girl line

Chapter 14 Killing Hindenburg in seconds

Chapter 14 Killing Hindenburg in seconds

[PS: Starting tomorrow, there will be two updates every day, and a new chapter will be added for every 10000 tips. 】

"Is it the secret art of the stars?" Suddenly, Liu Nianfeng's consciousness returned to his body, and he immediately ordered, "Hummingbird, show up!"

"At your command, Admiral!" Hummingbird's body instantly appeared in the cab.

"What's wrong with your clothes?" When he saw the hummingbird's body, Liu Nianfeng was stunned for a moment, because the hummingbird was almost in a full fruit state at this time, except for a hat on the head, only half of the crotch was left* *Still outside, there is nothing left on him.

"Report to Admiral, Hummingbird has lost more than 90% of its cabins, and Hummingbird can no longer maintain the ship's outfit in combat!" Hummingbird mechanically replied, and Liu Nianfeng suddenly remembered another setting of Starship Girl.

When the starship girl and the starship battleship are integrated, the starship battleship will form the girl's suit... and as the starship battleship is damaged, the girl's suit will continue to be damaged and fall off... When the damage of the starship battleship is greater than More than 90% of the time, there is no difference between the state of Starship Girl and the full fruit.

"Damn, isn't this the clothes-exploding setting in the ship girl game?" Liu Nianfeng complained in his heart, and then accepted this setting very happily... Is the ship girl who can't explode clothes still a ship girl?
"But it's just right, so I won't let you take off your clothes!" Following the muffled sound of two explosions from the battleship again, Liu Nianfeng knew that he could not delay any longer, and pulled the hummingbird directly in front of him, Then he bit his own finger, and bright red blood flowed out instantly.

"Sorry! Offended, this is all for victory!" Liu Nianfeng quickly said to Hummingbird, and then used his finger as a pen and blood as ink to write directly on Hummingbird's heart.

The so-called heart is actually the position of the left chest. Although the hummingbird is just a computer-evolved virtual starship girl, when Liu Nianfeng's fingers touched the **** on the girl's chest, At that time, Liu Nianfeng still couldn't help but feel a wave in his heart, and had some extremely unbearable thoughts.

In fact, if possible, Liu Nianfeng didn't want to write in this position.But according to Chen Shihan, writing the book of stars and stars can only be effective if it is written at the position closest to the starship girl's heart, and writing it at other positions is useless, so Liu Nianfeng had to do this kind of ghostly thing.

"Fortunately, I'm still an immature primary school student with a flat chest, otherwise it would be really difficult to write this word!" After a long time of effort, Liu Nianfeng wrote the mysterious words on the hummingbird's heart.

It is the book of stars and stars that Liu Nianfeng saw in just two seconds, which is the word "wind" in Shang Dingwen.

You must know that all the thousands of words of Shang Dingwen are firmly remembered in Liu Nianfeng's mind.

So when the other admirals of the stars need to carefully recall the book of stars they just read with trepidation, not daring to show any mistakes, and often take a day or two to recall, Liu Nianfeng doesn't even think about it. Write the text directly on the chest of the hummingbird!
"%¥!" After writing this Shang Dingwen, Hummingbird suddenly spat out a voice that sounded very strange and could not be understood by anyone else. Only Liu Nianfeng could barely recognize the word "wind"

Like Shang Dingwen, the pronunciation of this text is also the pronunciation of the three generations. If it weren't for Liu Nianfeng's teacher who is an authority on ancient Chinese, even if Liu Nianfeng read the book for decades, he would never be able to hear the hummingbird. what is it.

And as the hummingbird uttered the old saying "wind", a consciousness instantly appeared in his mind in a way that Liu Nianfeng couldn't understand.

"Star Mystery: Wind: The power system of the battleship returns to its full power during the triggering of the Star Mystery. The speed of the battleship increases several times in an instant, and the burst time is several seconds. It can be instantly increased and stopped instantly, ignoring inertia."

This is the meaning that Liu Nianfeng got after understanding this consciousness. Obviously, this is the effect of the star secret art activated by the writing of Xing Chen Tian Shu Feng.

"Hehe, von Hindenburg, your end is coming!" After thinking for a while, Liu Nianfeng suddenly burst into wild laughter.


"Report to the admiral, the opponent's battle damage is less than 5%!" Saddam reported to von Hindenburg.

"This guy's other abilities are not very good, but his firm will is beyond my imagination. I really didn't expect that he would be a man. This is the willpower that many women never have!" Feng Xing Deng Bo admired, and at the same time couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

"Would it be too much for me to do this? Liu Nianfeng must hate me very much now, hate me very much!" Thinking of this, von Hindenburg suddenly became anxious for no reason.

"Forget it, kill him, don't play anymore..." After a burst of anxiety, von Hindenburg no longer had any interest in continuing to play with Liu Nianfeng, gave up controlling the psionic cannon, and regained control of the most powerful psionic naval gun.

"Goodbye!" As soon as von Hindenburg thought, nine shells shot out from the muzzle of the psionic naval gun at the same time.

"It's over!" Von Hindenburg directly exited the state of ghostly resonance. She was very confident that at the moment her shell was fired, there was absolutely no possibility for the hummingbird to escape... After all, the antimatter of the hummingbird The engine had been knocked out, and the hummingbird was now a simple stationary target, and von Hindenburg could think of no reason to shoot in the air.

"Report, the psionic shell missed the enemy ship, and the hit rate is 0%!" But in the next second, a slap slapped von Hindenburg's face fiercely.

"What? That's impossible? I can't make a mistake in aiming!" Von Hindenburg's face changed drastically, and he immediately rushed to the radar, only to find in horror that the hummingbird was no longer in its original position.

"My God! What speed is this? Is the radar broken?" Over ten coordinate points... You must know that each coordinate point on the radar represents a distance of [-] kilometers, which means that in just two seconds, this warship has traveled [-] kilometers. distance.

Such a speed, not to mention the Hummingbird-class destroyer, even the strongest destroyer of mankind: the Kunpeng-class destroyer cannot reach it... That's why von Hindenburg wondered if his radar was broken in the first place.

"The quantum radar self-inspection procedure has started... The quantum radar self-inspection has been completed... The quantum radar function is intact and there is no damage!" Saddam reported after self-inspecting the quantum radar, and within a few seconds of the self-inspection , the fast-moving straight line stopped in an instant... From the radar screen, the dot representing the hummingbird and the dot representing Saddam have completely overlapped together.

"No!" Von Hindenburg seemed to understand something, and immediately rushed to the left side of the cockpit... Through the glass of the cockpit, Von Hindenburg clearly saw that a dilapidated ship with only A skeletal Hummingbird-class Star Destroyer appeared a hundred kilometers away from itself, sailing in parallel at the same speed.

"Quick! Release the ghost torpedo! Quickly release the ghost torpedo!" Von Hindenburg's reaction speed is not unreasonable, but it is so fast that the fleeting maple that was prepared too early, so von Hindenburg can only He watched helplessly as the torpedo tube of the opponent's warship shone with a white light, and then including himself, the entire Saddam-class star heavy cruiser was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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