girl line

Chapter 214 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 214 The Unexpected Incident
"My God!!!!" When Liu Nianfeng returned to the rest room in man-machine mode, he was in a state of confusion, because the training results this time made Liu Nianfeng pale with shock. Liu Nianfeng has never imagined, nor dared to imagine the training results.

In fact, a week before the promotion match, Liu Nianfeng had already broken through the limit of two brutal AI star warships, and was currently facing the challenge of four cruel AI starships at the same time.What I have to admit is that although the number of the four cruel AI ships has only doubled, the difficulty has increased by at least ten times compared with the two cruel AI ships. When the brutal AI was fighting, Liu Nianfeng didn't even have the time for the opponent to shoot three rounds of volleys, and was directly bombarded and killed by four ships.

If it is converted into specific data, it is that Liunianfeng can persist for about 46 seconds under the attack of four brutal AI ships, and excluding the case of the character explosion directly hitting the cockpit for a second kill, Liunianfeng can destroy them on average. A battle damage rate of about 29% for a Cruel AI, this is the state of Liu Nianfeng when he first entered the training mode of the IV Cruel AI.

And even after a week of accelerated training with ranking points, Liu Nianfeng only improved this score to 187 seconds, and at the same time destroyed about 80% of the blood volume of one of the cruel AIs.

This improvement seems to be a lot, but you must know that this kind of improvement is completely dependent on the acceleration effect of the 7-day ranking points, and the total points consumed by Lian Nianfeng breaking through two cruel AI ships before was only four. It's just a few days of points.It is not difficult to imagine that if Liu Nianfeng does not rely on the improvement of ranking points, but simply relies on his own way of training day and night to improve, it is estimated that such an improvement will take at least two or three years for Liu Nianfeng.

However, Liu Nianfeng is already very satisfied with this improvement, at least the current level makes Liu Nianfeng feel that defeating von Hindenburg should not be a problem, so although Liu Nianfeng has expectations for the promotion of Brass to Silver, he has no expectations Too much to look forward to.

Liu Nianfeng even thinks that there is a high probability that there will be no rewards for being promoted from the brass rank to the silver rank. Liu Nianfeng will feel that this is ok, it is completely acceptable, and at most it will be a little sad.

But the facts are completely beyond Liu Nianfeng's expectations. After Liu Nianfeng was promoted to the silver rank, he immediately entered the man-machine mode without saying a word, so at this time, Liu Nianfeng's silver rank points are still 0 points, while the previous brass rank All the points have been consumed, so Fleeing Maple who entered the man-machine mode at this time should not have any point training effect.

But at the moment when the promotion match was completed, Liu Nianfeng felt as if something broke in his body, and his whole spirit became much lighter, as if he had broken free from some shackles.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng had a feeling in his heart that the next man-machine mode might give him unexpected results.

Although Liu Nianfeng had already guessed that the result would be unexpected to him, it was too unexpected and too unexpected. After the battle, two of the four brutal AI ships were actually killed by Liu Nianfeng. One of the remaining two ships has only 35% battle damage left, and the battle duration has also increased from 187 seconds to 496 seconds.

Judging from the numbers, Liu Nianfeng's strength has increased by about two times compared to before, and this kind of improvement is not improved step by step through training, it is completely improved in an instant. It is comparable to the bond skills of Ping Hai and Ning Hai back then.

"In this way..." Seeing the astonishing improvement in his own strength, when Liu Nianfeng was thinking secretly, a directional broadcast suddenly startled Liu Nianfeng.

"Hello Peking University Madman, I am Li Heiye, your opponent who once lost to you. I have something very important to tell you. Please add me as a friend, please!" This is the whole content of this directed broadcast.

As the name suggests, a targeted broadcast is a broadcast sent by a specific player. Even if the players are not friends, the other party can see what they say.Of course, such directional broadcasts are naturally charged a lot. It seems that one cost [-] star coins. It’s not really important. Few people will use such directional broadcasts between strangers.

"Since you spent so much money, I'll add you as a friend!" Because Liu Nianfeng was in an unbelievably good mood at this time, so he very simply took the initiative to add Li Heiye's friend.At the same time, Liu Nianfeng was also a little curious, why did this Li Heiye, who was once defeated by him, suddenly want to add him as a friend, did he want to scold him and vent his dissatisfaction?
And only a second later, the system notified that the friend was added successfully, and Li Heiye also sent her first message.

