girl line

Chapter 23 The Soul of the Ancient Battleship

Chapter 23 The Soul of the Ancient Battleship
"All star admirals line up with your starship girls and perform the summoning ceremony one by one. Each of you has ten seconds, and you must make a choice within ten seconds, otherwise the summoning ceremony will fail and you will lose the qualification to summon !” Said the teacher in the summoning hall, and everyone lined up neatly in a queue, preparing for the summoning ceremony one by one.

Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan lined up in the queue, but after a while, something felt wrong...Liu Nianfeng always felt that there was a hand moving behind his buttocks, and finally he just touched his buttocks directly, Constantly rubbing up and down, as if touching a piece of smooth silk?
"Enough!" Liu Nianfeng turned around and snorted, only to find that the person touching him was actually a girl with long black glasses... that is, a girl with black, smooth and slender hair and wearing glasses.

It's hard to imagine that a literary girl who looks so quiet and full of books will secretly touch her ass behind her.

"Yeah!" The black long straight girl hummed and took her hand back.But Liu Nianfeng hadn't felt relieved for a few seconds, and his hands came together unceremoniously.

And this time was even more extreme than the last time, he actually probed directly between Liu Nianfeng's legs, and almost touched Liu Nianfeng's two fish balls.

"Am I being harassed by letters (this isn't a typo...)?" Liu Nianfeng's face froze, although deep down in his heart, Liu Nianfeng didn't hate having beautiful girls come to eat his tofu.

Just thinking about the current situation between men and women, if I don't resist, I'm afraid I will become a weak girl who can be bullied wantonly in the eyes of the other party.

"Slap!" Liu Nianfeng was not polite, turned his head and slapped the black long straight girl directly on the face.

"You dare to hit me!" The black long straight girl covered her left face and said, looking at Liu Nianfeng in disbelief.

"You dare to touch me! Don't I dare to hit you?" Liu Nianfeng said loudly without any hesitation.

But when Liu Nianfeng's voice fell, the whole room became an uproar.Liu Nianfeng was originally the focus of attention in the whole room, but now Liu Nianfeng suddenly hit someone, and even pointed at the woman behind him to eat his own tofu, the girls around suddenly became filled with righteous indignation, staring at Hei Changzhi with anger. girl.

"Pervert, are you touching a man's ass here?"

"This is blatant letter harassment! If you find out, you will be expelled from school!"

"That's right, this is a pervert, we're going to send her to the Disciplinary Committee!"

The girls around were talking a lot, even the student council president von Hindenburg in the front row couldn't help but look sideways in this direction. After Liu Nianfeng glanced at it, he took his starship girl away, and gave up the connected summoning ceremony directly.

"I'm so envious!" Chen Shihan looked at the back of the black, long and straight girl going away, and murmured in her mouth, sometimes she couldn't figure it out, she had been the boss for so long, how could she even have the courage and color that a boss should have? There is no breath...


"Jinkela... Another Jinkela..."

"Damn, it's still a golden trash!"

After the black long straight girl left, the peace in the summoning hall was finally restored, and Liu Nianfeng could devote all his attention to the ongoing summoning ceremony ahead.

In fact, the summoning ceremony is very simple, far from being as complicated and shameful as the contract ceremony just now, which requires mouth-to-mouth exchange of ghost water beads.

The process only requires the starship girl to put her hand in through a small window on the crystal universe, and then the fragments of the universe suspended in the universe can sense the psionic energy of the starship girl and automatically float to the starship girl's body. At hand, waiting for the starship girl's choice.

For example, the starship girl in the front line at this time, she stretched her hand into the crystal universe, and there were three fragments of the universe inside that shone with dazzling light, and then flew to the side of the starship girl on her own initiative.

"Choose one, you only have ten seconds!" The teacher on the side said lightly, there were no stickers on the three universe fragments, and told the starship girl what kind of ancient battleship soul was contained in each fragment... ...It is very likely that there is a soul of an ancient battleship of the peerless level, but most of it is just a piece of gold.

"I want this!" The starship girl closed her eyes and snatched away the far left fragment of the universe, and the moment the fragment of the universe touched the starship girl, a phantom of a battleship was suspended here On the forehead of a starship girl.

"Ordinary-class Star Destroyer Brother Sheng...the next one..." The teacher just glanced out of the corner of his eye, and announced directly. Obviously, he has memorized the image of Jin Kela by heart, and it is impossible to forget it.

"Wow! It's all your fault, why did you choose that! Why did you choose that!" Although she had already expected this possibility, the starship girl cried helplessly.

She slapped her right hand vigorously, blaming herself for taking out Jin Kela's battleship soul.

"Don't cry!" Seeing the girl's self-reproach, the teacher at the side said flatly, "You didn't choose the wrong one. The three pieces are all Brother Sheng. It doesn't matter which one you choose."

The teacher's words are probably comforting... It's just that the starship girl seems to be crying even harder.

 [Recommend a good book: "An Archangel in the Beginning", I personally think it is the most interesting book title in 2017!

  Wang Daliang is a senior who is about to graduate, and his biggest hobby is playing various games.But when he was about to leave the campus, on a hot summer night when he was bitten by mosquitoes, he suddenly discovered a big secret of his roommate and gay friend.

  He was reborn...

  Highlights: Heroes of Invincibility Elements

  Refreshing point: Ouhuang hangs and beats the reborn]


(End of this chapter)

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