girl line

Chapter 26 The Soul of the Queer Star Light Cruiser

Chapter 26 The Soul of the Queer Star Light Cruiser

"Why didn't there be any reaction?" When Ping Hai came out grabbing the fragment of the earth, the teacher who was going to witness the phantom of golden bumps appearing on Ping Hai's head said with a strange expression on his face.

It stands to reason that the moment the fragments of the earth come into contact with the starship girl, the phantom of the soul of the ancient battleship will bloom.But now, more than ten seconds have passed, and there is no change in Ping Hai's head, as if what she grabbed was just an ordinary stone.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Ping Hai still didn't see any change, and after a while of confusion, the teacher suddenly made an expression of enlightenment, and laughed loudly, "I see, this is an empty fragment."

The so-called empty fragments are earth fragments that contain psionic energy and ghost energy, but do not contain the soul of the ancient battleship.So when holding such a fragment in her hand, the starship girl will not have any reaction.

"Impossible!" Liu Nianfeng's face changed. "The academy's regulations say that all the earth fragments in the academy are earth fragments that are sure to contain the soul of an ancient battleship. How could there be empty fragments hidden in it?"

"Why is it impossible?" The teacher sneered, "It doesn't matter whether people or machines make mistakes. For more than 1800 years in our college, there will always be one or two wrong empty fragments mixed in. What's the matter?" Strange."

"No... This is also very strange... Just now, only this fragment responded to the child's call, but this fragment is empty! What does this mean?" A very playful smile appeared on the teacher's face." This shows that this starship girl of yours doesn't even like Jin Kela, because not even a piece of Jin Kela's earth fragments appeared!"

"Wow!!!" The teacher's words exploded in Ping Hai's mind, and he cried, "Admiral, I don't want to be your starship girl anymore, I don't even want Jin Kela, I don't want to be a starship girl anymore!"

Ping Hai's voice is full of despair. Throughout the 3000 years of history, you can count the number of starship girls who don't even want money. She must be the most trashy starship girls in the past 3000 years. Thinking of this, Ping Hai's Lolita's heart is about to be torn apart!

"It's okay! It's okay!" Liu Nianfeng was also a little flustered. Why was this different from what he had guessed before? Could it be that he took it for granted? The names and appearances of Ping Hai and Ning Hai were just coincidences. Does Pinghai have any relationship with Ninghai?

But now Liu Nianfeng didn't care so much anymore, he hugged the crying and extremely sad Ping Hai tightly in his arms, and comforted him very gently, "I don't care, you are my starship girl, and you will be it for the rest of your life." , I will never give up on you...don't cry, I don't like you anymore!"

"Oh!" Ping Hai choked out a sob, and the wailing gradually became quieter, and finally the crying sound gradually disappeared, but the tears were still streaming down.

"Hurry up and give me another one! There are still so many students queuing up!" the teacher urged impatiently.

"I'll do it!" Ning Hai was stronger than Ping Hai. At least after seeing his sister's tragic experience, Ning Hai's hand was still able to maintain stability. Without Liu Nian Feng's help, he directly reached into the crystal earth.

It's just that what happened next was a copy of Ping Hai. There was still only a fragment of the earth that responded to Ning Hai's call, and when this fragment was held in Ning Hai's hands, there was no phantom of the soul of the ancient battleship.

"Hehe, they really are twin sisters, even trash like to get together!" The teacher didn't let go of any chance to speak venomously.

"Since you got two pieces of empty space, there is no need for you to go to the airport, just go back to your bedroom and cry!" The teacher said with a sneer, only those who have obtained the pieces of the soul of the ancient battleship are eligible to complete the last step, to go to the far star The spaceport and starship held a reincarnation ceremony.

Since Ping Hai and Ning Hai only got two empty shards, they lost the chance to complete the final step. Unless they can get other shards that are willing to respond to their call in the future, they can only live like this in their life.

However, almost 90% of the ancient warship souls are gathered in the crystal earth. If they cannot find an ancient warship soul willing to respond to their call in the crystal earth, they will lose almost all other possibilities.

"Sister, don't cry! Let's go!" Hearing the vicious words of the teacher chasing people away, Ning Hai grasped his sister's hand in a sensible way, and when he was about to comfort her with nice words, something miraculous happened.

At the moment when the left and right hands of the two sisters touched each other, the fragments of the lost ball held by them in the palm of the other hand suddenly shone brightly, and then two golden phantoms rose from the heads of the two sisters at the same time .

"Keep the world...Keep the world class..." The teacher was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he sat down on the ground.The phantoms of the two golden warship souls clearly told the teacher that the two starship girls who ridiculed themselves as useless, actually got the golden and ancient battleship souls.

This is the soul of an ancient battleship with a rarity rate of 0.007%. This teacher has only seen this kind of soul of an ancient battleship three times in his life, and the two starship girls before have now become joint presidents. A very high status in the headquarters.

Any starship girl, as long as she gets the soul of an ancient battleship of the peerless class, her status will rise immediately, and she will be set as the focus of attention by the United Command.From the moment they succeeded in summoning, in terms of status, they were no lower than myself, the exclusive teacher of the summoning hall who had worked for decades and had never moved once.

And the future of these two girls must be full of bright prospects, which are far beyond what a vicious teacher like myself can match.

"My God! It's actually peerless!"

"I'm dizzy... I'm dizzy... I'm dizzy..." The shocked teacher was alone. At this time, all the starship girls and star admirals staying in the summoning hall were blinded by these two dazzling golden lights eyes.

They never dared to imagine that there would be a golden and peerless ancient battleship soul appearing in front of them, and if it didn't appear, there would be two of them. This is a grand ceremony that is rarely seen once in 100 years!

"Sister, I'm not mistaken, you have a golden battleship on your head!" Seeing the phantom of the golden battleship on her sister's head, Ning Hai said a little dizzy, she felt that she was probably dazzled, I see white as gold.

"Sister, you also have a golden warship on your head, am I wrong?" Ping Hai also expressed disbelief, and the two loli twin sisters stared at each other.

"Okay! You two read it right, it is indeed golden, my little baby!" Liu Nianfeng pinched each of the two girls' cheeks excitedly, and a burst of pain made them dizzy Zhong woke up, and then hugged each other again and cried bitterly.

"Hey! Tell us quickly, what are the souls of these two ancient warships?" Seeing that the two sisters could not stop the tears of joy in a short time, Liu Nianfeng asked the teacher who was a little weak in fright.

"I don't know... I have never seen the soul of an ancient battleship grow up like this..." the teacher said a little dizzily, "I have memorized all the appearances of the souls of an ancient battleship that have appeared in this universe. , but I have never seen the soul of an ancient battleship that looks like this."

"Are you sure?" Liu Nianfeng asked

"Although my mouth is stinky...but you must never question the 40 years I have worked here..." It seems that these 40 years of work experience are the only remaining self-esteem of this teacher.

"Then the souls of these two ancient warships should be called Ping Hai and Ning Hai!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile, others may not recognize the names of the souls of these two ancient warships.

But this made all the Huaxia people marvel at the light cruiser Ninghai and Pinghai, how could Liu Nianfeng not recognize it!

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(End of this chapter)

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