girl line

Chapter 28 Can you feel the heartbeat of our sisters [Thank you for adding more]

Chapter 28 Can you feel the heartbeat of our sisters [Thank you for adding more]

"How did this reincarnation ceremony take place?" Liu Nianfeng looked at Ping Hai and Ning Hai curiously.According to the book, the starship girl can be integrated with this behemoth.

But Liu Nianfeng really couldn't figure out how these two irrelevant things could be integrated into one.

"Just lie down there!" Ping Hai pointed to a crystal coffin not far away and said.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng noticed that almost every star warship had placed a crystal coffin through the glass curtain wall.

"Sister, take off your clothes!" Before Liu Nianfeng could react, Ping Hai and Ning Hai began to take off their clothes.

"What are you guys doing?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback and asked hastily.

"Of course it's the reincarnation ceremony!" Ping Hai blushed, and said hastily, "The reincarnation ceremony must be performed without any barriers from the skin. Once there are any debris attached to the body, we will not be able to completely communicate with the stars." Battleship Reincarnation, there will be big problems at that time!"

"That's it..." Liu Nianfeng showed a wry smile on his face, "Then you should tell me in advance, I can also avoid it!"

"What is there to avoid?" Ning Hai took off his little skirt lightly, and then neatly folded it into Liu Nianfeng's hands. "We are women, what are we afraid of? We are not like you men..."

This tone is like those old men who go out on the street shirtless.

Under Liu Nianfeng's gaze, Ping Hai and Ning Hai stripped themselves naked, while Liu Nianfeng instinctively closed his eyes during the process.

Hmm, that sentence seems a bit subtle.

"Are you ready?" Liu Nianfeng waited for about 5 minutes, and couldn't help asking Ping Hai and Ning Hai.

At this moment, Liu Nianfeng felt that two plump and very delicate hands grabbed Liu Nianfeng's left and right hands respectively, and then led them to press on a slippery place that was constantly beating!
"I..." Liu Nianfeng suddenly felt a little parched, rationally told Liu Nianfeng that he should let go, but Liu Nianfeng couldn't bear the perfect touch of his fingertips.

"Admiral, can you feel the heartbeat of our sisters?" Ping Hai opened his eyes wide, his pupils were filled with innocence and curiosity, without any other superfluous emotions.

"Yes!" Liu Nianfeng nodded vigorously!

"Then please admiral remember the feeling of our sister's heartbeat!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai lowered their heads at the same time, their words revealed the sadness that they shouldn't have in this grade, "This is the last heartbeat of our sisters!"

At this time, Liu Nianfeng remembered that he had read in the book that once Starship Girl and Star Warship were reincarnated, Starship Girl's heart would stop beating, and it was impossible to feel the feeling of heartbeat again.

After this somewhat sad heartbeat touch, Ping Hai and Ning Hai finally both lay down in the crystal coffin.

However, they stuffed all the clothes filled with their body temperature and body fragrance into Liunianfeng for safekeeping, and the two jumped into two different crystal coffins.

These precious treasures that could make the nerds in the previous life break their heads are now put in their hands openly and aboveboard, but Liu Nianfeng can't even give birth to any other thoughts, but concentrates on watching the two closed The crystal coffin, worried about her starship girl.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Liu Nianfeng suddenly noticed that the two star light cruisers docked on both sides began to change.

These behemoths began to shrink slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a battleship the size of a model ship... The size gradually shrunk by tens of millions of times, which made Liu Nianfeng on the side dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the main guns of the two star battleships roared, and a small dark ball shot out, piercing the glass curtain wall of the star port and the transparent coffin lid of the crystal coffin, and shot directly into Pinghai. And Ning Hai's body!

"Ping Hai! Ning Hai!" Liu Nianfeng cried out worriedly, and immediately rushed to one of the crystal coffins, and then saw the small black ball suspended in the crystal coffin, and finally stuck to Ping Hai's belly button On... It looks like a black gemstone is inlaid in the belly button.

"Admiral? What's the matter with you?" The moment the gem setting was completed, Ping Hai opened his eyes and asked curiously at Liu Nianfeng in front of him.

"There is a gem... there is a gem inlaid on your belly button... will it be dangerous? Do you want to take it off?" Liu Nianfeng said nervously.

"It's okay, this is a normal phenomenon!" Ping Hai touched his little belly button with a happy face, and said excitedly, "This is the star mark of our starship girl. This is a sign that we have completed our reincarnation. I Finally become a real starship girl!"

"Really?" Liu Nianfeng turned his head, only to find in astonishment that the Star Warship, which had been shrunk down to the size of a ship model, had actually returned to its original size, docking quietly at the port.

But on the bow of this star warship, there is a huge statue of a girl god. If you look closely, isn't this what Ping Hai looks like?

(End of this chapter)

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