girl line

Chapter 387

Chapter 387
"I succeeded in summoning now?" Seeing the figure of a golden battleship appearing on Ono's head, Liu Nianfeng, who had been summoned by the soul of an ancient battleship more than a dozen times, recognized it immediately. It was a sign of Ono's success in merging the soul of the ancient battleship. This little guy finally summoned his own soul of the ancient battleship.

Moreover, it is also the soul of an ancient battleship of the golden peerless class. This sudden surprise made Liu Nianfeng's heart a little unbearable. This is already the fourth peerless starship girl that Liu Nianfeng has obtained, fifteen There are four peerless ranks in Starship Girls, and one prehistoric rank. Speaking of such a record, I am afraid that all the star admirals will explode with envy.

"Wait, I remember that there are not many maintenance ships of the Kuangshi class. This repair ship should be the soul of an ancient battleship!" Taking advantage of the appearance of the soul of an ancient battleship still hovering over Ono's head, Liu Nianfeng immediately opened his personal terminal, trying to find information about the Soul of Ancient Warship, a Queshi-class maintenance ship, through the personal terminal.

It's just that the speed of searching with a personal terminal is really slow. When Liu Nianfeng finally opened the data interface, the battleship Tianhun, the soul of the ancient battleship, had already entered Ono's body.

"Damn it! It seems that we have to go back and talk about it." Liu Nianfeng sighed secretly in his heart, this Ono is in a cat-like state at this time, it is impossible to obey people's orders, so even if he asks Ono to restore the battleship Tianhun at this time Ono would never pay attention to the projection.Only when Ono returns to a normal human state can he find out what Ono's ancient battleship soul is.

"Damn it!" Leng Qiumin on the other side also leaned in, and said full of jealousy, "You guys are not good at character, and your luck is too enviable. You actually summoned the soul of Akashi's ancient battleship. Is there any justice in this world, no matter how good things are for you!"

"What, what did you say??" Liu Nianfeng was stunned for a moment before realizing that Leng Qiumin had recognized Ono's ancient battleship soul, "How do you know that ancient battleship soul is Akashi?"

"What's so difficult about it? I'm not bragging for you. It only took me a year to write down all the information about the starship girl. Let alone an Akashi, even if all the battleships are placed in the In front of me, I can also recognize them one by one!" Leng Qiumin said proudly.

"Really!" Liu Nianfeng glanced at Leng Qiumin in surprise. After thousands of years of development, the information of this starship girl is at least a few hundred GB of text data. This Leng Qiumin actually said that he remembered all of them. Come down, he can't be talking nonsense.

"Don't you believe it! Well, I'll tell you the specific attributes of Akashi, the soul of the ancient battleship!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's disbelieving eyes, Leng Qiumin seemed to have been insulted, and immediately said without thinking. Reported Akashi's information.

Spirits of Ancient Warships: Akashi
Type: maintenance ship
Grade: Queer Class
Maintenance effect range enhancement: Under the unified ghost circuit, the distance from the flagship is increased by 1000 million kilometers

Basic Skill: Battlefield Repair (activated after awakening): Every 3 minutes, repair 1% of the battle damage of the star warship under the same ghost circuit.

Advanced Skill: Full Repair (activated after the first modification): Repair any star warship to a perfect state within 10 minutes. Under the full repair state, the battlefield repair effect will be suspended.

Specialized skill 3: Emergency repair (activated after the second transformation): Can be used when the distance from the flagship is less than 10 kilometers, and can instantly restore 20% of the battle damage of all star warships. This skill can only be used within ten days. Use it once.

Ultimate Skill 4: Unlimited Firepower (activated after the third transformation): Can be used as a flagship, can increase the reloading rate of all Star Warships by 99%, and consume 10% of Akashi's battle damage per second. The damage cannot be repaired by the maintenance ship, and can only be repaired in the dock.

"Damn! This Onoqiang is perverted!" Once upon a time, Liu Nianfeng felt that Alice was very perverted after seeing Alice's ancient battleship soul attribute.And after seeing Yixian's attributes, he felt that Yixian was very abnormal.But when Liu Nianfeng saw Akashi's ancient battleship soul attribute, he immediately felt that Akashi was the ultimate pervert.

