girl line

Chapter 343 The Big Picture

Chapter 343 The Big Picture

"Liu Nianfeng, we've finished the detection, now we can start fighting!" Seeing that the complete outline of the map has appeared on the small map, Miyamoto Musashino said to Liu Nianfeng impatiently.

"Don't worry!" Liu Nianfeng's voice leisurely rang in Miyamoto Musashino's ears, "It's enough just to detect the border of the map, now I will divide each of you into an area, and everyone will divide the area in their respective areas. Let's talk about it after all the maps are lit up!"

"What!" Miyamoto Musashino felt that he was about to go crazy after listening to Liu Nianfeng's words, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Are you crazy? We have wasted 50 minutes just to find out the boundaries of the map." .If all the maps are lit up, we will waste at least four more hours. We only have 48 hours in total. How can we waste four hours like this!"

"Be quiet, please!" Liu Nianfeng said indifferently, "I can't explain the detailed reasons now, but please trust me and do as I tell you!"

"I don't agree! I think we have to besiege Pegasus right now. I think Kiran and the others have already caused a lot of damage. We have no time to waste. We must catch up immediately!" Miyamoto Musashino insisted Said.

"Student Miyamoto, don't forget how you promised me before you entered the battle. You said that you will completely obey my command, have you forgotten it now!" Liu Nianfeng's tone became a bit cold stand up.

"I haven't forgotten... But if it's a blind command, I can still refuse! We can't drag the four of us into the abyss because of one person's mistake." Miyamoto Musashino said forcefully.

"That's good! Let's vote with a show of hands!" Having said that, Liu Nianfeng's voice paused, "You all heard the conversation between Miyamoto and I, did you agree with my command? Be cool!"

The communication between Liu Nianfeng and Miyamoto Musashino was directly through the team channel, so the quarrel between the two just now was clearly transmitted to the ears of other people.It's just that it's not good for everyone to talk at this time.

"I oppose your command. I want to take over the entire command. Otherwise, it will be the same as attacking that academy. You won't know if you are besieged by three fleets!" Miyamoto Musashino was the first to express his position. They didn't know the last time The specific reason for Liu Nianfeng's command error in the battle is simply that Liu Nianfeng made a command error.

"I've supported Liunianfeng all my life! There's nothing to ask!" Chen Shihan followed up and said, she deserves to be Liunianfeng's best admiral friend in this world.

"Although I can't figure out why Liu Nianfeng commanded like this, but I believe in Liu Nianfeng, his commanding ability and wisdom are the strongest among the five of us, and I am willing to believe him!" Von Hindenburg said lightly , the first formidable opponent in Liu Nianfeng's life, has completely become a loyal friend and fan of Liu Nianfeng at this time.

"Liuli, what about you?" Miyamoto Musashino couldn't help feeling a little anxious. Out of the four votes, Liu Nianfeng had already got two votes, so in the end only Chu Liuli was left.Although getting Chu Liuli's vote was only a result of a tie, but a tie is a tie, at worst, both parties should do their own thing. She took Chu Liuli to deal with Tianma first, and let these guys continue to explore the damn map.

As for whether Chu Liuli would give him the vote, Miyamoto Musashino was quite confident.After all, Chu Liuli and she are classmates in the same class, and they usually have a good relationship, and the other party always treats herself like a big sister. Chu Liuli's vote should of course belong to Miyamoto Musashino.

"I...I...I..." Chu Liuli hesitated for a long time, and finally replied weakly, "I think it's better to maintain the original command."

"What!" Miyamoto Musashino was completely shocked. She couldn't figure out how Chu Liuli, one of her best friends, would vote for Liu Nianfeng.

"Why?" Miyamoto Musashino gritted his teeth and asked unwillingly, "Why did you vote for him?"

"Sorry... Miyamoto... I actually think your plan is better, and I don't want to detect such a damn map!" Chu Liuli lowered her head and said faintly, "But if I vote for you, then it's okay. It's just a tie ending. Our team might split up. If the five of us can't work together, the situation will definitely be worse in the end. Miyamoto, I really want to vote for you, but for Forgive me, please forgive me!"

"This Chu Liuli, I can't tell that he has such a vision!" Chu Liuli's words shocked Liu Nianfeng. This Chu Liuli usually looks carefree, and his IQ is not too high. Entering the top five is entirely due to daily accumulation.But unexpectedly, he is very good in terms of emotional intelligence and overall situation, and at the same time can maintain reason and make the most correct decision. From this point of view.This Chu Liuli is definitely a rare talent!

