girl line

Chapter 22 Fragments of the Earth【Thank you for adding more】

Chapter 22 Fragments of the Earth【Thank you for adding more】

[Thanks to Little Crazy Bai for the reward of 12000 starting coins, this chapter will add more for you]

[Thanks to the readers: Tianbing Hanlu, My Heart Flying 110, Zeratul's Blade, Cute Quincy, Passing Uncle Meow, Waloli, Sola Yijia, Old Bookworm Broad Bean, Xingyu Tianchen, Azure Tears , time has never stopped, broken roads, meteor rain and moon, dragon ancestor candle shade, only love ♀ bosom friend for the reward, thank you very much! 】

"May I ask you two students, what did you two see during the meeting of ghosts and ghosts just now?" The priest who had been waiting by the side asked after the ceremony was over.

"The two of us saw a battleship!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai said in unison.

"Oh! The two students saw these two warships?" After the priest's voice fell, the ring on his hand projected a phantom of a star warship.This star warship is about 9 meters long and 1 meters wide. It is a slender star warship.

"That's right! It's this battleship!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai said in unison.

"Congratulations to the two students, and congratulations to the star admiral, the starship girl under you is a starship girl with light cruiser qualifications." The pastor finally said to Liu Nianfeng.

As I said before, about 20% of the starship girls in the world have the qualifications of light cruisers, so although the qualifications of light cruisers in Ninghai and Pinghai cannot be said to be the best, they are better than most other destroyer starship girls.

Of course, it doesn't mean that destroyers are inferior to light cruisers. Among the star destroyers, there are some starship girls who are so powerful that they can defeat battleships. It's just that most of the star destroyers are not as good as the star light cruisers. There is no doubt about this.

"Thank you, Pastor!" Liu Nianfeng expressed his gratitude to the priest. In fact, there is no need for the priest to say too much. Liu Nianfeng also knows that Ninghai and Pinghai are light cruisers, otherwise Liu Nianfeng would have been a ship girl for several years.

"Not bad! Both Ninghai and Pinghai have the qualifications of star light cruisers. This is beyond my expectation. I thought these two little ones were at most two star destroyers." Chen Shihan said with narrowed eyes.

"It's not as good as you! Blaney's classmate has the qualifications of a star heavy cruiser, which is much better than my two Ninghai and Pinghai!" Liu Nianfeng also gave Chen Shihan a white look. The contract ceremony that Chen Shihan performed before Liu Nianfeng, So Liu Nianfeng already knew the qualifications of Chen Shihan's two starship girls.

Among them, Zhu Yunqing has the qualifications of a star destroyer, and Blaney has the qualification of a star heavy cruiser... The combat power of a star heavy cruiser is equal to five star light cruisers, and Blaney alone can beat the fleeting maple. Ninghai and Pinghai were compared.

"Could it be that the rumor is true, and the difference in qualification tonnage is really related to that thing?" Liu Nianfeng secretly glanced at the turbulent waves on Blaney's chest, and muttered to himself.


After ending the ghost contract, the most important part of the entire reincarnation ceremony came, which was to summon the soul of the ancient battleship who was willing to respond to him.

The location of the summoning is in a huge hall. This room is hollow. Except for a corridor with a width of more than two meters along the wall, the middle part of the room is empty. A huge crystal ball of 1000 meters.

In this transparent crystal ball, there are countless pieces of different sizes, shapes, and colors suspended. Anyway, there is no fragment that looks the same.

"Are these the fragments of the earth?" Seeing the fragments suspended in the crystal glass ball, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help muttering to himself.It is hard to believe that the Earth, which was so vivid and vivid just three weeks ago, has now been reduced to such pitiful fragments.

"Yes! This is our home planet, the hateful star beast!" Chen Shihan slammed his fist on the railing, making a dull sound, his throat filled with suppressed anger.

More than 3000 years ago, although human beings prayed countless times, and billions of human beings risked their lives not to stop the star beast, the star beast "Yinglong" finally found the solar system.

That was called the darkest day in history by human beings. On this day, the entire solar system was wiped out, and the earth, together with the human beings who had no time to evacuate from the earth, became poor fragments floating in the universe.

Human beings who have lost the earth are like children who have lost their mothers and become orphans in the universe.

Later, humans obtained the technology of psionic energy and ghost energy, and the starship girl was born. Human beings also discovered that part of the fragments of the earth could respond to the call of the starship girl, release the soul of the ancient battleship in the fragments, and help the starship The girl greatly improved her strength.

So humans began to collect fragments of the earth continuously, find out the fragments containing the souls of ancient warships, and then put these fragments in the summoning places of various colleges, which is the transparent crystal earth model in front of Liu Nianfeng People, let the new generation of starship girls call.

So every fragment that Liu Nianfeng saw in front of his eyes was a fragment of the earth.

"Maybe, one of these pieces of soil is the land I once set foot on!" Liu Nianfeng looked at these fragments and sighed deeply.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Shihan beside him was taken aback by Liu Nianfeng's words, "When did you run into this crystal globe?"

"Ahem! Just kidding!" Liu Nianfeng shrugged his shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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