girl line

Chapter 27 Star Battleship 4S Shop

Chapter 27 Star Battleship 4S Shop

Leaving aside the chaos caused by the appearance of the two peerless starship girls, Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan almost escaped from the summoning hall to the Tower of Babel with Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

Then, through the Tower of Babel, boarded the orbiting Starport around the Reach Star.

This is an orbiting starport around the equator of the entire Reach Star, and it will rotate with the Reach Star, just like a star ring.

This is also a building completely built by human power. The orbital star port has a width of 40 kilometers and a length of [-] kilometers. It is responsible for the space communication between the entire Zhiyuan star and other planets.

The 10-kilometer length of the Zhiyuan Star orbital ring is for civil use, which is used for the docking and stationing of various private space airlines, and the transit of Zhiyuan Star space logistics.

All in all, all civilian parts are concentrated on this 10-kilometer orbital star port.

Another 20 kilometers are the shipyards of the major heavy industry enterprises of human beings, responsible for the manufacture, final assembly, commissioning, sea trials, etc. of star warships, which can be said to be the most important star industry on the entire planet.

The length of the last 10 kilometers of the orbital star port is entirely the responsibility of the military, which is docked with the star warships of the United Fleet, as well as the star warships of the admirals who temporarily came to the tutelary mansion of Zhiyuan Star.

Of course, this also includes the Star Warship 4S store that specializes in selling Star Warship bodies.

The so-called starship body is worth the newly built brand new starship that has not yet completed the reincarnation ceremony with the starship girl.


3000 years ago, humans had to rely on space shuttles on the ground to transport them from the ground to orbiting starports... This method cannot satisfy the huge human needs in terms of cost, speed, and transportation volume. needs.

So the Tower of Babel was created by humans. In layman's terms, the so-called Tower of Babel is a super elevator with a length of up to 5 kilometers, which can transport 1000 people from the ground to the orbit at the same time in 68 minutes. Starport... A total of [-] Towers of Babel were built on the entire Reach Star, among which Starfleet Girls Academy built three Towers of Babel alone.

The emergence of the Tower of Babel has brought humans closer to space. Entering space is as simple as taking a Didi to the airport.

These things are nothing new to Chen Shihan and other native humans, but to Liu Nianfeng, they are really shocking.

As a human being in the 21st century, Liu Nianfeng was very excited when he saw those scenes that he could not even imagine in science fiction novels appeared in front of him. At this time, Liu Nianfeng felt that he was really We have come to the sci-fi era 5000 years later.

The Tower of Babel at the back of the summoning hall is directly connected to the Star Warship 4S store, so Liu Nianfeng and others cannot visit other places in the Orbital Starport, they can only wander around in this 4S store.

But this is enough for Liu Nianfeng, the terrifyingly huge star battleships docked outside the glass curtain wall of the 4S store are enough to shock Liu Nianfeng for a month or two.

"Welcome five students, hello, I am the shopping guide of Zhiyuan Xingchen Battleship 4S store, my surname is He!" A woman with a kind smile took the initiative to hand the business card to Chen Shihan and others.

But Liu Nianfeng is obviously six people standing together, so why does the shopping guide only mention five classmates... It seems that the shopping guide habitually ignores Liu Nianfeng, which is not surprising, she doesn't know about this universe. There is an extra male star admiral.

"I don't know if the five students are here to replace their star warships, or for the first time to reincarnate and fuse with the star warship body? If you are buying a new star warship, then I recommend this one to everyone. Donghuang Star Heavy Industry Company The latest Donghuang 7023 Nightingale-class destroyer."

"If it is a star light cruiser, then I recommend this heavy cherry 7021 black iron class star light cruiser manufactured by Sakura Star Heavy Industries."

"By the way, the White Eagle 7012 Black Iron Class Star Cruiser of White Eagle Star Heavy Industry is currently undergoing a clearance sale. You can buy a brand new star battleship at the usual 7.5% discount!"

The shopping guide tried very hard to recommend that if the other party hadn't been selling the star battleship body, then Liu Nianfeng must have thought that he had come to a car 4s shop.

"Miss He, don't talk about it! We are all freshmen this year, and this is the first time we have performed the star warship reincarnation ceremony. The school will give me a star warship as a gift, so we will not buy those big company's star warships!" Chen Shihan hastily interrupted the shopping guide.

When every starship girl performs the reincarnation ceremony for the first time, Starship Academy will present the starship girl with an initial star battleship, which is also the greatest benefit of every starship girl.

You must know that even if it is the lowest star warship, the price is more than 200 million star coins. With Liu Nianfeng's monthly living allowance of 5000 star coins, it is estimated that it will take 33 years to buy one without eating or drinking. Such a star warship.

But if Starship Girl wants to change to a more advanced and more powerful high-level star warship in the future, then she has to pay for the star warship produced by various star heavy industries.

However, after graduating and joining the war, there will be many ways to make money, and it is not too expensive to buy a high-level star warship.


"I understand!" Hearing that Liu Nianfeng and the others are newcomers and there is no possibility of buying a new warship, the shopping guide showed no impatient expression on his face, and diligently led Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan to a special The port where the newcomer's initial star warship docks.

It's just that when Liu Nianfeng also got into the car, the shopping guide showed a bit of surprise on his face.But her good professionalism prevented her from saying much, and she still set off with a smile on her face.

"College customized rock-class initial star light cruiser

The total length is 9.2 meters
The widest point is 0.98 meters
Two double-mounted 140m psionic naval guns
Six 76m psychic cannons
4 dual-mounted 466-meter ghost torpedo launchers
Two unmanned reconnaissance mechs
Cruising speed: 10 knots

Maximum speed: 12 knots


The shopping guide proficiently read out the basic attributes of the Stone-class star light cruiser

"Is this the body of the star warship that has not undergone the reincarnation ceremony?" Liu Nianfeng looked at a warship like an epic monster in front of him, and let out a sigh of admiration from the bottom of his heart.

But a star warship with a length of 92 kilometers, if you look up and look around, you can't even see the tail of this warship. the size of the city.

Not to mention how insignificant Liu Nianfeng is in front of this star battleship, even the invincible overlord aircraft carrier in the earth age is like an ant and an elephant in front of this battleship, there is no comparison at all!
"Two students, this area is full of star light cruiser bodies. You two should perform the reincarnation ceremony here! I will take the other three students to the area of ​​​​the star destroyer."

After finishing speaking, the shopping guide took the reluctant Chen Shihan and the three away.

 Seeing that some readers are struggling with the level of Ninghai and Pinghai, indeed, among Ship N and Ship R, neither Pinghai nor Ninghai can be the status of Jinpi.

  But the author's novel is a semi-fan novel, which will partly borrow the settings of N, R, and C, but part of it is the author's own setting. In the future, you may even see a white-skinned ship girl become a red-skinned girl. The scene of (you guess it is that ship)
  The author is considered a half-cynical youth, plus Ninghai and Pinghai are really indelible pain to China, so Pinghai and Ninghai are set by the author to be golden skins, and the ship girls in China will be like this in the future, At least start with a purple skin...

(End of this chapter)

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