girl line

Chapter 19 Kela Hell 【Thank you for adding more】

Chapter 19 Kela Hell 【Thank you for adding more】

[Thanks to: The 10000 starting point coin reward from the brilliant boss of Feiyue Swastika, this chapter is an added chapter!There are two more chapters today, which will be released later]

[Thanks to: Empty Street after the Rain, Genius Qilu Nuo丨, Behest, book friend 20170124154232050, Pindao Liumu, Tianpo Leihen, book friend 20170510225308292, Li Mingyao, Xingyue Lingmeng, Sola Yijia for their tipping]

"It's really Ninghai and Pinghai!" Hearing Blaney's words, Liu Nianfeng was slightly taken aback.The moment I saw these two twin girls just now, I felt that they looked very similar to Ning Hai and Ping Hai, the twin daughters of Ship B. They were almost carved out of the same mold. It seems that this world is really amazing!

[Ship B refers to the ship girl in a mobile game called "Azur Lane"... Of course, most readers should know this, this is just an explanation for those readers who don't play mobile games.

Readers who have never played before can search for pictures of Pinghai and Ninghai on the Internet! 】

Immediately, Liu Nianfeng rolled his eyes, and immediately took care of his heart, showing a wicked smile, sneaked up behind Ning Hai and Ping Hai, and then started working with his left and right hands at the same time, holding the heads of these two little guys!

Well, speaking of which, the twins are really not tall, their heads are only a little below Liu Nianfeng's chest, and their height of 1.2 meters is the sky-high. They are two veritable little ones.

"Haha, I caught you two thieves!" Liu Nianfeng deliberately said with a somewhat nasty expression and voice.

"Ah!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai let out two panicked sounds, raised their heads to reveal a pair of big watery eyes, looked at Liu Nian Feng pitifully, and begged in a soft loli voice, "Please! Please! Don't take us away."

"I haven't eaten for three days, I'm so hungry!"

"The two of you haven't eaten for three days?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback. This Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy can be said to have the highest standard in Zhiyuan Star, and it is also an academy that is completely funded by the government, such as tuition fees, accommodation fees, groceries, etc. All expenses are covered by the government, and students don't have to pay a penny. How can Ninghai and Pinghai be hungry?
Forget it, regardless of the reason, but this is obviously a point that can be used.

"Don't worry, I won't catch you!" Liu Nianfeng touched the heads of the two little twins, and said very gently, "I will tell the student president about your affairs. Did you see that, the one sitting on the table , a blonde woman!"

Ning Hai and Ping Hai glanced timidly at the stage, but von Hindenburg's eyes just happened to look directly at Liu Nian Feng's position, and there was a suffocating severity and threat in his eyes.

The stern and threatening gaze of von Hindenburg was for Liu Nianfeng, and had nothing to do with the two little girls, Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

But how did the two lolitas Ninghai and Pinghai know this? They instinctively thought that von Hindenburg was glaring at them viciously, and the two little lolitas were frightened immediately, and shrank helplessly into Liu Nianfeng's body. Behind him, grabbing Liu Nianfeng's sleeve, he couldn't stop begging, "Please! Please!"

"Well, I'm going to give von Hindenburg a big credit this time!" Liu Nianfeng smiled proudly, and then squatted in front of Ning Hai and Ping Hai, keeping the three people's eyes in a straight line.

"If you two don't want me to report you, it's okay, as long as you promise to be my starship girl, I will never tell what happened today!" At this time, Liu Nianfeng's expression was like holding a lollipop Like the strange uncle who seduced little loli.

"What?" Ning Hai and Ping Hai were stunned at the same time. Although they were usually a little silly, they still knew some basic common sense, and clearly understood what it would mean once they agreed to Liu Nian Feng's request.

So Ning Hai and Ping Hai began to hesitate, so that they would not sell themselves for such a simple threat.

"In this way, if the two of you agree to become my starship girl, then I can share 1/2 of my personal living allowance with you!" Liu Nianfeng took out his trump card and continued to seduce, "This is a star." Admiral's personal living allowance! There are 5000 star coins every month!"

"There are 5000 star coins!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai's mouth suddenly dripped two streams of crystal clear liquid.

"Let me do the math... half of the 5000 star coins is 2500 star coins, which is more than the one-month personal allowances of our sisters!" Ning Hai counted with his chubby fingers.

"There are so many!" Ping Hai wiped his saliva indiscriminately, then hugged Liu Nianfeng's thigh without hesitation, raised his right hand high, and made a gesture of pulling a hook, "Then We have agreed that the hook will not be changed for 100 years!"

"Okay!" Liu Nianfeng also stretched out his little finger of his right hand, hooking it with Ning Hai's little hand.

"Damn it, I'm the elder sister, I should say this!" Ping Hai looked at his younger sister angrily, and also extended his right hand. In this way, Liu Nianfeng easily harvested two little girls. The loli starship girl is still the rarest twin sister.

"Tsk tsk, you're really sloppy!" Chen Shihan behind him witnessed the whole process of Liu Nianfeng's seducing little Lolita, and said with a little resentment, "You think about it, Blaney just said that this pair of sisters are in their class. The last two from the bottom are not even qualified to participate in this banquet. They sneaked in, and their strength must be very bad. Just like this, when the qualification ceremony for ghost reincarnation is performed, and the soul of the ancient battleship is summoned, it must be a golden waste. That would be too bad for your future!"

The souls of ancient warships that Chen Shihan refers to refer to the ancient souls and wills of those warships in the era of sea warfare on the earth, which is the most important thing for starship girls.

Before the reincarnation of the ghost, the starship girls could use their spiritual power to summon the soul of the ancient battleship hidden in the fragments of the earth, and integrate the soul of the ancient battleship into their own starship soul.

The soul of this ancient battleship can not only strengthen the strength of the starship girl in all aspects, but also give the starship girl unique skills.

Different ancient battleship souls can give starship girls different upper limit enhancement attributes, as well as different skills. The elite-level ancient battleship souls can even give starship girls several times the power of other starship girls of the same level.

So for Starship Girl, summoning an excellent ancient battleship soul becomes extremely important. To some extent, it determines the future of Starship Girl.

As for which ancient battleship souls are strong and which ancient battleship souls are weak, there have been many controversies since ancient times, but if it is said that the ancient battleship souls make the starship girl most desperate, it must be Jin Kela.

Jin Kela is actually the soul of the ancient battleship San Diego. Jin Kela is just the nickname of San Diego. As for why San Diego has the nickname of Jin Kela, it has been submerged in the long history. And know.

Jin Kela can be called the most mediocre soul of an ancient battleship among all the souls of warships. It has a medium bombardment attribute bonus, medium air defense, medium speed, and medium defense... It is simply mediocre to the extreme, without any advantages to speak of.

[PS: In fact, the author is still very cute about Jinkela, the above words about Jinkela are just for the plot, it does not mean that the author really hates Jinkela, this is really just for the plot!Dear chefs, don’t send blades to the author! 】

(End of this chapter)

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