girl line

Chapter 24 The Soul of the Elite Ancient Battleship: Nelson

Chapter 24 The Soul of the Elite Ancient Battleship: Nelson

[PS: The author is a bit regretful. Three rudder masters were born in two days. Although the author is very happy, it shows that everyone loves this book.But the author is really overwhelmed... Ahem, counting Jianniang's update, the author is now updating 14000 words a day...

However, the author is already planning to resign. Once he becomes a full-time author, he will have more time to write two books at the same time, and the problem of declining updates that readers are concerned about can be alleviated... Can the author make a decision? If you are determined to become a full-time author, it depends on the results of this book. If the results of this book can make the author a meal, the author will resign without saying a word.

As for the issue of eunuchs that Jianniang's old readers are concerned about, the author does not guarantee that this book will not be too eunuch no matter what the grades are, but the author can guarantee one thing: the grades of this book can be half of Jianniang's original grades: yes The 24-hour subscription on the first day exceeded 500, and the average subscription exceeded 500 within a week. The author guarantees that this book will never be a eunuch... After all, this is a large-sized book, and the author still needs face... Hehe

Finally, I would like to say... Is there a leader... As long as there is a leader... the author can stay up all night... a leader! 】

The next starship girl became very frightened when she saw the experience of the previous girl, and shyly stretched her hand in. As a result, only a fragment of the earth responded to her call.

"Wow!" Before touching the fragment, the starship girl began to wipe her tears again.It’s fine if there are two fragments that respond to the call, but if there is only one fragment that responds to the call, then there is no doubt that it is Jinkela, who makes Jinkela famous for not picking and choosing, any starship girl will respond to them The call of the ancient battleship soul of any girl will not be rejected!
The next seven or eight starship girls were all without exception, and the last thing they touched was Jinkela's ancient battleship soul, and the entire hall was filled with crying.

"No wonder the seniors said that the alias of the summoning hall is Jinkela Hell. The seniors really didn't lie to me!" Chen Shihan was infected by the surrounding emotions, and faintly became agitated.

"What if I also get Jinkela?" Chen Shihan turned around and asked Liu Nianfeng nervously.

"No!" Liu Nianfeng said calmly, "At least you still have Blaney, since she has the aptitude of star heavy cruiser, she will definitely not be selected by Jin Kela!"

"That's right!" Chen Shihan's face immediately stabilized a lot when she heard this, but Zhu Yunqing's expression on the side became extremely ugly. Her aptitude is Star Destroyer, and what she will face is the test of Jinkela Hell.

"Ordinary-class star destroyer Foote, next!" Finally, the name that burst out from the teacher's mouth was no longer Jin Kela's name, and these words also made the starship girl who summoned Foote hug her star Admiral, the two of them jumped up and down, looking as if they were having an epileptic seizure.

"Go to the port after summoning, what are you still doing here wasting time?" The teacher reprimanded, and the pair of girls left in a panic.

"It's finally yours. I heard that you got a girl who has the qualifications of a star battleship?" Unlike the cold face he faced with other students before, when the teacher saw the next person, his face showed a smile. A rare smile.

"Yes, teacher, she is my starship girl Rumiko Nohina!" Von Hindenburg looked lightly at a starship girl beside him who was not tall but was much more turbulent than Blaney Said.

"Sure enough, she is an enviable seedling!" The teacher looked at Rumiko Nohina's plumpness, and she was really envious.

"Okay, hurry up and summon, I haven't seen the ancient battleship soul of the battleship for almost three months!" The teacher urged.

"Go!" Von Hindenburg gestured to Rumiko Nohina, who then put his hand into the crystal globe.

The battleship was really extraordinary, more than ten fragments of the earth responded to Rumiko Nohina's call and appeared at the opponent's hand.

"It seems that these children also want to go out and fight quickly, and they can't wait!" The teacher smiled slightly, and then glanced at the rightmost fragment of the earth from the corner of his eye at an angle that only Rumiko Nohina could see.

Apparently the teacher was cueing von Hindenburg, picking that shard of Earth on the far right.

"'s not good, you have to be fair!" Unexpectedly, von Hindenburg didn't appreciate it at all, and directly rejected the teacher, but let Rumiko Nohina choose the middle piece of the earth.

"Little guy, why do you look like your mother? It's so old-fashioned and scary!" The teacher smiled helplessly, then glanced at the phantom of the battleship on Nohina Rumiko's head, and said in surprise
"You have even inherited your mother's luck. This fragment of the earth that I have never seen before is actually an elite star battleship Nelson! It is much better than the rare mountain city I picked for you!"

"Teacher! My mother taught me not to use ordinary and rare things to distinguish the souls of ancient battleships. They are all the same in essence, and they are all immortal heroes of the earth. I hope we can respect them more !” Von Hindenburg actually spoke to the teacher in a teaching tone.

"Sure enough, I was carved out of the same mold as your mother!" The teacher was so embarrassed that he could only laugh dryly, and then watched von Hindenburg leave.

"Damn it, is this fellow von Hindenburg's luck a little bit against the heavens! It's actually the soul of an elite-level ancient warship! There may not be more than a hundred elite-level ancient warship souls in the entire Crystal Earth!" Chen Shihan said enviously while wiping her saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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