girl line

Chapter 21 Ghost Contract Ceremony

Chapter 21 Ghost Contract Ceremony
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The small door of the banquet hall leads directly to the contract hall. As the name suggests, the so-called contract hall is the place where the starship girl and the star admiral conclude the ghost contract.

If the starship girl and the star admiral want to truly become a whole, they must use the ghost contract to allow the psionic energy and ghost energy of both parties to merge with each other and blend together.

At the same time, only after the starship girl and the star admiral conclude a contract, can the starship girl's potential be known, whether it has the potential of a star destroyer, or a star cruiser, or even a star battleship and a star carrier potential.

The venue for the contract ceremony looks very similar to the wedding church. Behind a podium that looks like a cross, stands a middle-aged woman wearing a pastor's robe. Every woman has a warm smile on her face, kindly Be like the granny next door.

Chen Shihan had quick eyes and quick feet, and immediately found a priest who was free, and ran over with Liu Nianfeng. Just as he was about to make the contract with the ghost, a burst of noise came from another priest not far away. exclamation.

"My God! It's actually a battleship!"

"My God! You are indeed the president!"

Listening to those ear-piercing voices, Liu Nianfeng knew without guessing that it must be after von Hindenburg completed the contract ceremony and found out that the starship girl he chose had the potential of a star battleship.

It has to be said that this is really enviable news.

The potentials of the starship girls are different, and the potential almost determines the future of the starship girl.

70% of the starship girls in the world have the qualifications of star destroyers, 20% of the starship girls have the qualifications of star light cruisers, 6% of the starship girls have the qualifications of star heavy cruisers, and 3% of the starship girls have the qualifications of star battleships. Qualifications of a cruiser.

As for the most powerful Starship Battleship and Starship Helicopter among all Starship Girls, they are qualifications that only 0.05% of Starship Girls can possess.That is to say, among the 1 starship girls, only five have such qualifications.

The rarity of aptitude also means that it is powerful. It is possible for a starship girl of a top-level star battleship to single out a star beast with her own strength, and Yamato, the most powerful starship girl in history, once created Set a record of killing five main god-level star beasts with one's own strength.

Liu Nianfeng did not expect that this von Hindenburg's luck would be so good that she would conclude a contract with a star battleship... This is the real protagonist template, okay?
"Okay, don't be envious of others, are you comparable to them?" Chen Shihan rolled her eyes at Liu Nianfeng, then found the priest in front of her, and performed the ghost contract ceremony with the two starship girls she had chosen.

Liu Nianfeng, Ping Hai and Ning Hai, as bystanders, looked at the ceremony in front of them very curiously.

"What a beautiful scene!" After the contract ceremony was over, Liu Nianfeng stood up and looked around, and saw many pairs of beautiful girls embracing each other, ecstasy... exchanging ghost water beads.

"This is simply a picturesque scene!" This scene deeply shocked Liu Nianfeng, and Liu Nianfeng faintly felt his own attributes!
(End of this chapter)

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