girl line

Chapter 15 Apples of Lexington

Chapter 15 Apples of Lexington

[PS: Some old readers asked why the protagonist of this book is named Liunian. If you read the author’s first novel, you must know that the protagonist of this book, Liunianfeng, is actually the author’s first novel. The protagonist of "The Last Admiral of the Ship Girl World" was blocked only because of some H content.

When the author started to write novels about ship girls again, he chose this name to commemorate the first novel that passed away. 】

In fact, Lian Nianfeng also wanted to complain at the beginning. This is the age of the universe, why are torpedoes still being used, shouldn't self-guided missiles be used?

After reading the book, Liu Nianfeng realized that ordinary technological equipment could not cause any damage to the star beasts. Only weapons that contained psionic and psionic energy could harm the star beasts.

However, psionic energy and psionic energy are inherently highly capable of interfering with electronic equipment, and can make all electronic equipment scrapped in an instant, completely useless... Even if guidance equipment is installed, it is impossible for missiles to guide.

The electronic equipment on the starship battleship can be used because of the will of the starship girl, who can actively cut off the interference of psionic energy and psionic energy on the electronic equipment.

But missiles and cannonballs are different. These things are just consumables. Once they leave the starship, it is impossible for the starship girl to shield the interference of psionic energy on the missiles.

After actual combat tests, people found that traditional tools such as torpedoes are the most suitable to use. It takes a lot of time to change the speed and turn of the Star Warship, so as long as the speed of the ghost torpedo is fast enough, the user's prediction of the trajectory is accurate enough. , then the torpedo is the best close combat weapon.


"Ding! The battle is won, congratulations to candidate Liu Nianfeng for winning!"

"You got 9 points, now you have 11 points left, von Hindenburg lost nine points, now you have 9 points."

"I won! I won! I really defeated that powerful and perverted von Hindenburg!" Hearing the prompt in his ear, Liu Nianfeng pinched his thigh hard in disbelief, After confirming that he was awake, he said excitedly.

"You're cheating!" Liu Nianfeng was not happy for long, when he heard a voice like a lion's roar ringing in his ears.

Liu Nianfeng looked up, and saw von Hindenburg staring at him fiercely like a mad lion, and said angrily, "You are cheating, your final speed is definitely cheating!"

Von Hindenburg is still in a somewhat confused state until now. Apart from the reason of cheating, she really can't understand why Liu Nianfeng can show such an amazing speed at the end.

"I didn't cheat!" Seeing von Hindenburg's crazy look, Liu Nianfeng only felt very comfortable in his heart, stood up, patted his clothes and said lightly, "Don't you even have the Star Book and the Secret Art of the Stars?" have you heard of it?"

"Stars from Heaven!!!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's words, von Hindenburg backed up several steps as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer on his chest... At this time, von Hindenburg would rather believe that Liu Nianfeng was cheating I can't believe that Liu Nianfeng has comprehended the secret art of stars.

"I won! You lost!" Liu Nianfeng finally showed a happy smile on his face, and then the smile froze instantly, and finally passed out.


"Principal, the result of the competition is out!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's name and von Hindenburg finally separated after 30 minutes of stalemate, the head teacher said with a little pain.

The head teacher couldn't understand why von Hindenburg, who used to solve the battle within 10 minutes, took nearly 30 minutes to deal with a novice this time.

"Who won?" Lexington asked.

"Of course it's von Hindenburg..." The class teacher couldn't speak anymore halfway through the words. On the display screen, it was clear that von Hindenburg's name had turned black, while Fleeting Maple had turned golden, golden Winning and black losing, the outcome is already very clear.

"This is impossible..." the head teacher murmured in disbelief.

"Look at what happened in the battle?" Lexington didn't say anything, and directly used the principal's authority to read the video of the game just now.

"This von Hindenburg is too much, actually teasing a newcomer like this!" Seeing how von Hindenburg teased Liu Nianfeng at the beginning of the battle, the head teacher said a little bit disapprovingly.

