girl line

Chapter 37 Fleeting Maple's Attributes of a Top Scholar

Chapter 37 Fleeting Maple's Attributes of a Top Scholar

Just 10 minutes after Liu Nianfeng returned to the dormitory, Ping Hai, Ning Hai, and Kujo Miyuki came back excitedly pushing the empty dining car.

"Admiral! Admiral! Do you know how much money we made today?" As soon as Ning Hai came back, he planned to throw himself into Liu Nianfeng's arms to celebrate!
"No! Miss Ning Hai, please restrain your perverted behavior and keep a safe distance of three meters from your master! Otherwise, I will report Miss Ning Hai's crimes to the Disciplinary Committee for obscenity!"

At the critical moment, Kujo Miyuki gave full play to her duties as an exclusive maid, grabbed Ning Hai who had already flung herself back into the air, and firmly controlled it in her own hands.

"Ahem! Ning Hai, tell me how the sales are today!" Liu Nianfeng asked Ning Hai from a distance of three meters.

"We sold so much!" Ning Hai made a big circle in front of his stomach with his hands.Ning Hai probably wanted to use this gesture to show that he had sold a lot of buns, but in Liu Nianfeng's eyes, this gesture looked like Ning Hai was telling himself that she was pregnant.

"Report to the admiral, we sold out all the steamed stuffed buns, and earned a total of 1800 star coins!" Ping Hai was still reliable, and quickly reported the final figure to Liu Nianfeng!

"...There are only 180 steamed stuffed buns in total, of course you earned 1800 star coins!" Liu Nianfeng sarcastically said without any good expression on his face.

But at this moment, Liu Nianfeng's mood is very comfortable!
"Great! Ping Hai and Ning Hai can finally live a normal life! I finally did what a man should do! Everything will be fine in the future!" Liu Nian Feng swore in his heart.


In the following time, Liu Nianfeng will no longer be in charge of selling steamed stuffed buns, and all three matters will be handed over to Ning Hai, Ping Hai, and Kujo Miyuki.

Liu Nianfeng is quite reassured about this, although Ning Hai and Ping Hai are a little silly and very careless, but they are very serious in temperament, they will not steal or play tricks, and they are honest and honest.

Kujo Miyuki is a little different, she won't be as serious and not lazy as Ning Hai and Ping Hai, but her IQ and EQ surpass Ping Hai and Ning Hai.These three people are equivalent to complementary advantages. If the three work together, they will definitely be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

As for the sales issue, Liu Nianfeng believes that with the promotion of the dozen or so starship girls who are addicted to buns today, the future business will only get better and better, and it will never get worse.

At that time, what Liu Nianfeng needs to worry about is not that the steamed buns cannot be sold, but that the steamed buns cannot be made well... This is why Liu Nianfeng handed over all the bun selling to Ning Hai and Ping Hai...Liu Nianfeng doesn't want to continue to have headaches over these things go down.

As for Liu Nianfeng himself, he chose to stay at home and study with peace of mind... Yes, Liu Nianfeng has been studying hard at home these days.

After what happened in Ninghai and Pinghai today, Liu Nianfeng had actually already thought about it, he must slap Lianna on the face to let her know that he is not just a show.

In fact, Liu Nianfeng still has a second choice, which is to take the initiative to ask the head teacher, Leanna, to change the class and study in a class that does not have such cruel rules of competition... This is actually a natural way, after all, Liu Nianfeng is only just now. Freshmen who have been enrolled for less than a month.

What's more, in the eyes of everyone, they don't expect Liu Nianfeng to be able to withstand such a huge pressure. It is normal for Liu Nianfeng to change to a relatively mild class. No one will look down on Liu Nianfeng because of this, except Liu Nianfeng Own.

In the previous life, Liu Nianfeng was admitted to Peking University abruptly from a province with a large college entrance examination. Needless to say, the painstaking efforts and painstaking efforts put into it, the most important thing is that Liu Nianfeng had already developed a kind of arrogance under the subtle influence, a kind of arrogance. Unwilling to be inferior to others, a kind of arrogance to get up from where you fall; a kind of arrogance as a man!

It is impossible for Liu Nianfeng to be deducted the allowance of 5000 star coins for nothing like this. Wherever he lost things, he has to find them, otherwise he will be worried about it for the rest of his life.

But Liu Nianfeng is not just struggling blindly, he has planned a detailed schedule for himself.

In Liu Nianfeng's plan, the first step is to improve his basic theoretical knowledge.

Therefore, Liunianfeng puts the learning of basic knowledge first. Liunianfeng plans to spend 24 hours out of 16 hours a day on learning various basic knowledge, and the remaining four hours are used to practice spiritual power and Psychic energy, the last four hours are spent sleeping.

As the saying goes, the foundation is the foundation. If the foundation is not built well, then the tall houses will be castles in the air, and sooner or later they will collapse.

Of course, there is another most important reason why Liunianfeng puts the foundation first: Liunianfeng is confident that he can quickly improve his theoretical foundation within two weeks, not to mention becoming No.1 in the class, at least in the middle and upper reaches I still have confidence.

As for where did Liu Nianfeng get such confidence, the source is very simple.

Don't forget, Fleeting Feng was a graduate student in the Department of Archeology of Peking University before time travel.

Everyone in China knows how scary it is for a Chinese student to be admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University... Moreover, Liu Nianfeng is a student from Jiangxi Province, a major province of college entrance examination, and the difficulty has increased exponentially .

Millions of candidates in the entire province competed for only more than 20 places, and everyone could know how terrifying Liu Nianfeng's talent in learning is.

It's not that Liu Nianfeng is bragging, the two school years of basic knowledge textbooks in front of Liu Nianfeng are not enough for Liu Nianfeng to learn in a month.

When Liu Nianfeng mustered all his strength and fought hard with the state of sprinting in the last month of the college entrance examination, these basic knowledge became as simple and interesting as a game.

Liu Nianfeng has kept at least a dozen intensive special training programs for the college entrance examination in his head, to paraphrase a classic advertising phrase: so easy.


In the next two weeks, Ping Hai and Ning Hai saw a scene they had never seen in their lives.

Every morning when you get up together, you can hear the sound of recitation coming from the window;

When you get up early to eat steamed buns, you can see all kinds of technical terms plastered on the walls of the dining table.

When they came back from school in the morning, they found that the ground was covered with discarded draft paper, and all kinds of mathematical calculation formulas were written on it.

When we came back from school in the afternoon, our Fleeting Maple was doing push-ups on the ground while reading various historical allusions in the books.

It is not peaceful even at night, and you can often hear the screams of pain from the Liannianfeng next door... Ning Hai and Pinghai took a sneak peek, and found that Liunianfeng was holding a sharp awl pointed at him. own jaw.

Once Liu Nianfeng dozed off while reading, the small hammer would unceremoniously poke Liu Nianfeng's chin.

Although it will not cause substantial harm to the body because the sharp edge is worn off, the pain of being poked at the chin is enough to make people never forget it for a lifetime.

After finally going to bed at night, Ping Hai and Ning Hai went to spy on Liu Nianfeng again, and found that Liu Nianfeng was already sitting on the bed, meditating, and was working hard to cultivate his psionic and phantom energy.


"Sister, do you think the admiral is crazy? We already have so much money, we can take care of him, why does he want to make trouble for himself?" When the two sisters were lying in bed together , Ning Hai couldn't help asking his sister.

"I have a feeling..." Ping Hai was a little lost. "We may never have the opportunity and ability to take care of him again in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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