girl line

Chapter 342 Delaying time?

Chapter 342 Delaying time?
"Killing is definitely impossible. Even if you give these children a year, these children may not be able to kill Tianma!" In the studio, Zhang Juzuo continued.And Zhang Juzuo's words also aroused the deep approval of the audience. Even if tens of thousands of admirals are mobilized, it will take about a year to kill this star beast. These poor children in a group of five can Killing in a year's time is hell.

Zhang Juzuo didn't tell the audience that the army had given up killing the Tianma who only passed the border after arriving. Anyway, these Tianma could not get close to the core area of ​​the empire, and most of the onlookers naturally didn't know that Tianma could be in Come and go freely within the Empire of Mankind.

This is something that only the admirals can know, and it is naturally very ugly for the military department.Although this matter is not classified as a secret by law, and the boss does not need to bear legal responsibility if it is revealed, but the boss will definitely be blacklisted by the military department, and the future of the boss will be as miserable as it is up.

Of course, it is impossible for the seat to say this.

"So I think the exam later will become a contest of endurance and spirit!" Zhang Juzuo said with a wry smile, "It is a contest of endurance and spirit for these children, and it is also a contest for me and the host." A contest of stamina and spirit. According to regulations, the maximum time for the third round of the test is 48 hours. If the star beast has not been killed within 48 hours, it will be determined by the total blood volume of the star beast. ranking."

"At first, I thought that the top 60 academies in the third round of exams would have the strength to end the battle within 48 hours. The two of us don't need to comment until that late. We just need to wait for No. 1 to qualify. It's only about ten hours at most, and I can go back and sleep."

"Now it seems that the two of us may have to fight for two nights!" It can be seen that this result is indeed a very sad result for an elderly person like Ju Zuo.But for the candidates in the examination room, this 48-hour non-stop battle is already a desperate result.


"Everyone cheer up. What follows is a contest of will and spirit. In the next 48 hours, we must do everything possible to effectively output Tianma. Who can maintain the concentration of the spirit throughout the process? Whoever can win the final victory! Even if we hit one more shot and cause one ten-millionth more damage than Kiran Starship Girls Academy, then we can beat them!" Miyamoto Musashino encouraged everyone .

It's just that although Miyamoto Musashino spoke very energetically, the audience was not very interested. Thinking of the spiritual training they will experience in the next 48 hours, these fledgling girls feel pain, and naturally they can't May count on how much fighting spirit they have.

In fact, not only Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy, almost all other academies are like this.

"The countdown starts in 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, all candidates will enter the battlefield universe. Please get ready!" The system's prompt sounded just right, and Chen Shihan and the others had no choice but to stand up from the sofa and start preparing It was a tough battle for the next 24 hours.

"Miyamoto-san!" Liu Nianfeng, who had been silent for a while and was thinking about something with his head down, suddenly asked Miyamoto Musashino, "Miyamoto-san, as far as you know, were there any candidates in the previous college entrance examinations?" Have you also faced the test question of Tianma? Can we learn some experience from them?"

"No, at least as far as I know, Tianma has never appeared in the exam questions..." At this point, Miyamoto Musashino hesitated, "I don't know or understand that there are about 400 years of college entrance examinations. Other than that, I can confirm that Tianma has never appeared in the exam questions!"

"Awesome!" Hearing what Miyamoto Musashino said, Liu Nianfeng praised sincerely.The total time of the college entrance examination is less than 3000 years, but Miyamoto Musashino only has 400 years of exam questions. Doesn’t it mean that Miyamoto Musashino has read more than 2500 years of college entrance examination questions? , this guy is really a pervert, even without herself, she probably can lead the Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy to another brilliant achievement in the college entrance examination!
Liu Nianfeng admired in his heart, and then began to quickly talk to himself, "If only 400 years are unclear, then I can almost be sure that the question of Tianma has never appeared in history! This also shows that the previous examiners It seems that Tianma is the kind of star beast that is absolutely not suitable for examination questions, but now it is displayed in the examination questions. I am afraid... Forget it, these have nothing to do with us. Nothing is fair."

"The key is that everyone is now in a state of black eyes. Other star beasts may have the experience of their predecessors to learn from, but Tianma has absolutely no experience at all. It is a blank for everyone. Volume... If this is the case, then who can guarantee that Tianma will not be killed within 48 hours? After all, this is just a guess based on some experience, and some conclusions should not be drawn now It's better that it's so early!"

