girl line

Chapter 31 You don't need to go to class anymore

Chapter 31 You don't need to go to class anymore

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the day when Liu Nianfeng officially joined Class 7025 of the second grade happened to be the beginning of a month, April 4, 1, April Fool's Day.

It's just that in this world, no one remembers the festival of April Fool's Day.After more than 5000 years, April Fool's Day has long been buried in human history, and this day is also the beginning of the most difficult period for Fleeting Maple.

On the first day of class, that Leanna announced that she would conduct a regular monthly examination, from cultural knowledge, physical fitness, to actual combat skills, all of which would be assessed one by one.

When the head teacher announced this decision, Liu Nianfeng immediately found that the atmosphere of the whole class fell into two extremes.At one end are excited students sitting in the front row, and at the other end are students shivering with fear at the back of the classroom.

"It seems that this point has not changed compared to the school 5000 years ago! Excellent students will always sit in the front row, and poor students will always sit in the back row!" Liu Nianfeng complained helplessly.

On the morning of April 4st, the first thing to do was the admiral's basic knowledge examination. To put it bluntly, it was to gather all the basic knowledge of various star admirals into one paper, and examine all the basic knowledge in one go.

What's even more abnormal is that the test results are not like normal schools, which usually wait a day or two before releasing them, and then hold a parent meeting or something.

Instead, it is automatically corrected by the computer, and you can get your own test results in the first second after the test is over.

Although Liu Nianfeng has been studying very seriously in school for the past two weeks, in addition to cultivating his psionic and psionic energy in his spare time, he also spends all his time tutoring the knowledge that he has not had time to learn.

But after all, two weeks is still too short, so when Liu Nianfeng got his test results, he was surprised to find that he actually got 99 points in the test...but the full score of the test is 750 points!
Not surprisingly, Liu Nianfeng became the last one in the class, and the last No.2 was Liu Nianfeng's only friend in school: Chen Shihan, she scored 399 points in the test.

"Very good! According to the old rules, 1 points will be deducted for No. 500 from the bottom, 5 points will be deducted for No. 300 from the bottom, and 10 points will be deducted for No. [-] from the bottom five."

"And these deducted points, I will also add them to the top 15 students at once!" Under Lianna's ruthless announcement, Liu Nianfeng lost 500 points on the first morning of the first day of class. , that is, 500 star coins.

But this is just the beginning. In the afternoon, there is also an exam waiting for Fleeting Maple. This time, the test is to test the size of the ghost port in the examinee's body. The rules are the same as before, and the bottom 15 students are also deducted points. The points will be counted to the top fifteen students in the ranking.

Fleeting Maple's ghost port can barely accommodate a star destroyer's battleship Tianhun.But the port of ghosts of other students in the class can at least accommodate the battleship Tianhun of the star light cruiser.

The result was naturally no surprise, and Liu Nianfeng lost another 500 points.

The next day is the actual combat exam. The rules are the same as the previous midterm exam rules, except that the number of battles has been changed from three rounds to five rounds, so that the candidates' scores can be more clearly distinguished.

Liunianfeng was able to defeat von Hindenburg and advance to the second grade, not because of Liunianfeng's high fighting skills, but because Liunianfeng had comprehended the book of stars, and with the help of the power of the secret art of stars, he was able to defeat von Hindenburg. to beat.

But Lexington had already clearly warned Liu Nianfeng that without her approval and without endangering her own life, Liu Nianfeng was forbidden to use the secret art of stars.Otherwise, Lexington will directly expel Liu Nianfeng from the academy and let Liu Nianfeng return to the position of the planter.

There are two main reasons why Lexington restricted Fleeting Maple like this.

One is because using the star secret technique consumes a lot of money, and Liunianfeng's ghost port is too weak. Using the star secret technique multiple times in a short period of time will definitely hurt Liunianfeng's life.

The other point is that the secret art of the stars is similar to cheats to a certain extent. Although it is easy to win by using cheats, it also loses the opportunity to exercise one's abilities and skills.

