girl line

Chapter 32 Staggering Road [Thanks for Adding 2 in 1 Chapters]

Chapter 32 Staggering Road 【Thanks for Adding Two Chapters in One】

[This is the content of two chapters. In order to make it easier for everyone to read, it has been merged into one chapter.

This one is still added to thank the leader: the hairball mulberry soaked in the soup.

In the end, I only owe you six chapters...]

"Sister Zhuangtian, do you think that man is too pitiful and too cute? If it were me, I would have gone back and cried for my mother to hug me!" sarcasm, said to the girl who read quietly.

"First, that man is far stronger than you imagined!" The girl reading put down the book in her hand, and said calmly, "Second, don't call me Miss Zhuangtian, you can call me classmate Liu Zhuantian."

"Hehe... Liu Zhuangtian... classmate..." The girl said with an embarrassing expression.


At first, Liu Nianfeng thought that Lyanna was just joking and gave herself a warning, but for three consecutive days, Lianna blocked the door of the virtual classroom by Lyanna, and it was only then that Liannianfeng realized that Lianna was playing for real. For more than 20 days, I couldn't participate in the daily training of the class.

It was only later that Liu Nianfeng found out that he actually had another choice, which was to spend his own money on the class fee to exchange for extra points, so as to continue to take the exam... All the freshmen before the sixth class came here.

At this moment, there are three paths in front of Liu Nianfeng, one is to leave Class Six and transfer to other classes, but this means admitting defeat, which means that he cannot bear such a harsh competitive illusion, and is a loser, together with Liu Nianfeng Among the promoted classmates, none left yet, and all of them chose to persevere.Liu Nianfeng didn't want to leave just like that.

The second way is to pay money, whether it is your parents' money or your own, anyway, you can pay the money to the class fee of the sixth class to exchange for points, as long as you have points, Liu Nianfeng can continue to study.It's a pity that Liu Nianfeng has no money.

The third way is to go back to the dormitory to sleep. This is a very easy way to deal with it, but in this way, the gap between Liu Nianfeng and his classmates will become wider and wider.

Some people may feel that Lyanna's method is too unreasonable, but Fleeting Maple can also use this tyrant's education method.

Because Admiral Xingchen is the most important link in the entire army system, the so-called raging soldiers will raging nests.An excellent star admiral can improve a lot of actual combat capabilities of his subordinate starship girls.

A single mistake by the admiral of the stars may lead to the death of the entire fleet and more than a dozen starship girls, which is something no admiral would want to see.

So even though they know that this kind of education method is too cruel and cruel, many students will choose to stay in order to truly suppress their own potential.

And without exception, the remaining students from class [-] are the best in the entire academy, and among the eight classes in the second grade, they all rank first in total score!Since he chose to stay in Class Six, he had to bear the total rules and cruelty brought by Class Six.


Being excluded from the examination room was undoubtedly a huge blow to Liu Nianfeng.

Followed by all kinds of comfort from the classmates... If Liu Nianfeng is a girl, then the ridicule of the whole class must follow.

But Liu Nianfeng is a boy, and he is the only boy in the whole school. Of course, these girls who call themselves ladies and have a ladylike demeanor can't mock a man, but are all kinds of comfort.

It's just that they comforted Liu Nianfeng like this.

"It's no big deal. Boys are inherently less talented. It's normal for you to lose to us."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, you are a boy. Why do boys care so much? In the future, just find a girl who loves you... What do you think of me?"

"Actually, we still envy you. You can stay in the dormitory to rest for half a month. We want to rest but we don't have this opportunity..."

These words may be a sentence of sincere comfort in the girl's heart, but they are harsh and terrible in Liu Nianfeng's ears. In the end, Liu Nianfeng can only choose to remain silent. It is his own reason for not being able to lose, and it has nothing to do with others.

It's just that this is really very depressing, so in the past week, Liu Nianfeng has become extremely silent. Apart from seeing it every day when I go home, I just look out through the window. For a few hours, even the affairs of Ninghai and Pinghai seldom paid attention to.


"What does this world have to do with me? Why should I become Admiral of the Stars? Why should I protect this world? Why don't I just be a spectator?" Liu Nianfeng thought quietly while looking at the scenery outside the window.

At the same time, I have to admit that Liu Nianfeng is a little homesick, a little bit misses the previous world, and misses every plant and tree on the earth, not this somewhat cold academy.

"Dong dong dong! The master is eating!" Suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was the voice of Miyuki Kujo.

Like the previous week, Liu Nianfeng ignored the other party.After Miyuki Kujo knocked on the door three times, she didn't persevere in continuing to knock on the door, and just left without making a sound.

"Eat when you're hungry! No matter what he does so much!" Liu Nianfeng smiled self-deprecatingly, turned around and opened the door

"This Kujo Miyuki, I don't know how to change the taste. I've been eating these things for two weeks!" Gu Han smiled wryly, he had been eating bread for two weeks.

