girl line

Chapter 30 A Subsidy War

Chapter 30 A Subsidy War
"How is it? Did you succeed in guiding your starship girl?" Chen Shihan asked curiously the first time they met in class.

"Well, I succeeded with Ning Hai. As for Ping Hai, I guess I will have to practice for a while!" Liu Nianfeng said, "How about you? How are you doing?"

"What else can I do? Blaney is a star heavy cruiser, and my ghost port can't accommodate her, so I just finished guiding with Yun Qing first." Chen Shihan shrugged.

"So, I'm stronger than you now! Ning Hai is a star light cruiser," Liu Nianfeng said proudly.

"Cut! What's so great about the Xingchen light cruiser? Don't think that you are a man and an old lady so you don't dare to beat you up. The old lady will still piss off your ass!" Chen Shihan waved her fist, but she was not willing to really hit Liu Nianfeng. a meal.

"Hey, Shihan, do you feel it? The atmosphere in this class is a bit different from our previous class!" Liu Nianfeng asked Chen Shihan a puzzled question hidden in his heart. From the beginning, Liu Nianfeng felt that there was some unusual atmosphere hidden in this class... It was a combative atmosphere, as if everyone would jump up at any time.Like beating yourself up.

"You found out too!" Chen Shihan nodded sympathetically, "I asked my former sister and found out that the second grade is completely different from the first grade."

"In addition to the theory class in the first grade, it is constantly urging you to cultivate the ghost energy in your body, and make a contract with the starship girl as much as possible."

"But the second grade is different. From the second grade, we have to accept a very systematic combat training course. It is said that every day is spent in simulated combat, and the victory or defeat of the simulated combat is directly related to our various treatment. , That's why this second-year old student looks very aggressive!"

"Moreover, the class teachers in the second grade have their own different educational styles and methods. Some like to engage in big pots and quality education, and some like wolves and engage in competitive teaching. Anyway, the methods of education are different. I heard that this class teacher is the best. He likes to engage in competition mechanism education!" Chen Shihan stuck out her tongue and said.

Chen Shihan's words were quickly confirmed by Liu Nianfeng's new head teacher.Unlike Liu Nianfeng's former head teacher who wore ordinary clothes, this second-grade head teacher actually came in wearing a military uniform, with a murderous look in his eyes, one can't help but feel frightened at a glance.


"Today, ten new students joined us. These ten new students, please stand up and introduce yourself. Let us all get to know each other!" After the new class teacher finished speaking, Liu Nianfeng and the other ten people stood up.

At the same time, the old students in the class began to whisper.

"He's that man!"

"Yes, I heard that he also got two Kuangshi-class star light cruisers!"

"real or fake!"

"One of my sisters saw it with her own eyes, how could it be fake."

"Tsk tsk, what a starship girl, she ended up being given to a useless man... Do you think this man can have half the talent of our women?"

"Half? Don't look at the joke, I think a quarter is enough. It's fine for a man to cook at home and take care of the children. Why come here to be the admiral of the stars..."

"But seriously, he's really handsome! If only I could spend the night with him..."

"You're crazy, do you want your psychic and psionic energy to fade and be thrown into prison?"

"What's the matter... Can't you imagine it? Isn't it a common saying that women are not bad and men don't love?"

The chats of the girls did not hide anything at all, they were all heard in Liu Nianfeng's ears, which made Liu Nianfeng feel pain in the egg.


"Oh! So you were also assigned to our class!" The new homeroom teacher's eyes stayed on Liu Nianfeng for a full minute, and only when the hairs on Liu Nianfeng's body were about to explode, did she turn her eyes Get it out of the way.

"My name is Lyanna Spielberg, and I'm your new class teacher, responsible for teaching you the rest of your studies."

"At the same time, from today onwards, I hope you will forget the way you taught in the first grade, and adapt to my way of teaching in the shortest possible time, otherwise, I promise, you will live a miserable life!" Lyanna waved the pointer in her hand , circling around the ten freshmen including Liu Nianfeng.

"Since they are all freshmen, teacher, I will talk nonsense again and tell you the rules of our class!"

"First of all, your monthly allowance of 5000 star coins will be confiscated! I have already discussed with the Finance Department, your star coin allowance will be automatically distributed to the class fee of our second grade class six!" Lyanna Spier Berg said bluntly.



With the exception of von Hindenburg, almost all the freshmen yelled in disbelief.One or two bad-tempered freshmen even yelled directly, "It's the living allowance given to us by the school. Why do you transfer it to the class fee? Isn't this a steal?"

"Of course it's not an extortion!" Lyanna sneered, "I just want to redistribute the allowance reasonably! Only students with strong strength are worthy of more living allowances. As for those who are not strong enough, eating porridge every day is enough , you won’t starve to death anyway!”

After finishing speaking, Lyanna quickly walked to the podium, clapped her palm on the podium, and a light curtain was projected in front of all the students, with each student's name clearly written on it, and behind the student's name, There is also a string of unknown numbers.

These numbers vary. The number of students ranked No.1 has reached six figures, while the last batch of students, as well as freshmen such as Fleeing Feng, all have the number after their names: 5000.

"I call this learning points. The learning points fee will be reset on the first of each month. Everyone is 5000 points."

"Today is the first day of this month. I will add and subtract your points in an interesting way based on your behavior and academic performance during this month."

"At the end of the month, I will distribute your allowances reasonably according to your final points!"

"Don't worry! Teacher, I'm very fair. You can get as many allowances as you have points!" Speaking of this, Lianna began to laugh.

"If someone can't get used to it, it doesn't matter. Give me a report, and I'll transfer you to the third class. The head teacher there takes you on picnics every day and talks heart-to-heart. You will definitely like that wasteful environment!"

"But as long as you stay in my class for one day, you must accept my education method, because I only train strong people!"

"The strongest in the whole school is in our class!"

Now Liu Nianfeng understands that she is in Class [-], Grade [-].This is a game of competing for allowances. Whoever gets better grades can get more allowances that originally belonged to others! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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