girl line

Chapter 29 It's Grade 2 in the blink of an eye 【Thank you for adding more】

Chapter 29 Second grade in the blink of an eye 【Thank you for adding more】

[Thanks to the leader: Mao Qiusang soaked in soup for the reward, this chapter is to add Chapter 2... That's all for today's additions, and five chapters will be added every day in the future. 】

"Is the news confirmed?" Lexington asked her secretary in the principal's office.

"The news has been confirmed. More than a dozen ancient warship command research experts from the Combined Fleet Command conducted a detailed comparison of the two newly-appeared Kuangshi-class star light cruisers, and confirmed that these two ships do not exist in our database. The information about the souls of ancient battleships, these are the two souls of ancient battleships that have appeared in front of us for the first time.” Although he knew about this one step ahead, when the secretary said it himself, Lexington still felt that Shocked.

"Really! You mean that after 180 years, the soul of the original ancient warship that has never appeared once again appeared!" Lexington smiled wryly and said, "I thought that the original ancient warship no longer existed in this world. The soul of the battleship."

"These are two hot potatoes! What did the Combined Fleet Commander say? How are they going to deal with these two children?" Lexington asked again.

"The Combined Fleet Command did not give a final opinion on how to deal with it. It just said that it needs to consider and study for a while. At this stage, everything is as usual... By the way, the Combined Command has confirmed the identity of the souls of these two peerless ancient warships. The names, as Admiral Fleeting Feng said, were named Pinghai and Ninghai respectively." The secretary replied.

"There's nothing strange about the names. Since ancient times, they've been named after the first starship girl who summoned them. That Fleeting Maple was just lucky and happened to be right."

"What about abilities? Are the strengthening data and skill attributes of the two battleship souls confirmed?" Lexington asked again.

"No!" The secretary shook his head, "Because it is the newly born soul of the ancient warship, we don't have any data on all the strengthening data and skill attributes... and the virtual system can't simulate the unrecorded data, Ping Hai and Ning Hai are really I am afraid that you will only be able to tell the truth in actual combat!"

"Oh!" Lexington raised his eyebrows and said playfully. "So, our classmate Liu Nianfeng not only didn't get a bargain, but also suffered a big loss!"

"Yes! There is no record of Ninghai and Pinghai, so their ancient battleship soul bonuses cannot appear in the virtual world."

"Normal class is fine, but during the final exam and future joint training, Liu Nianfeng using Ping Hai and Ning Hai in the virtual world is probably the same as using two whiteboards on the Star Battleship!"

"Poor child, poor Liunianfeng! How pitiful!" Lexington said pitifully.

"One more thing, Mr. Principal! Liu Nianfeng is a man after all, if he is dealt with according to the school's regulations, will there be any trouble!" The secretary said worriedly.

"This..." Lexington hesitated for a while, "Since the regulations are called regulations, they cannot be changed arbitrarily, and we should follow the regulations! But you can make arrangements and let Miyuki Kujo manage it... He is good or bad I have been enrolled for two weeks, why don't I even have a dedicated maid!"


When Liu Nianfeng brought Ping Hai and Ning Hai back to his dormitory, he was surprised to find that there were a lot of salutes that did not belong to him, and a serious girl in a gothic maid outfit.

After questioning, I learned that according to the school's regulations, the admiral and the starship girl who had signed a contract would live together to cultivate their relationship.

And this maid is the exclusive maid arranged by the academy for Liunianfeng, named Kujo Miyuki, who is responsible for taking care of Liunianfeng, Pinghai and Ninghai's daily life.

Although she is the exclusive maid of Liu Nianfeng in name, but seeing Kujo Miyuki's serious face and the expression of facing an enemy, Liu Nianfeng has no doubt that this is actually used by the academy to restrain herself and her own starship girl ... Otherwise, Liu Nianfeng, a sperm, will get into his head and bring disaster to the two lovely and precious peerless twin little lolis, and it will be a big loss.

Liu Nianfeng's thinking was more than half right, but the last point was wrong. What the school was worried about was not that Liu Nianfeng couldn't control himself and harmed the two twin little lolis.

Instead, she was worried that the two little twins would not be able to control herself, and would harm Liu Nianfeng instead... This is the limitation of the times!

In the next few days, Liu Nianfeng officially started living together with our lovely Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

As Liunianfeng's exclusive maid, Kujo Miyuki also perfectly carried out her tasks. While cleaning the entire room in an orderly manner, she also forcibly ensured the legal distance between Ninghai Pinghai and Liunianfeng.

According to Kujo Miyuki's words, a distance of more than three meters between men and women is legal, and she will never let the two little lolita Ning Haiping Hai take away Liu Nianfeng's virginity.

So during these three days, apart from the negative distance contact with Ning Hai when Liu Nianfeng brought Ning Hai's battleship Tianhun into his ghost port, there was no other contact.

Liu Nianfeng has already received a battleship Tianhun in the game before, but the battleship Tianhun in the game is directly suspended in front of Liunianfeng, while Ning Hai needs to first go through the black piece embedded in her belly button. Pulled out from the jewel-like star marks... and then guided into the ghost port of Liunianfeng through the ghost bridge protruding from Liunianfeng's belly button.

In this kind of nature, it is not necessary to have the belly button next to the belly button, which also creates a negative distance contact... Think of me?Readers who have lost contact with other negative distances can face the wall by themselves.

All in all, this was the only time that Liu Nianfeng had close contact with his starship girl in the past few days.

It's a pity that because Liunianfeng's ghost port is still too small, after Ninghai's battleship Tianhun can be accommodated, Pinghai's battleship Tianhun can no longer be accommodated, so Pinghai is currently only Liunianfeng's starship in name Girls can't really fight side by side with Liu Nianfeng.

This is also thanks to the fact that the battleship Tianhun of Ninghai is also one size smaller than the battleship Tianhun of the normal star light cruiser. Otherwise, the battleship Tianhun of the normal star light cruiser would not be able to accommodate Liu Nianfeng.

As for why the battleship Tianhun in Ninghai is smaller than the normal battleship Tianhun, Liu Nianfeng also vaguely guessed a little bit.Because in the period of more than 5000 years when the Yanhuang sea area was the weakest, although Ninghai, the flagship of the Yanhuang Navy, had the name of a light cruiser, it was actually inferior to a destroyer of the same period. Naturally, the battleship Tianhun could not have normal The level of the star light cruiser.

At the same time, on the second day after completing the Lingyou contract, Liu Nianfeng suddenly received a shocking news: his class had been changed... He was actually promoted to class 6, the second grade of the star admiral department.

Chen Shihan, Feng Hindenburg and other nine other classmates who changed classes with Liu Nianfeng, at this time, Liu Nianfeng knew that the so-called second year of the star admiral department did not mean after studying in the academy for a year, It was directly promoted to the second grade.

But after the star admirals had their first starship girl, they were automatically promoted to the second grade.For Admiral Star, whether or not he has his own starship girl is completely two worlds.

At the same time, Ning Hai and Ping Hai also promoted to the second grade in the Starship Girls Department, but the two departments still teach separately, and they are not combined in one class as Liu Nianfeng imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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