girl line

Chapter 38 I am here

Chapter 38 I'm Back
When a student who was admitted to Peking University in his previous life decided to use all his abilities to study and study hard, what kind of effect it will have is probably beyond the imagination of human beings in this era.

On May 7025st, [-], the second month after Liu Nianfeng was promoted to the second grade, Liu Nianfeng appeared in the class again.

"You finally showed up, what have you been doing for a week..." Seeing Liu Nianfeng appearing, Chen Shihan immediately came up to him and asked dissatisfied.

A few weeks ago, although Liu Nianfeng lost the qualification to take the exam in the afternoon, she would still participate in the daily study in the morning.But later, Liu Nianfeng simply didn't come to class in the morning and afternoon, which made Chen Shihan very worried, deeply afraid that Liu Nianfeng would be devastated by the blow, had a mental breakdown, and then really withdrew from the class.

Although when Liu Nianfeng first entered school, Chen Shihan still hoped that Liu Nianfeng would leave this school... But after the exam, Chen Shihan's thoughts have completely changed, she only hopes that Liu Nianfeng can stay in the school forever, As long as I can stay by his side, it is enough.

So when Liu Nianfeng disappeared for a few weeks, Chen Shihan became extremely worried, a little heart fluttered, afraid that he would suddenly hear the news that Liu Nianfeng had dropped out of school in the next moment.

"Don't worry, I'm just studying at home, thank you Shihan for your concern!" Liu Nianfeng nodded like Chen Shihan moved, and then said a little strangely, "Since you want to see me, why don't you come to my dormitory Looking for me? I haven't seen you here for two weeks, I thought you didn't care about me!"

"This..." Chen Shihan was taken aback by Liu Nianfeng, her face turned red immediately, Qiqi Ai said hesitantly, "I'm a girl, not like you boys, even if I enter the girls' dormitory, it's no big deal."

"Eh..." Liu Nianfeng only felt a headache, recalling when he was in college.Although I am very yearning for the girls' dormitory, few male students have the courage to enter the girls' dormitory, and there are often strict aunts guarding the door to put an end to all boys with ulterior motives.

But girls are different. Girls can enter the boys' dormitory at will, and there will be no dormitory guards to stop these things. Other boys or girls don't think there is anything wrong when they see it.

It's just that in this era, all this has been reversed, and girls have no courage to enter the boys' dormitory.

Liu Nianfeng hurriedly changed the topic, and continued to chat with Chen Shihan about what he had seen and heard these days.

Gradually, other classmates also came to the class, and looked at Liu Nianfeng who was chatting with Chen Shihan in surprise.Obviously, in their hearts, Liu Nianfeng has been completely defeated, and they all feel that Liu Nianfeng must either change shifts directly, or hide in the dormitory for the rest of his life, and it is impossible for him to return to class to humiliate himself.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of May, this man came back again!


"I said Liu Nianfeng, you haven't been abused enough, have you resurrected in full condition?" Most of the girls were just shocked when they saw Liu Nianfeng, and they didn't say anything more.

But there was a girl who was different, she approached Liu Nianfeng with a playful smile, looked at Liu Nianfeng's figure, and mocked wantonly.

"Don't talk to them, just treat them as farting!" Chen Shihan persuaded Liu Nianfeng a little nervously and frightened.I am afraid that Liu Nianfeng, who has finally come out of the shadow of failure, will be beaten back by these girls again, it will not be fun.

"It's okay!" Liu Nianfeng waved his hand, but looked at the classmate in front of him with interest and smiled, "You are so sure, will I still be abused this time?"

"Why, isn't it natural for you to be abused? Do you think you still have a chance to fight back?" the girl said disdainfully.

"I can't say anything else, but I am a little bit confident about this morning's exam!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly and confidently.

"Hahaha! This is really the funniest joke I've ever heard. After being a turtle for a few weeks, I'm actually confident!" A girl in the lead laughed and said, "Then do you dare to bet with us?" a handful?"

"What are you gambling?"

"Just bet that your test scores are good this morning!" The girl glanced at Liu Nianfeng lewdly, "If you can surpass me in the basic test this morning, I will lose you a thousand points, how about it?"

"Don't...don't..." Hearing what the girl said, Chen Shihan immediately jumped out to stop Liu Nianfeng from saying.

"Don't worry... I can do it!" Liu Nianfeng patted the back of Chen Shihan's hand, making Chen Shihan put his heart back, and then said to the girl, "What if I lose? What do you want?"

"What do I want?" The girl's eyeballs rolled, a blush suddenly flashed on her face, and she said shyly, "Recently, "Transformers 145 Endless" was released, let's watch it together Is the movie good!"

"Puchi!" Chen Shihan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, she never expected that this girl would actually have such an operation.

In the blink of an eye, the provocation turned into a date. If the bet is really like this, then Chen Shihan would be very happy to make this bet with Liu Nianfeng!Going to the movies together makes me shiver just thinking about it!

"Yes!" Liu Nianfeng smiled slightly, "That's the decision. If I win, you will lose [-] points to me. If you win, I will accompany you to the movies. This is very fair."

"Well! Then I'll go first!" The female voice nodded shyly, without the provocative look of dismissiveness just now.

"Wait!" Liu Nianfeng called the girl to stop.

"What else?" The girl turned her head expectantly, looked at Liu Nianfeng and asked.

"What's your name? Otherwise, I don't even know if I beat you!" Liu Nianfeng asked.

"My name is Ouyang Geometry! You must remember it!" The girl waved her hand and returned to her seat with a happy face.


"Everyone put down everything at hand and prepare for the exam!" As the class bell rang, the head teacher Leanna walked into the classroom with the sound of "da da da da" high heels.

This also means that the exam has officially begun.

 Ahem, the normal update will resume is too painful to update in the early morning
(End of this chapter)

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