girl line

Chapter 18 Pinghai and Ninghai 【Thank you for adding more】

Chapter 18 Pinghai and Ninghai 【Thank you for adding more】

[Thanks to the boss: Ziyu Qinyang's 10000 starting point coin reward]

[Thanks to: tuilasat, Wang Jiaoheine, Ziyuqin Yangbai Xiaolunzi pirate-class battleship Sola Yiga Kazakhstan KFC 01010707 Passing by Uncle Meow Kuang qwert Red Man Pavilion Jubai Xiaolunzi Xingyue Lingmeng for their rewards 】

"Next, let's invite our star admirals to come on stage and start introducing ourselves one by one!" Liu Nianfeng didn't expect that the person in charge of hosting this blind date meeting would be von Hindenburg... There is a card that everyone owes her 500 million The cold-faced and proud girl is actually able to take on the role of the host responsible for the lively atmosphere.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that apart from her, there is no other suitable candidate for the position of von Hindenburg's first-year student council president.

Under von Hindenburg's roll call command, the star admirals began to introduce themselves one by one... I don't know if von Hindenburg did it deliberately, after all the other star admirals finished introducing themselves, it was their turn Our fleeting maple is here.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, please start your self-introduction!" Von Hindenburg said expressionlessly, as if he had nothing to do with Liu Nianfeng.


"It's really a man!"

"The rumor of the male star admiral is actually true!" There was a burst of whispering in the audience, and all the starship girls focused their eyes on Liu Nianfeng, looking curiously at the ups and downs of Liu Nianfeng's body Every part, with an expression that can't wait to take out the magnifying glass to appreciate it carefully, feels like a group of sluts.

But this is not surprising, after all, Liu Nianfeng is the only male star admiral in 3000 years, and it is extremely normal to get such attention from the starship girls.

"Looks like I'm on the safe side!" Seeing how much attention he received, Liu Nianfeng thought complacently.

"Hello, lovely starship girls, my name is Liu Nianfeng, and I am an admiral of the stars!" Liu Nianfeng said without any stage fright, "As the first male star admiral in 3000 years, I feel both proud and proud." Proud, proud of..., proud of..."

Liu Nianfeng talked for more than ten minutes, until von Hindenburg glared at Liu Nianfeng viciously, Liu Nianfeng ended his speech wisely.

"I believe that all the beautiful girls have found the person they like in the self-introduction just now, and I wasted everyone's time, and everyone can contact freely." Von Hindenburg said in his mouth that he would not waste everyone's time , but immediately changed the subject and continued.

"But there is one thing I have to remind everyone, everyone, don't forget your identity, and don't forget that you are an upright woman, a woman Li Meng Dano (cough cough, explain, this sentence is equivalent to a manly man.) , how can we women accept the command of a man?"

"One more thing, ask yourself, in front of a man, and a handsome man, are you sure you can control yourself? You must understand this point, otherwise when you are locked in the interstellar prison, Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"Okay, I've finished my words, let's start free contact time!"

"Damn! This woman actually took revenge on me so blatantly!" After listening to von Hindenburg's speech, Liu Nianfeng clenched his fists angrily.What von Hindenburg said just now was clearly aimed at himself.

But Liu Nianfeng has nothing to do with von Hindenburg. Who made von Hindenburg the first-year student council president, so he was born with great rights?

The facts also developed as Liu Nianfeng worried. Although Liu Nianfeng almost attracted the attention of all the starship girls present, none of the starship girls took the initiative to talk to Liu Nianfeng.

When Liu Nianfeng planned to go up and take the initiative to contact the starship girls, those starship girls looked unwilling and helpless and dealt with Liu Nianfeng with a word or two, and then took the initiative to escape.

And what Liu Nianfeng didn't expect was that some girls actually showed obvious disgust towards Liu Nianfeng, looking at Liu Nianfeng as if seeing something disgusting.

"Excuse me, Mr. Liunianfeng, do you have time?" Just as Liunianfeng was feeling very frustrated because of his failure, he suddenly heard a somewhat pleasant voice, and when he looked up, it was a woman in a blue dress with a natural childhood sweetheart. Temperament girl.

"Of course!" Liu Nianfeng showed what he thought was the most charming smile, and hurriedly called the girl next door to sit beside him.

