart.But once such damage continues to hit the battleship, it is enough for the admiral of the battleship to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

In just one hundred seconds, the Hummingbird-class destroyer has withstood about 60 such explosions... In other words, the battleship of Liunianfeng was not directly hit by a shell, just because of the aftermath of the explosion. Lost more than half of its blood volume.

This is von Hindenburg's latest method of playing with Liu Nianfeng. It really makes any self-respecting man feel like he is about to explode.

Fortunately, the armor near the engine was specially protected, and it would not affect the speed of the Hummingbird-class destroyer.


"Report Admiral! The enemy ship is still 3 kilometers away from me! Estimated at the opponent's speed, we can approach our warship in 20 seconds!" Saddam-class star heavy cruiser reported to von Hindenburg calmly .

"Really?" Von Hindenburg glanced at the opponent on the map, and said with a slight smile, "He is full of courage, but after all, he is a man with short hair and short knowledge. Let him slow down!"

"However, the power of the main gun is too great. This poor hummingbird may be destroyed in one shot. It's better to replace it with a less powerful one!"

Von Hindenburg gave up the control of the main gun, and turned to control the secondary gun of the heavy cruiser, replacing it with a psionic cannon with a small caliber but high accuracy.


"Alarm! Alert! The main engine is shot! The main engine is shot!" After a burst of earth-shattering shaking, the hummingbird's siren sounded in Liu Nianfeng's ears, "The main engine is damaged, its function is lost by 50%, and its speed has dropped by 90%! After 50 seconds, the main engine will fail completely!"

"Our main engine is gone?" Liu Nianfeng was stunned, and all the power in his body seemed to be drained in an instant.

"Admit defeat! Your main engine has been destroyed, you have lost power, and the ghost torpedo can no longer play any role. You have no chance of winning, so you can admit defeat!" At this opportune moment, von Hindenburg No. Connected to Fleeting Maple's communication three times.

"Hehe... I thought you were so courageous, 3 kilometers would scare you, and you should at least let me get closer to [-] kilometers!" Liu Nianfeng stood up from the ground with a sneer, his face was covered with a large amount of blood. It was covered... In the impact just now, Liu Nianfeng's head unfortunately hit an iron plate.

"I just think it would be very interesting to attack with a psychic cannon at this distance! It will be more difficult!" Von Hindenburg said lightly, the psychic cannon on the Saddam-class heavy cruiser, the limit The hit distance is 3 kilometers.

So this is really the hardest distance to hit.

"Okay!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, the gap in hard power made Liu Nianfeng speechless, "I admit that you won, but I will never admit defeat, you destroy my battleship!"

Liu Nianfeng was simply not admitting defeat. After losing his motivation, Liu Nianfeng no longer thought that he had the slightest chance of winning.

"Don't worry, there are still 5 minutes before the end of the exam... I think your tail is a bit annoying!" After von Hindenburg's voice fell, Liu Nianfeng hadn't understood what the other party meant, a few shots of the psychic cannon Hit the Hummingbird's stern.

"Alarm! Cabin 107 has been destroyed!"

"Oh! I seem to have missed it, not there!" After von Hindenburg finished speaking, several shells hit the hummingbird.

"Alarm! Cabin 106 has been destroyed!"

"Your belly is a bit big too, let's get rid of it!"

"Alert! Modules 56, 57, and 58 were destroyed"

"Well, your No. [-] psychic cannon is a bit of an eyesore, so get rid of it too!"

"Alarm! The No. [-] psychic cannon is damaged!"


Fleeting Maple listened to the constant damage reports from hummingbirds. This was another tease by von Hindenburg.In front of von Hindenburg's battleship, Liunianfeng's battleship is like meat on a chopping board. Whatever piece of meat von Hindenburg likes to cut, he can easily cut that piece of meat. Liunianfeng has no room for resistance .

To put it bluntly, Liu Nianfeng suddenly felt like a helpless girl, being suppressed on the ground by a strong man, allowing him to be frivolous and sexual.

"It's better for me to admit defeat!" Liu Nianfeng only felt that his mind was a little confused now, and waves of pain spread all over his body, which made Liu Nianfeng feel an urge to admit defeat in his heart.

Liu Nianfeng is still too young, and Chen Shihan also forgot to tell Liu Nianfeng some taboos.For example, when receiving intensive attacks, it is absolutely impossible to maintain a state of ghost resonance with the battleship, because in this way, the damage suffered by the battleship will be transmitted to Admiral Star in the form of ghost resonance... If it is too heavy, the admiral will be in danger of mental breakdown. For example, the current Liu Nianfeng has entered a state of mental breakdown.

During this daze, Liu Nianfeng felt that his soul had separated from his body, and began to slowly float upwards, and finally suspended in the cockpit of the battleship in the form of a soul.

"What's in front?" Liu Nianfeng's soul vaguely saw a shining thing in front of him.When Liu Nianfeng took a closer look, he suddenly discovered that the gleaming thing was actually a word.

It's just that this character is very weird, and the strokes are extremely complicated. It's not so much a character as it is a simple pictographic picture.

"This is the word for "wind"! This is a character in Shang Dingwen!" Others don't know this character, but Liu Nianfeng recognized it at a glance.

Although this is a real Chinese character, it is also a character that 99.99% of Chinese people do not know.

Because this is the ancestor of all Chinese characters, the oldest that the Chinese can unearth, it records the words on the bronze tripod of the Shang Dynasty: Shang Dingwen.

This kind of writing is even older than oracle bone inscriptions. It is said that it is a text handed down from the Xia Dynasty, and oracle bone inscriptions evolved from this.

As a top student in the history department who specializes in the study of the Lower Shang and Zhou dynasties, Liu Nianfeng can be said to have studied Shang Dingwen, so this character that others can never recognize, but Liu Nianfeng recognized it at a glance.

"But why? Why does my soul see Shang Dingwen?"


"Brother Feng... If there is any way to beat that pervert von Hindenburg, the only way is to comprehend the book of stars and stars!" the words said.

This is the answer Chen Shihan told himself when he asked Chen Shihan how he could defeat von Hindenburg...

"It is said that some gifted admirals can go out of their bodies at certain times and see a mysterious text floating in the air. This mosquito is the mysterious book of stars."

"As long as you can memorize the book of stars and write it on the starship girl's heart, you can activate the power of the book of stars and perform the mysterious and unpredictable art of stars."

"However, the time to carefully memorize the Heavenly Book of Stars is too short. Often it doesn't even take two seconds. It is impossible to memorize all the writing methods of this Book of Heaven. You can only roughly write it down."

"As long as you can write about 25% similarity, you can activate the power of the Star Book and perform the secret art of the stars. The more similar you write, the stronger the effect of the secret art of the stars... It is said that there has been no admiral since ancient times. Being able to write exactly the same star book, so no one knows where the limit of the star secret art is, so the potential of the star secret art is unlimited..."

"Hey... why am I telling you this, it's impossible for you to comprehend the Star Book!"


"Could it be that this is the Xingchen Tianshu? The so-called Xingchen Tianshu refers to Shang Dingwen!" Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng's heart was extremely excited. You must know that there are thousands of characters in Shang Dingwen in Liu Nianfeng's brain. , every text is the original text written on the bronze tripod of the Shang Dynasty. There is no one who is more like the one written by Liu Nianfeng in this world!
(End of this chapter)

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