"This is the strangest part. Liu Nianfeng's anti-matter engine is finished. How did he turn the tables?" Lexington couldn't wait to fast-forward until there were less than ten seconds left in the video, and finally saw It was a thrilling scene: the destroyer Hummingbird approached von Hindenburg's side as fast as light in an instant, and then sent him home with three ghost torpedoes.

"What happened here? Why can't I understand?" When the video was all over, the head teacher said in a daze.

"It's the Mystery of the Stars! It's the Mystery of the Stars: Wind!" Lexington said with complicated eyes. There is something wrong!"


"Where am I?" Liu Nianfeng struggled to open his eyes, feeling his brain was about to explode.

"Are you awake?" A mature woman's voice rang in his ears, and Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find that Principal Lexington was sitting beside him.

"What's wrong with me? How did I pass out?" Liu Nianfeng asked puzzled.

"You still have the nerve to ask me? I used the secret art of the stars without knowing the heights of the heavens and the earth. Don't you know the side effects of the secret art of the stars?" Lexington glared at Liu Nianfeng, "If you don't have enough psionic energy and psionic energy, Forcibly using the star secret technique will hurt your own origin, and you are lucky to pass out like you, and those who are unlucky will die directly on the battlefield!"

"Listen to me, from now on, until you have enough psionic and psionic energy, you are not allowed to use the secret art of stars, otherwise if you die, I will have no way to explain to the joint headquarters. "

"Yes!" Facing the principal's personal order, what else could Liu Nianfeng say?He could only obediently nod in agreement.

"How's the result of the exam? What's my number?" Liu Nianfeng thought of the unknown exam rankings, and the precious reward that the top ten would get for having the first starship girl's subordinates, and Liu Nianfeng had some expectations mixed in asked excitedly.

"Hmph! Who would have believed that a man who just attended class for two weeks could actually get No. 9 in the class!" Lexington smiled wryly.

"No.9?" Liu Nianfeng was startled by this result, hesitantly said, "Didn't I lose two sets? Maybe there is still No.9 result?"

"Who made your opponent win two sets before?" Lexington shook his upper body, and there was a turbulent moment "Von Hindenburg won the first set and got 4 points, which became 12 points .In the second set, he won another opponent who won the first set, and got 6 points, which became 18 points."

"In the end, I lost to you in the third game, and gave you 9 points abruptly. But your other classmates were evenly matched, and they won each other. In the end, it was cheaper for you, and you got a mere 11 points. The result of No.9 is really interesting!" Lexington said with some yin and yang.

"In that case, there are only 9 points left. Von Hindenburg is firmly positioned outside the top ten. This time, she will not be able to establish a contract with the starship girl?" Liu Nianfeng asked cautiously.

"You don't need to worry about it. Student von Hindenburg is the president of the first-year student union. She has the privileges bestowed by the school, and she no longer has the scope of the exam. Her ranking has no effect on her. In fact, she Already have her own starship girl subordinate." Lexington said.

"Hehe! It's really more popular than people!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly. He had worked so hard to get a quota, but von Hindenburg could get as many quotas as he wanted. It's probably too big.

"Don't be jealous, this principal will give you a privilege that von Hindenburg will never get in his life!" Lexington handed Liu Nianfeng a peeled apple.

"An apple peeled by the greatest, loveliest and most trustworthy principal of Lexington, this is the only reward, even my admiral has never eaten an apple peeled by me!" Lexington one The expression that I gave you great grace.

"Um...thank you, the greatest, cutest and most trustworthy principal of Lexington... this should be edible!..." Looking at the apple that was peeled off like the surface of the moon in front of him, Liu Nianfeng froze. Zhang face thanked.

"Come on, you accepted my apple, and you have to cooperate with my work. Now tell me in detail, how you comprehended the secret art of stars, and what kind of words you read in the book of stars!" Dare to love Lexing Dun is here to ambush Liunianfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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