"Great God! Accept me as an apprentice!" To Liu Nianfeng's surprise, the first message sent by the other party was actually like this. The straight-forward one proposed to worship Liu Nianfeng as a teacher, which caught Liu Nianfeng a little by surprise. up.

"Let's go, I'm not interested in accepting apprentices right now, I've deleted your friends, don't waste directed broadcasts to find me!" Liu Nianfeng replied bluntly, and was about to delete Li Heiye's friends directly.

"Master, wait! I have a very important message to tell you, it is very important to you, can you listen to me before I finish?" Li Heiye sent it quickly before Liu Nianfeng clicked the delete button said a message.And this news also caused Liu Nianfeng to suspend the deletion. After thinking for a while, he replied with some dissatisfaction, "Are you blackmailing me?"

"Don't dare! I absolutely don't dare, I just want to tell you that the English style singer who often follows you sneakily set up a live broadcast room, broadcasting your ranking battles every day, and received a lot of gifts , are very valuable... I just want to tell you this news, I hope you will not be deceived by your good friend, she is using you!" Li Heiye didn't have any threats or conditions for the transaction, so he directly sent That important information was told.And this is indeed an important piece of information. Liu Nianfeng was taken aback by this piece of information. He never thought that he would be played by Haman in such a way.

"Okay! I know about this matter, and I will verify it. If the matter is true, I will give you a corresponding reward!" Liu Nianfeng replied to Li Heiye after being silent for a long time.

"Will you accept me as an apprentice then?" Li Heiye asked excitedly.

"It's impossible to be an apprentice, and I don't deserve to be your master, but our two friends can stay. You can ask me any questions. As long as I know and I have time, I will answer you." .But this is not a master-student, but a simple help between friends!"

"Thank you, Great God!" Li Heiye said excitedly.


"Admiral, are you still playing ranked today?" When Liu Nianfeng came out of the man-machine mode, Haman ran over and asked Liu Nianfeng with a cute smile.

"Yeah!" Liu Nianfeng nodded and said in a very normal tone, "What's the point of asking, of course it's the same as before, first play the ranking for three hours!"

"Oh!" Haman responded cheerfully, then lowered his head, not knowing what he was busy with.

Soon, a new day of qualifying began, and this was also the first time that Liu Nianfeng entered the silver tier qualifying match.Compared with the brass rank, it is more difficult to obtain points in the silver rank. After a qualifying match, Liu Nianfeng can only get 2 to 3 points in the ranking. Based on this calculation, Liu Nianfeng must at least It will take about a month to reach the state of silver 1000 points, the premise is that you can't meet the opponent that Liu Nianfeng once defeated.

Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to voluntarily withdraw from the ranking, and this would require a drop in points.

Thanks to the traffic brought by A·Z yesterday, when Harman’s small live broadcast room opened again, the number of onlookers in the live broadcast room quickly rose to about 10 people, and finally maintained at 14 people. The total number of subscriptions has also risen to over 20. This is undoubtedly an amazing achievement for a new anchor who has just started broadcasting for less than a month. In history, it is also able to rank in the top [-] speeds.

This day's ranking live broadcast went very smoothly. Liu Nianfeng played a total of 23 ranking battles, and the final result also ended with 23 consecutive victories. The duration did not exceed 6 minutes. Fleeting Maple swept the entire Silver 100 segment in an absolutely abusive manner, and abused those poor Silver players. The audience also had a great time watching it And excitement, all kinds of rewards were thrown out like no money, and Harman made a lot of money.

When the three-hour qualifying time was over, and Haman was about to enter the man-machine mode for training with Liu Nianfeng, Liu Nianfeng suddenly patted Haman on the shoulder and said, "Come on, Haman, come out with me." , Admiral has something to talk to you about!"

"It's broken!" Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, Haman's little heart jumped instantly.

Although Liu Nianfeng's expression is very calm, it is hard to see whether it is happiness or anger, but Haman has encountered similar situations more than once... This makes Haman can't help but recall when he was in elementary school and junior high school, whenever he When I was mischievous and made mistakes in school, my homeroom teacher would call me into the office with such an expression... At this moment, Haman couldn't help but recall that horrible scene again.

(End of this chapter)

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