girl line

Chapter 213 Promotion Competition

Chapter 213 Promotion Competition (End)
"A·Z!" This is a woman who terrifies the entire Silver rank, because this player obviously has the strength equivalent to the Gold rank, but likes to stay in the Silver rank with a shameless face, desperately enjoying the pleasure of abusing food.

And in order to stay in the silver rank, this A·Z will naturally let go, otherwise, with her strength in the gold rank, she will be promoted sooner or later.So players who are familiar with A·Z know that once they meet A·Z, the first thing to do is to check A·Z's current rank points.

If A·Z's tier points are even, then congratulations, A·Z will definitely release water in this game and let you win.And if A·Z’s points are odd numbers, then it’s hard work, A·Z will definitely use all his abilities to abuse you, just like a 1 meter strong man bullying a baby. of any difficulty.

Poor Li Heiye has been bullied by A·Z more than once, and what he said is blood and tears!

At this time, Bi Heiye checked A·Z's points manually, and found that the other party's points at this time were 157 points in the silver rank. No doubt about it.

At the same time, there were also many viewers who knew the name of A·Z in the live broadcast room, so the originally cheerful barrage began to become a bit heavy, and some viewers began to persuade Peking University madman to say [forget it, this A·Z boss you messed with I'm sorry, let's quickly push it down and give up! 】

[That's right, it's nothing to fight with this A·Z, but their fans are too stinky, it's too easy to ruin the mood, so let's forget it! 】

The audience tried their best to persuade them, but the madman of Peking University didn't respond at all, and directly agreed to the battle with A·Z, and both sides entered the battlefield at the same time.

And then, Li Heiye found that the number of people in this live broadcast room began to skyrocket, and the total number of followers changed from 9 to 17 almost instantly, which was considered a new record for this freshman live broadcast room. Once broke through the total number of 10 people online.

Moreover, the total number of people is still rising, and it seems that it will definitely not be a problem to have more than 50 people in the end.

Li Heiye is very clear about why this happened, because A·Z is very famous, has attracted the attention of many silver players, and even has a considerable number of fans, but A·Z himself has no interest in becoming an anchor .

In order to be able to see the ranking battle of A·Z at the first time, the fans of A·Z can only wait tirelessly in each anchor's room. Once any anchor matches A·Z, then It will immediately spread among the fans, and these fans will immediately fly to the anchor's room.

Therefore, the audience who rushed in at this time were not actually fans of Peking University Madman, but were all fans of A·Z. They came to watch A·Z fight.

And because there are too many fans of A·Z, more than the number of crazy fans of Peking University, so the bullet screen in the whole live broadcast room is occupied by fans of A·Z, and they began to crazily support themselves in the bullet screen. The idol shouted to come on.

It's fine if it's just shouting cheers, but these fans are still very excessive in the live broadcast room, constantly brushing things like:

[A·Z is invincible, blast this garbage anchor]

[A·Z tap lightly, don’t scare the kids]

[A second of silence for this poor anchor, she is about to realize what cruelty is]

[Another useless anchor is about to die under the guns of the A·Z boss. Also, please let this useless anchor have a little bit of strength, so that our A·Z boss can waste a little time. Let's take a look at us The amazing strength and operation of the A.Z boss]

[Trash anchor, kneel down to our A·Z boss, and our A·Z boss will reward you with an ice cream, hahaha! 】

The barrage sent by A·Z fans can be described as extremely arrogant, and this barrage instantly aroused strong dissatisfaction from Liu Nianfeng's fans. If they continue to be cold like this, they are not worthy of being fans of Peking University Madman.

So the entire live broadcast room began to be torn apart quickly, and the fans of Liunianfeng and A·Z's fans became a mess.But although this is Liunianfeng's home court, there are too many fans of A·Z. The barrage posted by Liannianfeng's fans was quickly overwhelmed by the barrage of A·Z fans, which made Liunianfeng The fans became more irritable, so there were a lot of disharmonious elements in the sentence, and they began to greet the fathers of the A·Zs.

[The anchor is rubbish, and you fans are also rubbish. Let’s not talk about unnecessary nonsense. Let’s take a gamble. If you, a useless anchor, can persist under our family A·Z for 10 minutes, we Let’s collectively call us mom in the bullet screen. On the contrary, if you are such...what... Peking University crazy people, and you can’t hold on for 10 minutes, you can call us mom, how about it?Dare to bet? 】

[Just bet!At that time, I'm afraid it's not a question of whether our crazy boss can last for 20 minutes, but whether your broken A·Z can last for 20 minutes]

[What a cosmic joke, if you can beat our AZ, I will reward your anchor with a planet, and call your anchor grandma! 】

The fans of A·Z posted barrages with incomparable arrogance, and the fans of both sides made such a bet.

