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Chapter 25: A Golden Trash? [Thank you for adding more]

Chapter 25 A Golden Trash? [Thank you for adding more]

[Thanks to the reader Feiyue Swastika for the 100RMB reward on WeChat, this chapter will be updated for you. 】

[Thank you readers Wufeng King, Pirate-class battleship, Yingzhang, Anthony26, Tianbing Hanlu, God of Worry, Canglanglangshou, Hatsune Mikoto, book friend 151226184553319, book friend 151226184553319, lost readers, lost beauty 233, MoYin, a tip from the senior poor. 】

The soul of ancient warships is divided into five levels, from bottom to top are ordinary level, rare level, elite level, peerless level, and prehistoric level.

As for how these five levels are divided, there have been different opinions for more than 3000 years... because this level is not artificially divided, but comes with the soul of the ancient battleship.

The grades are divided according to the color of the phantom displayed on the head during fusion, among which the white phantom represents the common grade, the blue phantom represents the rare grade, the purple represents the elite grade, the golden yellow represents the peerless grade, and the blood ghost represents the rare grade. Red is the prehistoric level.

Of course, the only colors that appear naturally, the common class, rare class, elite class, peerless class, and prehistoric class are named by the United Fleet Commander-in-Chief.

Although I don't know how the ranks of ancient battleships are divided, at the beginning, people at that time generally believed that the ranks of the souls of ancient battleships were basically divided according to differences in strength and rarity.

For example, the gold Kela in Kela Hell is of ordinary grade, which is the proof of its rarity.Another example is the invincible prehistoric ancient battleship Yamato that only appeared once.

But later further research found that the fact does not seem to be so simple.Through comparison, it is found that Jin Kela's strength can actually be regarded as a medium level among all the souls of ancient warships, and it should be ranked at the rare level.

There is also the ancient battleship Xuefeng of the Honghuang class. Although it bears the title of the Honghuang class, Xuefeng's combat effectiveness is mediocre, not even as good as some elite-class star destroyers.

What's more terrible is that all of her eight star admirals died in the end, but Xuefeng itself was preserved very well, and she never suffered any damage.

Anyway, later on, humans felt that the classification of the souls of ancient warships was not so simple, and there must be some other factors hidden in it, but humans have not discovered it yet.


"It's your turn!" When Liu Nianfeng was thinking about it, he heard the teacher's voice ringing in his ears... But these words were not addressed to Liu Nianfeng, but to Chen Shihan who was in front of Liu Nianfeng .

"Yunqing, you go first!" Chen Shihan patted Zhu Yunqing on the shoulder of this ancient Jiangnan beauty.

Zhu Yunqing stretched out one of his plain hands, and calmly penetrated into the crystal earth. Many fragments of the earth in the crystal earth reacted and quickly gathered at Zhu Yunqing's hand. There are seven pieces of Earth.

"Yunqing, choose well, don't have any pressure, you know?" Chen Shihan whispered in Zhu Yunqing's ear, Zhu Yunqing nodded, and his eyes kept moving around the seven earth fragments until ten seconds later. When the time was about to end, Zhu Yunqing suddenly grabbed a piece from the middle.

"Rare-class destroyer Baixue!" The teacher said after glancing at the phantom of the blue battleship that appeared above Zhu Yunqing's head.

"Yes!" Zhu Yunqing couldn't help but patted his chest, and let out a breath of blue air.

For Zhu Yunqing, she doesn't pursue the souls of elite and peerless ancient warships.As long as it's not Jinkela, any other ancient battleship soul will be fine.

"Congratulations! Good luck!" Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan congratulated in unison. At this time, Blaney couldn't wait any longer, and directly reached into the crystal globe without looking at it, and directly grabbed the one closest to his hand. The whole process took less than three seconds, this is really a hero!

"Rare star heavy cruiser Portland!" The teacher reported the soul of the ancient battleship that Blaney summoned, and then said with a little surprise, "Congratulations, you have summoned two rare ancient battleship souls at once. Except for Fengxing Tenburg just now, your luck is considered the best!"

"Thank you teacher!" Chen Shihan was also so happy that she couldn't speak. The souls of the ancient battleships of her two starship girls are both rare. This is a great luck that can't be encountered once among a hundred star admirals. !

"It's your turn!" The teacher's enthusiasm for Chen Shihan lasted only three seconds, and then quickly set his target on Liu Nianfeng.

"Be good and obey the rules. Don't think that you are a man and I will treat you differently. Don't talk about men's priority bullshit. There is no such thing as a man's priority on the battlefield!" The teacher seemed Liu Nianfeng was quite prejudiced against Liu Nianfeng, and Liu Nianfeng got a slap in the face without saying a word.

To this Fleeting Maple can only say: Hehe
"Ping Hai, you are the older sister, you go first!" Liu Nian Feng gently rubbed Ping Hai's head with his hand.

"Oh!" Ping Hai's body trembled visibly, lowered his head, and stretched out his little hand tremblingly, at the same time, he kept muttering "Don't be golden...don't be golden..."

"Humph! You are a coward!" Seeing Ping Hai's deeply fearful reaction, the teacher snorted impatiently, and then said disdainfully, "People who say they don't want them often get what she fears in the end. thing!"

"Woo!" Hearing what the teacher said, Ping Hai suddenly became even more frightened, his body trembling became more and more severe, and he couldn't even point his hand at the window of the crystal globe.

"Trash!" The teacher showed even more disdain.

"Teacher! Is it your duty to taunt your students like this?" Liu Nianfeng couldn't stand it anymore, and showed his masculinity, and stepped across from the teacher with one step, staring at the teacher with a pair of eyes, There was an angry look in his eyes, which shocked the teacher who had always grown his eyes to the sky, and even couldn't help but took a few steps back.

"Damn it! It's just a man, and I was actually overwhelmed by a man!" After the teacher calmed down, he suddenly felt a sense of shame from his heart.

She was about to use her teacher's authority to give the other party a hard lesson, but when she saw Liu Nianfeng's domineering and angry face, the aura all over her body disappeared without a trace, and she didn't dare to say anything more. Can be secretly ashamed.

"I'll help you!" Liu Nianfeng picked up Ping Hai who was standing on the ground trembling, grabbed Ping Hai's wrist with his own hand, helped her stabilize her hand, and stretched it into the crystal earth.

The moment Ping Hai's hand entered the Crystal Earth, a fragment of the Earth that had been hidden in the depths of the Crystal Earth suddenly burst into light, and it had already surfaced in Ping Hai's hand in the next second.

And then... There is no more... From the beginning to the end, such a fragment of the earth came to Ping Hai's hand.

"Hahaha! As I said, what she got was nothing more than a piece of gold!" Seeing this scene, the teacher burst out with anger in his heart, and laughed unceremoniously.

Only one fragment responded to the Starship Girl's call, so what else could this fragment be other than a golden fragment?
"Wow!" Seeing this scene, Ping Hai couldn't control the excitement in his heart, and started to cry loudly.

"Ping Hai, be good! Believe me, hold this fragment, I promise, it's not a golden fragment!" Liu Nianfeng's firm words sounded in Ping Hai's ears, and Ping Hai's heart quickly settled down. Nodding his head, he grabbed the fragment of the earth into his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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