From this point of view, Zhiyuan Starfleet Girls Academy’s graduates this year are probably the strongest graduates in history. Five such outstanding talents have gathered together. In this year's body.

"..." Miyamoto Musashino was very angry at first, but after hearing Chu Liuli's words, he seemed to calm down instantly as if he had been poured with cold water. After a long period of silence, , then said lightly, "You're right, since that's the case, then Liu Nianfeng, you can continue to command. But have you considered the consequences of failure? If your plan fails, have you considered what will happen to us? "

"Of course I will continue to take the examination, at most the sequence will be a little later!" Fleeting Maple's answer made Miyamoto Musashino almost breathless, but after the relief, Miyamoto Musashino's thoughts Instead, it became a lot easier.

That's right, winning or losing doesn't affect the final outcome anyway, I can definitely go to the imperial city to take the academy test, so what if I come in last!

"Wow, the speed of this Pegasus is really fast. Half of the five fleets of Booker's Starship Girls Academy, more than 110 starship girls, didn't even have time to launch a volley, and they missed it with Tianma. Until now, Tianma There is still 99.48% of the blood volume, this is because of the exam, and compared to the result of the real Pegasus who deliberately weakened 48% of the blood volume, this Pegasus is just like what the seat said, it is really an extremely difficult opponent ! It looks like the two of us are really going to stay in this studio for [-] hours!" In the live TV broadcast, the host said in a cheerful tone as much as possible, and at the same time hoped that his cheerful tone could mobilize the studio The deadlocked atmosphere.

But it turned out that the atmosphere showed no sign of relief at all, and instead became more and more embarrassing.

The reason is very simple, because at this time the four hours of fighting time have passed, but there is not even a school that has attacked Tianma's blood volume below 98%, thinking that I may have to fight in the studio for 48 hours. Live broadcast, the staff in the studio can have a few good faces to say.

Compared with the helpless staff, the viewers in front of the TV are much more comfortable. They can directly choose to turn off the TV and return to their daily life, only occasionally turning on the TV when they feel bored Check out how the battle is going.

And according to the real-time statistics of the TV station, the audience rating of the program at this time is less than one in 10, and the number of people watching at the same time is only more than 400 billion people.You must know that at the peak of this data, hundreds of trillions of people watched it at the same time, but now there are only a pitiful 400 billion left.

"Well, can we have commercials in our program? How about a 10-minute commercial? At least let us go out for a meal!" Zhang Juzuo jokingly said from the side, and this sentence successfully made the studio There were a few laughs.

"Don't worry, boss, you won't have the chance to go out to eat, our staff will bring the food directly to you, why don't we two become food anchors!" the host also joked One sentence.

"Okay, let's get back to business. Our job is more important. Although most of the academies have not allowed us to live broadcast their battles, fortunately, four hours have passed now. According to the exam rules, we can already get the live broadcast of their battles in real time. The blood limit data of [-] Pegasus horses, so we can roughly guess what the situation in the battle universe is at this time!" Said the bureau seat.

Like the previous shooting competition, the live broadcast of the exam this time still needs the permission of the academy.In order to hide some of their trump cards, most colleges are not allowed to broadcast live, and only those colleges who feel that their strength is too weak and may not be able to achieve further good results in the college exam will choose Let go of your live broadcast of the battle to attract the attention of some viewers, so the battle scenes that can be broadcast live in the studio at this time are only battle scenes from a dozen or so colleges.

And if you want to know the battle situation of other academies, you can only use the real-time blood volume monitoring data of [-] Pegasus horses that can only be released four hours after the start of the battle.

"It would be great if Kiran and Zhiyuan could open their battle live broadcast, and the 400 billion viewers could at least become 4000 billion!" After collecting the real-time blood volume data in his hands, he said in surprise, "What's going on, the Pegasus' blood volume on Zhiyuan Star is still 99.99%?"

The host's voice not only dissipated the exhausted atmosphere of the other staff in the studio, but also increased the original 400 billion viewers to 3 billion in just 1500 minutes. scale.

There is no way, who made Zhiyuanxing, or Liu Nianfeng, receive too much attention, and the data that Zhiyuanxing produced four hours later is too unexpected!

(End of this chapter)

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