"Mr. Liunianfeng, hello, my name is Li Qingtong, and I'm a student in Class [-], Grade [-], Starship Girls!" The girl next door introduced herself.

"Hello, Ms. Li Qingtong, my name is Liu Nianfeng, and I'm a student in Class [-], Grade [-], Admiral Xingchen!" Liu Nianfeng also responded quickly, feeling a burst of joy in his heart.

"Great! I have finally ushered in a normal start!"

"Great, I thought you would be very popular, Mr. Liu Nianfeng, so I was embarrassed to come to you at first, but I didn't expect you to be here all the time, it's really surprising!" Li Qingtong covered her mouth, Said quietly and elegantly.

"Hehe!" Liu Nianfeng smiled awkwardly, and reluctantly explained, "'s probably because everyone is shy!"

"En!" Li Qingtong nodded, and chatted with Liu Nianfeng for a while, but Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find that Li Qingtong and herself had a lot in common.

For example, Li Qingtong, like Liu Nianfeng, is more interested in ancient culture... What Li Qingtong is interested in is the history of the earth's ancient times, and after 5000 years, the history of the earth's ancient times actually refers to the celestial dynasty The history of the times.

Others don't know this history, but Liu Nianfeng is definitely familiar with it, after all, he is a living man of the Celestial Dynasty!
Therefore, Liu Nianfeng and Li Qingtong talked very happily, and the two kept laughing happily, and Liu Nianfeng could even see a gleam of admiration in Li Qingtong's eyes!
"This girl is stable!" Liu Nianfeng clenched his fists secretly, feeling that his first starship girl was hopeful!

"Okay! It's time to confess!" Liu Nianfeng saw that the flames were already burning hot, and his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly took Li Qingtong's hand in his own, and asked solemnly, "Qingtong Hitomi, would you like to be my starship girl?"

"You..." Li Qingtong's reaction was somewhat unexpected by Liu Nianfeng. In Liu Nianfeng's imagination, after hearing what he said, Li Qingtong should have a shy face anyway.

But in fact, Li Qingtong's face suddenly became stiff, a little ugly, and even a bit of suppressed anger.

"How can I let the boys confess first..." Li Qingtong pulled his hand out of Liu Nianfeng's hand, and then held Liu Nianfeng's hand in turn, asking the question instead Said, "Mr. Liunianfeng, are you willing to be my star admiral?"

"Yes..." Liu Nianfeng was taken aback by Li Qingtong's reaction, and almost forgot that in this world, popular girls always confess their love.

Forget it, let the other party confess first!Anyway, she is her own starship girl.

"Then Mr. Liu Nianfeng, are you willing to be my star admiral?" Li Qingtong held Liu Nianfeng's hand even tighter, and at the same time asked further.

"I... Admiral Xingchen can command many starship girls? I can be your only admiral Xingxing now, and in the future..." Liu Nianfeng panicked, he suddenly realized a very bad situation.

"No! You are a man, how can you marry other women? This is against the laws of heaven and ethics!" Li Qingtong was very emotional.

"Oops!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly realized that the concept of men and women in this era has been completely reversed.

In the era of Fleeting Maple, it was a matter of course for a man to have a harem, and it was easily accepted by the society as a normal behavior.But if a woman runs a harem, it is estimated that the morality and ethics of the whole society will boil over. This is something that some women, including some, cannot accept.

The simplest example, there are ten novels in Qidian novels about opening a harem, and nine of them are novels with male protagonists.

In this era of the future, this point has been completely reversed.In the subconscious of human beings in this era, it is a matter of course for women to have a harem. If a man does this kind of thing, he will probably be soaked in a pig cage.

"This... the relationship between the starship girl and the admiral is pure, a pure comrade-in-arms relationship... don't think too much about it!" Liu Nianfeng said, but he didn't believe it.

"No! No, my man, how can he live with other women? This is absolutely not allowed!" Li Qingtong roared, and she ran away crying... She walked directly through the gate of the banquet hall If he escaped, he simply gave up on this blind date meeting.

At the same time, the other starship girls focused their attention on Liu Nianfeng, and some starship girls who witnessed the whole thing turned into gossip centers, quickly spreading the story that happened just now throughout the banquet hall.All the starship girls were looking at Fleeting Maple and whispering.