So not only for Fleeting Maple, but for any other students who comprehend the secret art of stars in advance, they will also be banned by the school... However, there are too few such students. There are less than 100 people who have comprehended the secret art of stars when they were students.

Without the help of the secret art of the stars, Liu Nianfeng would not be able to be the opponent of these experienced second-year students anyway.

The result of the third test was still without any surprises. Liu Nianfeng lost all five battles, and all of them were killed within a minute after reaching the engagement range. When Liu Nianfeng came out of the virtual warehouse, the whole People are about to be beaten stupid.

On the second day after entering the second grade, Liu Nianfeng ranked last in the class, with only 3500 points left in his personal points.

But this is just the beginning. As I said before, the second grade is based on a simulated war teaching mode. In the morning, teachers will come to teach different courses, and in the afternoon, they will all be pulled into the virtual building to conduct virtual battles.

After seven consecutive days of fighting, Liu Nianfeng experienced a devastating 35-game losing streak. The remaining 3500 points were all deducted, and there was not a single point left.

God knows what Liunianfeng has been like these seven days. Anyway, even Chen Shihan, who has the closest relationship with Liunianfeng on weekdays, has never seen Liunianfeng smile again. Liunianfeng will always have a livid expression on his face.

If it weren't for the support of a belief in his heart, Liu Nianfeng might have collapsed.

As a result, on the afternoon of the eighth day, when Liu Nianfeng was about to continue participating in the virtual battle as usual, a person suddenly stood in front of Liu Nianfeng.

"Hello, Teacher Lianna!" Liu Nianfeng looked at the teacher in front of him, bowed a little blankly, and said respectfully.

"What are you doing here?" Lyanna asked.

"I'm here for class!" Liu Nianfeng replied subconsciously.

"You don't need to go to class, go back to your dormitory!" Lyanna said lightly.

"Why?" Liu Nianfeng raised his head in surprise, and looked at his class teacher in confusion.

"Your points are already empty!" With a wave of Lyanna's hand, the points that Liu Nianfeng has at this time are projected: a big 0 is extraordinarily dazzling.

"Don't you have no points? Can't you go to class again?" Liu Nianfeng asked in disbelief.

"Of course! If you don't have points and star coins rewards, why would those outstanding students waste their time playing with you?"

Leanna's face was full of disdain, "You have two choices, either take out your own star coins and exchange points with me. Or you can go back to the dormitory and come back to class next month!"

"How could you do this! This is unfair, which school in the world has such bastard rules?" Liu Nianfeng screamed loudly, instantly attracting the attention of the rest of the class.

It's just that the eyes of these students are full of pity, as if they are pitying an injured little girl... Such eyes made Liu Nianfeng even more unbearable.

"All schools have rules like this!" Lyanna said coldly, "The real battlefield is a hundred times or ten thousand times crueler than the school. If you can't even adapt to the school, you will only die on the battlefield. Why don't you be obedient?" Go back and sow seeds for me!"

"Don't think that if you are a man, I will treat you with pity. Don't think that it is so great to have two peerless starship girls... You don't look at what a waste you are, you look at yourself. Not really worthy of those two peerless starship girls!"

"Are you sad? Are you angry? Do you really want to hit me in the face?" The head teacher's face suddenly stuck in front of Liu Nianfeng, staring at Liu Nianfeng's eyes.

"I'll give you a chance now, as long as you nod your head, I'll send you to the third class immediately, there will definitely like you as a waste!" Lyanna said with half-curved lips, "I only have strong willed people here. To be able to stay, how about it, do you want to stay and be abused, or do you want to find a good head teacher who loves you?"

"..." Liu Nianfeng just looked at Lyanna like this, just gritted his teeth and didn't speak, and didn't pop a word out of his mouth.

"Finally, please remember that the battlefield belongs to women. Unless you can prove that you, a man, are stronger than all women, you are not qualified to appear on my battlefield!" Lyanna's last words were loud and loud, and won the battle behind her. Almost all the students applauded warmly.

The loud applause almost toppled the entire roof, only one classmate silently looked at the book in his hand, disregarding the things in front of him, as if all this had nothing to do with her!
(End of this chapter)

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