"It hurts!" Probably because of his irregular diet in the past few weeks, Liu Nianfeng ate a few mouthfuls of bread, and suddenly felt severe pain in his stomach.

For a person, tiger stool pepper water and so on may be tolerable, but the third emergency is the most painful. No matter how melancholy Liu Nianfeng is, it is impossible to make it difficult for his stomach, so Gu Han went straight into the bathroom , to solve their own personal problems.

Not long after Liu Nianfeng entered the bathroom, he heard two footsteps coming in, and after a rustling sound of undressing, there was the sound of water flowing.

Because the toilet is designed to be integrated with the bathroom, separated by an opaque glass door in the middle.So as long as Liu Nianfeng doesn't make a sound, the person who is taking a bath on the other side won't notice Liu Nianfeng's existence.

"Sister, how much food did you want today?" This was Ning Hai's voice, but their conversation made Gu Han a little confused. What does it mean how much food you want today?

"Not many, Meiyun and the others don't seem to be in the dormitory today, I didn't find them, only Sisi gave us three pieces of bread." Ping Hai replied helplessly.

"It's the same for me. I found more than a dozen classmates, but I only got two slices of bread!" Ning Hai's voice became even darker.

"Let's work harder. After taking a shower, go ask the other students... The admiral seems to be in poor health recently. It's best to get some milk for the admiral to replenish his body."

The voices of the two gradually died down, and after they finished taking a shower and left, Liu Nianfeng suddenly rushed out of the bathroom, his eyes shone with unbelievable light, and he couldn't believe what he just heard.

Could it be that the bread he ate these days was all begging for food from Ning Hai and Ping Hai?

Knowing this kind of thing, how could Liu Nianfeng stay at home with peace of mind.He immediately sneaked out with Ping Hai and Ning Hai silently, and found that Ping Hai and Ning Hai had directly entered the starship girl's dormitory area, which was where they lived before.


Just in time, when Liu Nianfeng followed them to the door of the dormitory area, many former classmates came out.

Ning Hai and Ping Hai immediately went forward, asking for some food with a flattering smile.

But what makes Liu Nianfeng feel extremely angry is that these girls don't want to give it to them, it's fine, but they mocked Ninghai and Pinghai with a face full of yin and yang and jealousy... Even if there is a distance of more than 100 meters, Liu Nianfeng can't help it. You could see teardrops from the corners of Ning Hai Ping Hai's eyes when he was angry.

"What is this? Jealousy?" Liu Nianfeng let out a long sigh. Ning Hai and Ping Hai seemed to be kept in the dark, but Liu Nian Feng had already seen that these women were undoubtedly jealous of Ning Hai and Ping Hai's acquisition of the peerless ancient warship. Soul, that's why they treat them like this.

"I can't let them bully my Ping Hai and Ning Hai!" Just as Liu Nianfeng was about to jump out to defend his starship girl, an arm suddenly grabbed Liu Nianfeng's arm. Miyuki actually stood behind her, signaling herself to keep her mouth shut and not to jump out.

At this time, a girl happened to come out of the dormitory. When she saw Ping Hai and Ning Hai, her face changed immediately, and she was about to slip away by the sidewalk.

But Ping Hai and Ning Hai were willing to let go, one left and one right surrounded them, not giving each other a chance to slip away.

"Ping Hai... Ning Hai... I really convinced you, why are you asking for things again?" the girl said with a bitter face.

"We haven't eaten for two days. Is there any food left in your dormitory? The two of us sisters can help you out!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai begged.

"There's only one bottle of milk that I didn't finish the day before yesterday, and it's expired today, do you want more?" the girl said helplessly.

"Yes! We want it!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai nodded repeatedly, the girl could only take out the bottle of milk from the dormitory with a speechless face, and handed it to Ping Hai and Ning Hai.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you very much!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai repeatedly bowed to the girl in thanks.

"Wait! I have a question for you!" The girl took Ping Hai and Ning Hai's hand, "Don't you already have your own star admiral? Doesn't the star admiral have 5000 star coins every month?" Allowance? 5000 yuan is enough for the three of you to eat and drink for a month, why do you still have to beg for food like before?"

"We..." Ning Hai lowered his head and muttered, not knowing what he was talking about.Only Ping Hai raised his head and said, "Admiral is working very hard. He has to work hard every day in class, in training, and in exams."

"You know, our admiral is a handsome boy who needs to be taken care of by us women. We can't help the admiral in other ways, we only have all the money to buy him delicious food, and we can live as before No, nothing has changed!"

"You two... have lost your mind... Hey... I've said it a long time ago, there is nothing good about a man, it's all his father's fault..." The girl sighed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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