girl line

Chapter 34 The Lost Bun

Chapter 34 The Lost Bun

It wasn't until she heard the conversation between sisters Ping Hai and Ning Hai that Liu Nianfeng realized that what she had done in the past two weeks was not what a man did at all.

It was just such a small setback that actually knocked himself down.I actually still want to use my own power to reverse the position of a man in this world and return to the era of 5000 years ago.

From this point of view, I am really ridiculous, and it is no wonder that I lost so completely... The more I live, the more I look like a woman!

"Thank you both!" Liu Nianfeng touched Ning Hai and Ping Hai's head at the same time, and said sincerely.If it wasn't for these two sisters waking me up from my daze today, my life might be wasted just like that!
"Sister! The admiral made me feel so comfortable!" Ning Hai stared at his sister with big teardrop eyes and said, "But, didn't mother tell us that touching the head to kill is a way for us women to comfort our men? Now Isn't something wrong!"

Amazing, the word "touching the head to kill" has been passed down to 5000 years later!
"Uh... It seems that my mother really said that... But it's really comfortable!" Ping Hai blinked his eyes a little intoxicated, and then his eyes lit up and said, "We can touch it back too!"

Ever since, Ning Hai and Ping Hai planned to touch Liu Nianfeng's head in reverse at the same time, but they didn't think that their height and Liu Nianfeng were completely incompatible. Even if they stood on tiptoes and straightened their arms, they could only touch Liu Nianfeng's head Forehead only!

"I'll jump!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai jumped up at the same time, but one became unsteady and fell on Liu Nianfeng, and the three fell into a ball at the same time.


"Okay, let's eat!" When Liu Nianfeng regained his energy completely, his stomach also rumbled.

"Well, Admiral, here is bread and milk, they are delicious!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai immediately handed over the bread and milk that were on the table.

Just looking at the food in front of him, thinking that these are the food that Ning Hai and Ping Hai begged from classmates... Where can Liu Nianfeng eat.

What's more, the amount of these bread and milk is only enough for Liu Nianfeng to eat alone. If Liu Nianfeng eats it, Ning Hai and Ping Hai will be hungry.

"No! We won't eat bread today!" Liu Nianfeng put the bread back on the table, then fixed his eyes on the big bag of flour and fresh meat, remembering that he had eaten bread for almost a month, couldn't help it Swallowing his saliva, he said with a smile, "Let's make steamed buns today!"

"Baozi, what is that?" Liu Nianfeng didn't expect that when Ning Hai and Pinghai heard the word "baozi", their face would be full of surprise.

After Liu Nianfeng asked, he found out that Ning Hai and Ping Hai had never eaten buns in their life, and they had never even heard of them.

Liu Nianfeng immediately searched the Internet, and found that not only Ninghai and Pinghai, but the whole world knew nothing about buns.

Finally, Liu Nianfeng discovered the name of Baozi in the book "Sorrow: Those Disappeared Ancient Foods". It turns out that in the 5000 years of change, the method of making buns has been completely lost, and there is no second in the world. Individuals can make buns.

In fact, not only the craft of steamed buns was lost, but also many other cooking skills.

In more than 3000 AD, human intelligent robot technology was very perfect, so human beings let intelligent robots handle most of the daily chores including cooking, and most human beings themselves forgot the skill of cooking.

As a result, the intelligent robots later rebelled. Although humans finally defeated the intelligent robots, they also suffered heavy casualties, and the population did not survive.So much so that, except for the Gaia system, which is strictly monitored by humans, any intelligent machine products are banned in society.

This is why after 5000 years, humans still use computers that have become very antique, instead of using more advanced optical brains... although the optical brain technology is very mature.

Because when the intelligent robot rebelled, the profession of chef had almost disappeared, and the leader of the intelligent robot died with humans, destroying a large amount of precious data stored in computers by humans.

Therefore, human beings lost [-]% of their cooking skills. Although many cooking skills were recovered later, the food of buns has always existed only in legends and has never appeared again.

"Damn! Then I can make a fortune by opening a restaurant!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help admiring after seeing the news on the Internet.But soon Liu Nianfeng gave up this idea, no matter how good a chef is, he is not as good as Admiral Xingchen!

Of course, Liu Nianfeng also feels that so many years have passed, it is completely incomprehensible that people nowadays have not recovered the buns. After thinking for a long time, Liu Nianfeng did not understand the reason. One reason above: "This world is about to be controlled by a mentally handicapped person."


"Okay! Today the admiral will give you a taste of what is called a unique delicacy in the world!" Liu Nianfeng roared, and while Ning Hai and Ping Hai were stunned, he rushed directly into the kitchen.

Kneading the dough, fermenting, rolling the skin, chopping the stuffing, forming... the whole process was done in one go by Liu Nianfeng, without any pause in the middle, and Ping Hai and Ning Hai who were watching were dumbfounded.

This is also thanks to the fact that Liu Nianfeng's family owns a small restaurant, and he has been fascinated by cooking since he was a child.Even after studying in college, I often cook by myself to save money, and my skills have never been lost.

"Sister, the admiral is so amazing!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's superb craftsmanship, Ning Hai said while covering his little mouth!
"Yeah!" Ping Hai nodded, "I didn't expect the admiral's cooking skills to be so good. We two are lucky! Although cooking is a man's job by nature, there are really not many men who are so good at cooking!"

"Yes! The admiral will definitely be the best house husband in the future!" Ning Hai said excitedly, shaking his head.

"Huh! Fortunately, the future invented yeast powder that can speed up fermentation. It only takes 3 minutes to complete the fermentation, otherwise the steamed stuffed bun will have to wait until tomorrow!" Liu Nianfeng admired, unaware that he had been regarded as the best by Ninghai and Pinghai. Home cooking husband!


"Come on! Try the big meat buns filled with soup I made!" Liu Nianfeng brought up the steaming steamed buns.

But Ning Hai and Ping Hai didn't dare to put down their chopsticks directly, but vigilantly walked around the steamed stuffed bun several times... They had never seen food that looked like this in their lives, and their hearts were full of deep vigilance .

After all, even Chinese people would not dare to stuff the spicy crayfish into their mouths at the first sight.

"Eat it! It's delicious!" Liu Nianfeng showed a helpless smile when he saw the expressions of the sisters.Then lead by example, grabbed one of the big meat buns and stuffed it into his mouth.

I took a hard bite... um... It seems that the craftsmanship has not declined, and this big meat bun filled with soup is still so delicious!

"Sister, this food looks really edible!" Seeing Liu Nian Feng relishing it, Ning Hai's stomach growled instantly, and he said while swallowing.

"Then let's take a bite and try it out!" Ping Hai couldn't resist the temptation of the steamed stuffed bun, the two of them took one each, hesitated for a long time, and finally made up their minds, closed their little eyes, and took a bite.

"This..." At the moment when the tender soup entered his mouth, Ping Hai and Ning Hai widened their eyes at the same time, their faces full of incredible expressions.

"It's so delicious! It's so delicious! There are such delicious things in the world!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai ate up the buns in their hands in two or three strokes, their faces brimming with happiness.

I have never eaten such delicious food in all their lives!
"Hmm! If the two of you don't eat, the buns will be eaten up by Jiujo!" Liu Nianfeng patted Ning Hai and Pinghai on the head, only to find that Miyuki Kujo had already grabbed three buns , Send it to your mouth one by one.

"Don't... this is Pinghai's..."

"Mine... are all from Ning Hai..."

Come on, these two little sisters didn't even care about the friendship between the sisters, and directly staged a "murder caused by a bun".

(End of this chapter)

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