After the completion of this bet agreement, the A·Z fans who were seriously attracted attention put their eyes on the battlefield. It didn't matter if they didn't watch it. The A·Z fans were shocked a lot. Jump, judging from the small map of this madman of Peking University, this madman of Peking University has actually gotten close to a position less than 15 kilometers away from A·Z, but A·Z has not noticed anything, and is still proceeding blindly*** Curved movement, trying to search for the opponent's position.

【How is this going?Could it be that our family A·Z lost the latent search game] A·Z fans said in disbelief on the barrage.

[Nonsense, our lunatics have never lost in a lurking search battle... no, our lunatics have never lost in any battles! ] Fans of Fleeting Maple replied proudly.

And this reply also made the fans of A·Z feel a little bit of pressure. Could it be said that this madman from Peking University really has some skills?
[Hmph, stop wishful thinking, our family A·Z must have discovered this garbage anchor, she is just deliberately seducing, trying to lure wolves into the house] A·Z's fans said firmly in the barrage.

But what happened next was a slap on the face of A·Z fans, and A·Z’s warship, which had been unresponsive all this time, suddenly began to move quickly to a safe position in a panic, because within three seconds A few minutes ago, the lunatic of Peking University who had been lurking all this time suddenly showed his fangs and fired a precise volley at A·Z.

And it wasn't until the shells fired by the salvo started to approach A·Z's star warship that A·Z reacted and wanted to dodge, but it was too late, and 30% of the battle damage was destroyed by the madmen of Peking University. .

Next, A.Z, who could see that he was a little frustrated, began to manipulate the naval guns to launch a counterattack against the madman of Peking University, but how could the madman of Peking University, who had been prepared, be hit by such a hasty shell? As a result, A.Z's first round The salvo didn't even hurt a single hair on the madman of Peking University.

In the ensuing battle, it began to develop towards a one-sided situation. It can be seen that this A·Z is indeed very powerful. Whether it is the accuracy of the naval gun or the evasive action, it is an action that can only be made by an absolute master. Those star admirals with advanced fighting instincts are no longer divided, and they are also able to get the top eight in the grade entrance examination.

It's a pity that what A.Z met was the pervert Liunianfeng. During the whole process, except for one round of salvo that A.Z was very lucky to hit, until her battleship was destroyed, she never hit Liunianfeng's star warship again. .

When the battle was over, the barrage in the room became silent in an instant. A·Z fans couldn't imagine that their invincible idol in the silver rank would lose so badly. The opponent caused a mere 3% battle damage. This is an achievement that every A·Z fan could never have imagined. It made A·Z's invincible image in their minds collapse in an instant. .

【Hahaha!It’s really ridiculous, but our madman can’t last for 10 minutes, I think your A·Z can’t last for 10 minutes, right?I looked at the time, tsk tsk, it's only 13 minutes, it's true that I didn't even last for 20 minutes! 】

[Okay, I think this A·Z is already very powerful. You must know that our madman has never met an opponent who can consume her more than 7 minutes. This A·Z actually consumed 13 minutes. Wow !I think this A·Z can blow for a lifetime! 】

[Yes, blow for a lifetime! 】

[What are you bragging about? Aren't you guys awesome just now?Don't you want to bet?Now the results are out, call mom! 】

The fans of Beida Madman, who had been oppressed by the fans of A.Z just now and completely covered up the barrage, began to shout excitedly, and at the same time began to beg for their bets, while the fans of A.Z were completely silent.

Soon the number of people in the live broadcast room began to drop rapidly from 50 people. Most of the people did not have the courage to fulfill their bets, so they could only choose to escape.However, there are still some A·Z fans who dare to take responsibility, so the whole live broadcast room was swiped by the word mother, and there are thousands of gifts from planets and even planets above the whole live broadcast room. .

In just ten seconds, Harman, a small money fan, received a gift equivalent to 100 million star coins, and he also had 50 star coins in his hand. He gave Harman, who came out of the game and took a peek at the background income, I was startled, my eyes were beautifully bent into a slit, and I couldn't see.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng certainly didn't know that he would become the object of attention of 50 people at the same time, and he didn't know that he had earned a gift of 100 million star coins in an instant. Liu Nianfeng just felt that he had encountered a little difficult opponents.

Next, Liu Nianfeng has been promoted to the silver rank, all he has to do is to enter the man-machine mode impatiently, and see how much impact it will have on his training effect after he has been promoted to a rank!

(End of this chapter)

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