"Liu Nianfeng, what do you mean by this? Do you think my analysis is wrong, don't you even understand the simple truth of whether a Pegasus can be killed?" Miyamoto Musashino said with a somewhat ugly expression.

What Kaifeng said to himself just now was not hidden from anyone, all the words were heard by Miyamoto Musashino, which made Miyamoto Musashino feel very uncomfortable. A fool who predicts defeat before starting a war is as good as a waste.

"I didn't mean that, I just thought there might be a way to kill Tianma!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head.

"Isn't that the same meaning..." Miyamoto Musashino felt sour in his heart, feeling that he had never felt so uncomfortable in his life.

"Captain Miyamoto, I wonder if you can give me the command of this battle?" Suddenly, when there were only five seconds left in the countdown, Liu Nianfeng said to Miyamoto Musashino.

"Whatever, anyway, you commanded the last round of battle anyway, I have no objection!" Miyamoto Musashino agreed quickly, but felt even more miserable in his heart. This Fleeting Maple really didn't trust him, and felt that he didn't Skill!

"Well, everyone will follow my command later, and absolutely no disobedience is allowed!" After Liu Nianfeng's last words fell, everyone entered the battle universe.

I thought that after entering the battle universe, everyone would have to search for a few minutes or even more than ten minutes to find the trace of Pegasus. As a result, everyone just saw the starry sky of this virtual universe clearly, and saw a white one, like a ray of light An ordinary figure flashed past in front of him!

And Miyamoto Musashino's starship, a starship girl's star battleship, turned over ten somersaults in the universe, and when it finally stabilized, it was shocking to find that the battle damage rate had dropped from 100% to 95%!

"That white figure in the past is Pegasus!" After communicating with the unlucky starship girl, Miyamoto Musashino said to the others with a heavy face, "My sister didn't directly contact Pegasus, it's just Pegasus. The momentary fluctuations brought about by the action were overturned."

"My God, there is no such thing as air in the universe, how fast this Pegasus moves, it can actually overturn a huge star warship in a vacuum!" Chu Liuli said in a panic , and at the same time, everyone instantly had a new understanding of Tianma's terrifying speed.

"Okay, we don't have time to be afraid here anymore, let's act now." Liu Nianfeng didn't seem to be shocked by Tianma's appearance at all, and began to assign tasks to everyone in an orderly manner.

"Student Chen Shihan, take your fleet forward and drive straight forward. When you reach the end of the map, immediately sail to the left and follow the edge of the first quadrant to find out the edge of this virtual universe!" Liu Nianfeng took the lead The task assigned by Chen Shihan.

And this kind of task soon came to von Hindenburg and the others. Under the command of Liu Nianfeng, the four people centered on the dot that everyone appeared in, and marched straight in four different directions in a cross shape. After finally reaching the end of the map, start to outline the edge of the entire map along the sideline.

Miyamoto Musashino was still a little reluctant about this order from Fleeting Maple. From Miyamoto Musashino's point of view, everyone should start besieging Tianma immediately instead of wasting time searching the borderline of the map... You must know that the map of this virtual universe is quite large, and it may take about half an hour just to outline the entire borderline, which is too extravagant for the total of only 48 hours.

But he had already agreed to fully obey Ruinian Feng's orders before, and Miyamoto Musashino had nothing to say, and faithfully carried out the other party's orders.

But the fact is worse than what Miyamoto Musashino guessed. The size of this universe is bigger than what Miyamoto Musashino expected. It took the four of them a full 50 minutes to complete the entire map. The borderlines are outlined.

In the process of drawing the map, Miyamoto Musashino saw Pegasus 43 times before and after, which means that Pegasus has run 43 laps in the entire universe... 50 laps in 43 minutes, it seems that this virtual Not only is the universe not too big, but it is too narrow, so that Tianma can only keep turning in circles.

"Is the map of this virtual universe a circular map with a diameter of 5 million kilometers!" Seeing the final map in his hand, Liu Nianfeng thought to himself, "According to this diameter and the size of previous exam maps, Based on the estimated data, there should be 6 to [-] planets in this virtual universe!"

"It seems that there is still hope for my plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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