girl line

Chapter 35 Steamed Bun Xishi 【Thank you for the reward】

Chapter 35 Steamed Bun Xishi 【Thank you for the reward】

[Continue to thank the leader of the hairball mulberry soaked in the soup for the reward]

[Thank readers: Yoona Knight, Xingyue Lingmeng, Misakamakoto, Liubai Qianxia, ​​Xiao Yanwei, Pirate-class battleship, Longzu Zhuyin, disk, true communist successor, lost readers, favorite sword girl , a tip from Crazy Bai】

Ning Hai and Ping Hai's love for buns was completely beyond Liu Nianfeng's expectations, and Ping Hai and Ning Hai ate up the remaining ten buns.

When the two guys looked at the empty plate in front of them with their mouths full of oil, they looked up at Liu Nian Feng with some embarrassment and said, "Admiral! Are you full?"

"No! I'm still hungry!" Liu Nianfeng rolled his eyes at the two little guys. He only ate one bun from start to finish, how could he possibly fill his stomach.

"Then let's do it again! This time, Ning Hai and Ping Hai will help the admiral!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai said immediately, patting his small chest that didn't have any ups and downs.

"It's late! The flour and meat are all used up, and there is no chance to make it!" Liu Nianfeng sighed.



Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, both Ping Hai and Ning Hai showed mournful expressions on their faces at the same time.

"It's over! I'm going to die without the buns!" Ning Hai limply fell to the ground, turning into a salted fish.

"I'm already dead!" As expected of Ning Hai's sister, Ping Hai followed Ning Hai and fell straight on Ning Hai's body... The two twins were pressed together like a sandwich.

"I've convinced you too!" Seeing such a scene, Liu Nianfeng felt extremely warm in his heart.

But at the same time, a deep worry lingered in Liu Nianfeng's heart.

The food for tonight is settled, but where is the food for tomorrow?Do you still expect Ninghai and Pinghai to continue begging for food tomorrow?
"Should I call Shihan..." Liu Nianfeng will never allow her starship girl to beg for food, but Liu Nianfeng is helpless in this world, and it is impossible to ask her family for money That's right, the only thing she can count on seems to be Chen Shihan.

As far as his heart is concerned, Liu Nianfeng is absolutely unwilling to ask Chen Shihan for money.But thinking of Pinghai Ninghai's small face when he was begging outside today, Liu Nianfeng could only sigh in his heart, let go of his poor self-esteem, and prepared to ask Chen Shihan for a loan.

Just when Liu Nianfeng was about to call Chen Shihan, Ning Hai, lying there like a salted fish, unconsciously said to himself, "The steamed stuffed buns are really delicious...Even if it costs ten yuan each, Ning Hai will recognize it...'s so delicious...I really want to eat another steamed stuffed bun!"

"Wait! Is this steamed stuffed bun so delicious? I remember that the raw materials of the dozen or so steamed stuffed buns just now are only about five star coins!" Hearing Ning Hai's words, Liu Nianfeng's eyes lit up instantly. .

"I'll check it... I'll check it..." Liu Nianfeng rushed to the computer without saying a word, found the rules and regulations of the college, quickly flipped through them carefully, and his face became even more surprised .

"No! That's great! There are no restrictions at all!" Liu Nianfeng discovered that in the school's rules and regulations, there is no rule that prohibits students from doing small businesses.

The so-called "freedom where there is no prohibition by law", a plan to make money instantly appeared in Liu Nianfeng's mind.

"But there is one more problem!" Liu Nianfeng rubbed his hands "If you want to open a business, you need to prepare at least a few hundred buns, plus the various equipment that must be purchased, and you need about [-] star coins anyway." start-up capital!"

"Hey, I still have to borrow money from Chen Shihan!" Liu Nianfeng smiled helplessly, when he was about to call Chen Shihan for the second time.

"Dong dong dong!" A clear and pleasant knock on the door interrupted Liu Nianfeng's actions.

"What's the matter? Miss Miyuki?" Seeing that it was Kujo Miyuki who knocked on the door, Liu Nianfeng asked a little strangely.

"The master lacks start-up funds?" Kujo Miyuki said calmly.

"How do you know!" Liu Nianfeng was surprised again, he never thought that his exclusive maid was so powerful, able to guess his actions and know what he wanted to do.

At the same time, Liu Nianfeng recalled Kujo Miyuki's previous actions, and instantly discovered that this exclusive maid is not easy.

This exclusive maid looks very cold, and has some cold and unapproachable attributes.But IQ and EQ are extremely difficult. If Miyuki Kujo hadn't responded in a timely manner today, how could I have heard the truth from Ping Hai and Ning Hai.

"The master doesn't care how the servant knows. The servant just asks the master, is one thousand star coins enough for the master?" After groping around on the Internet, a delicate and cute little wallet came out, and it was handed over to Liu Nianfeng.

"This is my servant's savings for three years. I hope it can be exchanged for a [-]% share of the master's future business. I wonder if the master is willing?"

"You only need [-]% of the shares? Is this too little? You know I'm penniless now! According to business rules, you can ask for about [-]% of the shares." Liu Nianfeng touched his hands Putting on this wallet, which still has a warm body temperature and a faint frankincense fragrance, I asked in disbelief.

"My mother taught me not to be too greedy, and I just want to save some gifts!" Miyuki Kujo smiled for the first time.


At noon on the third day, the girls of the Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy were surprised to find that there was an extra mobile dining car at the entrance of the school cafeteria. something seen.

This thing is constantly emitting puffs of white steam, and on the signboard of the dining car are big characters "Tianjin Soup Big Meat Bun".

The person in charge of running the dining car is a maid wearing a maid outfit with an indifferent expression, and two little lolis wearing white chef robes beside her, staring at the strange tower with cheerful expressions and greedy eyes.

"Tianjin Soup Big Meat Bun? What is this? Is it a specialty of Tianjin Star?" The girls passing by had puzzled expressions on their faces.

All of a sudden, many starship girls gathered around this dining car that appeared for the first time!There was a curious expression on his face.


"How is it? How is the business this morning?" Liu Nianfeng immediately asked nervously when he saw Ning Hai, Ping Hai and Kujo Miyuki coming back with the dining car.

"Uh...admiral...uh...we ate them all sad!" When Liu Nianfeng asked this question, Ning Hai and Ping Hai burst into tears at the same time, and started talking nonsense.

"Miyuki, what's going on here?" These two darlings are unreliable, and Liu Nianfeng can only ask the more reliable Miyuki!

"The situation is very bad!" Miyuki said lightly. It turns out that there are not many starship girls who are willing to try new things.

So one morning, although there were a lot of onlookers, not many buns were actually sold, and the capital was not even returned.

"I see!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, "Anyway, I'm fine this afternoon... I'll go sell buns with you this afternoon... It seems that I can only sell my appearance!"

(End of this chapter)

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