"I..." What else could Liu Nianfeng say, he just once again deeply felt the horror and fear of this society, and at the same time, his desire to reverse the status of men and women in this society became more intense.

The entire blind date meeting lasted for three hours, but in the following time, Liu Nianfeng still didn't make any progress, and finally could only sit aside with a wry smile, silently waiting for the end of this embarrassing blind date meeting.

"I guessed it a long time ago, you are definitely going to return empty-handed this time!" When Liu Nianfeng hid in the corner and was secretly sad, the proud Chen Shihan walked over with two beautiful girls in his arms one by one.

"Come on, let's get acquainted. This is Ms. Zhu Yunqing, and this is Ms. Dak Blaney. I am in love with these two ladies. They have decided to become my starship girls and join my tutelary mansion!" Chen Shihan said triumphantly.

Liu Nianfeng raised his head to see the faces of the two starship girls clearly, and couldn't help showing a hint of envy.These two starship girls are the best among young girls. This Ms. Zhu Yunqing is of standard Chinese blood. She has the clear and girlish appearance of Jiangnan water town, which makes Liu Nianfeng seem to have returned to the Jiangnan of the earth era.

The other blonde, Dak Blaney, was of the standard Europa bloodline. Apart from having long golden hair, he was also very hot.

"So, you are here to anger me?" Liu Nianfeng said with a cold face.

"Hey, I don't have time to piss you off. It was me, these two lovely starship girls who knew you and I were good friends and wanted to get to know you, so I brought them here!"

"Really!" Liu Nianfeng's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again, and said with a wry smile, "I thought there wasn't a starship girl here willing to talk to me!"

"The two of us have chosen our own admiral, otherwise we wouldn't have the guts to chat with you!" Dak Blaney grinned and said with a smile.

"Then I, Liu Nianfeng, have the cheek to ask, why do you reject me like this?" After chatting casually for a few words, Liu Nianfeng asked the question in his heart.

"I don't know the reasons for others. My reason is very simple. I don't want to be a man's starship girl. It would be very embarrassing!" Zhu Yunqing answered first. This is a very sincere answer. If it is changed to 5000 years Before, if Liu Nianfeng was allowed to choose, he would definitely not serve as a soldier under the hands of a woman, which would make a man lose face.

"I don't care about face!" Dak Blaney shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "I'm a lecherous woman, and if a handsome guy like Liu Nianfeng appears by my side every day, I can't resist You cook rice for raw rice... I don’t want to be imprisoned in an interstellar prison, so I can only give up on you, handsome boy.”

"But the most important thing is that it is impossible for us to accept that our man is surrounded by other women... This is really disgusting, and I get goosebumps all over my body just thinking about it. This is not a goddamn male novel." Zhu Yun Qing added with a deep sense of disgust.

"These three reasons are mainstream reasons, and there are other reasons. For example, I heard that handsome guy, you are not strong enough, and you just happened to beat von Hindenburg to get the spot."

"For another example, handsome guy, when you introduced yourself just now, you said [cute starship girls]... Tsk tsk, how could you say such a thing? Do you know how disgusting this sentence is?" Dak Bly Nick went on to say.

"I call you cute, but you think I'm disgusting?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback, a little confused.

"Of course, cute is used to describe you men, how can you use this word on us women, aren't you just disgusting us?" Da Blaney said unceremoniously.

"Uh... I was wrong..." Liu Nianfeng was speechless, and once again realized that his three views were incompatible with this world.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the three-hour blind date was about to end, and most of the starship girls in the blind date hall found their favorite star admiral, seeing that all this was coming to an end, Liu Nianfeng was about to give up completely when.

Two timid little lolis who sneaked in through the back door and secretly picked up the leftover food on the table, firmly attracted Liu Nianfeng's attention.

"Are the two of them the starship girls who participated in this blind date?" Liu Nianfeng asked Dak Blaney curiously.

"How did the two of them sneak in?" Dak Blaney showed a helpless smile, "The two of them are not qualified to participate in this blind date meeting at all. In fact, the two of them are my classmates. There are 45 students in the class, and the two of them got 44th and 45th in the exam."

"What's their name?" Liu Nianfeng's expression seemed extraordinarily excited.

"Oh, one is Jiang Pinghai and the other is Jiang Ninghai, they are twin sisters!" Dak Blaney said.

(End of this chapter)

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