girl line

Chapter 16 Contract Ceremony = Blind Date Ceremony?

Chapter 16 Contract Ceremony = Blind Date Ceremony?

Although Liu Nianfeng clearly knows the most correct way to write the word "Feng" in Xingchen Tianshu, our Liu Nianfeng is still very clever. Only half of the entire word "Feng" is correct, and the other half is written by Liu Nianfeng. from.

Of course, good things should be hidden and choked, and they cannot be given away for nothing. Anyway, human beings have completely lost the inheritance of Shang Dingwen, and they don’t know what the real Fengzi looks like. No one can pierce him.

And Lexington kept the book of stars and stars written by Liu Nianfeng like a treasure, touched Liu Nianfeng's forehead and said with a smile, "Okay, the doctor has checked, your body is fine, and you are here today." Rest in the hospital for one night, and go back to class for me tomorrow! Don't forget that your starship girl has no contract yet!"

"My starship girl?" Hearing what Lexington said, Liu Nianfeng's heart suddenly started to jump, so excited, can he finally have the first starship girl in his life?

The First Starfleet Girls Academy on Zhiyuan Star has many departments with various names, but they can actually be divided into three different major departments, namely, the Star Admiral Department where Liu Nianfeng is, and the Starship Department where Starship Girl is. , and the logistics department that cultivates talents in maintenance, driving, manipulation, etc.

Because there are many men in the logistics department, they are arranged to attend classes in another campus of the Starship Girls Academy, and the entire core campus only has the two departments of the Starship Department and the Star Admiral Department.

Among them, the starship department occupies more than 80% of the campus... Who made the star admiral department have too few students, there are only five classes in total, with more than 200 students.The starship department has nearly 150 classes and more than 6000 people.

From this point, it can also be seen that there are few admirals of stars.

Liunianfeng originally thought that the scene of choosing his starship girl was a very serious scene, but when Liunianfeng and a total of 50 star admirals from the other four classes came to the venue, he was surprised to find that it was actually a huge ballroom , and a grand western-style banquet is being held among the five stars.

"What's going on here? Why is it a reception?" Liu Nianfeng asked Chen Shihan beside him in a low voice. After the battle in the virtual world, the relationship between Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan began to become closer, and Chen Shihan was not like before. The same deliberately rejected Liu Nianfeng.

"It's not a reception, so what should it be?" Chen Shihan's face flushed suddenly, "This is a lifetime event, so of course it should be more grand and grand."

"That...can you explain in more detail...I don't understand very well!" Several black lines appeared on Liu Nianfeng's forehead.

"Uh, let me ask you, what will happen if Admiral Xingchen chooses his starship girl?" Chen Shihan asked Liu Nianfeng
"I will first carry out the ghost contract, then carry out the war spirit summoning with the cooperation of the star admiral, and then carry out the ghost reincarnation with the star warship, and finally bring the starship girl's battleship sky soul into my ghost port through the ghost bridge !" Liu Nianfeng was a little nervous and told the process that he had memorized for a whole night.

"I'm not talking about this..." Chen Shihan patted her head helplessly, "I'm talking about all the rituals being completed, that girl has truly become our starship girl, what will happen after that!"

"What else? Of course we are fighting under our command." Liu Nianfeng blurted out.

"Then how long is the time limit for this battle? How long will she follow us?" Chen Shihan asked.

"This... on the premise that our star admiral is not killed in battle, he should follow us indefinitely, until the psionic and psionic energy of the star ship girl begins to decline, and then the retirement ceremony can be held to return to the status of ordinary people." Fleeing Years Feng replied.

"That's right. Generally, starship girls will not experience the decline of psionic and psionic energy after the age of 50. That is to say, at least before the age of 50, the starship girl will always accompany her star admiral. If the starship Unfortunately, if the girl died in battle, it would be equivalent to being with her star admiral for the rest of her life."

"Oh..." Liu Nianfeng felt that he understood a little bit.

"Do you think that to some extent, the ceremony of the ghost contract is similar to the wedding ceremony. Once the master-slave relationship is confirmed, the starship girl will hand over her youngest, most beautiful, and most fertile life to her. To the hands of our star admiral."

"You know, most of the marriages in the world are divorced before the age of 50."

"So choosing a correct star admiral is the wish of every starship girl, and it is also their due right. As early as 2500 years ago, the joint commander-in-chief issued an order, and every starship girl has the freedom to choose her own The right of the star admiral, this is the inviolable right of every starship girl." Chen Shihan sighed

"By the way, speaking of it, there's also an epic love story in it!"

"Okay, I'm not interested in love stories, but I understand what you mean. You mean that a ghost contract is equivalent to getting married, and choosing your own star admiral is equivalent to a blind date. The reception in front of me is actually It's just a big blind date ceremony, right!"

"That's right, you comprehend it very quickly!" Chen Shihan's face became even more blush upon hearing the word "blind date".

"It's fine for me to go on a blind date with a girl, but the problem is that I'm the only man present! A group of girls go on a blind date with a girl? What kind of blind date ceremony is this?" Liu Nianfeng complained in his heart.


The blind date ceremony was first entered by the starship girls, while the star admirals such as Liu Nianfeng hid in the background for the time being.

The starship girls lined up neatly and entered the arena one after another. Liu Nianfeng roughly estimated that there were more than 300 starship girls entering the ballroom.

"Is this the best talent among the starship girls this year?" Liu Nianfeng looked at these starship girls and thought silently in his heart.

According to Chen Shihan, according to the school's regulations, their group of newly enrolled star admirals can only sign contracts with starship girls who are also in their first year of enrollment.

Just like the starship admiral's quota needs to be selected, the starship girl's quota also needs to be selected. These 300 selected starship girls are also the top ten in their respective classes, which is equivalent to the most elite force of the year.

It can also be seen from this that the contract ceremony this time is extremely important, and most of the best starship girls will find their own star admirals in this first contract ceremony every year.

Waiting for the next few contract opportunities, only the other starship girls who have already been selected... Although there are some starship girls who are rising lately, most of the truly outstanding starship girls are in this contract. The one who was chosen to go in the ceremony.

"No problem! I will definitely be able to choose the best starship girl!" After hearing this, Liu Nianfeng was very confident. Who made Liu Nianfeng the only male star admiral!

(End of this chapter)

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