Not to mention the various basic attributes, the key is these four skills of Akashi. Except for the first skill, which is the standard skill for maintenance ships, the rest of the skills are all skills that are so powerful that they have no friends.

The first is the advanced skill: full repair, according to the explanation of this skill, even if there is only 10% of the battle damage left in the star warship, it only takes [-] minutes to perfectly recover the strongest combat power, which is the same as a resurrection BUFF There is no difference.

Think about it, the enemy took great pains to beat your aircraft carrier to the point of dying, but after 10 minutes, the aircraft carrier rushed back full of blood, how hopeless it would be!

Not to mention the emergency repair skill, which is simply a super magic skill on the battlefield... You must know that this skill is applied to all starship girls who are under the same ghost circuit, which means that at most Under normal circumstances, all the starship girls in Fleeting Maple can get the repair effect of this skill, and repair 20% of the battle damage in an instant. Needless to say, everyone understands how amazing this is!
The last infinite firepower is the best of the best, and the reload rate is increased by 99%. With such a terrifying improvement effect, all warships almost have no concept of reload time. Even battleships can be reloaded in one second. Shooting, the terrifying explosive ability brought by this skill can definitely make all opponents confused in an instant. Before they understand what happened, their fleet is finished.

Of course, this last unlimited firepower can only be used for ten seconds at most, otherwise the battle damage of the Akashi will return to zero.

"Hehehe!!!" Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but giggled.

"What are you laughing at? As for being so happy?" Leng Qiumin rolled her eyes at Liu Nianfeng and said, "Akashi is indeed a very powerful starship girl, but her skills must be activated. No skills, even an ordinary destroyer in the college entrance examination.”

"She may indeed be very powerful in the future, but you don't need to count on her now. If she can't comprehend the basic skills, it's no different from a maintenance ship without the soul of an ancient battleship."

"That's true..." Hearing what Leng Qiumin said, Liu Nianfeng nodded involuntarily.In fact, as Leng Qiumin said, it was too early for me to be happy, at least for the current college entrance examination, unless Akashi can immediately understand his skills like Yixian, otherwise it is really of no great use.

What makes Liunianfeng even more painful is that, with Ono's current state of being half-human, half-cat and mentally closed, Liunianfeng feels that it may be extremely difficult for Ono to comprehend skills.What's more, Ono's human state is very different from that of a cat. The human state is fine, but Ono in the cat state does not listen to his orders at all. If he suddenly enters the cat state on the battlefield, it will be a disaster for the fleet A huge hassle.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng's joy of being born because of the powerful attribute of the soul of the ancient battleship Akashi almost dissipated, and when he mentioned Ono, who was still holding on to the fire extinguisher, he prepared to go back to the dormitory. It's been a few days.

"Hey, why are you leaving? You must have forgotten something!" Just as Liu Nianfeng was about to leave, Leng Qiumin behind him suddenly yelled in extreme dissatisfaction.

"Oops, this little ancestor forgot!" Liu Nianfeng's face changed instantly, and sure enough, I heard Leng Qiumin continue, "Your little cat is holding something from my family, it is our family heirloom , is our family's earth fragments... You got our things for no reason, do you want to leave just because you pat your ass?"


"Ahem, let me announce something to everyone. Starting today, Comrade Shui Qiumin will join our town guard mansion as the admiral and cleaner of our town guard mansion. He will be responsible for the cleaning work of the town guard mansion and become a member of us. Everyone applauds Welcome!" After summoning all the starship girls, Liu Nianfeng announced to everyone weakly.

And most of the starship girls looked at Leng Qiumin, whose alias is Shui Qiumin, with a curious look, looking at the legendary soul who relied on a peerless ancient battleship to get the job of cleaning staff in the town guard mansion. little boy.

"..." Leng Qiumin didn't speak, his face was ashen, as ugly as a crow's wings.Originally, Leng Qiumin thought that he could be Liu Nianfeng's apprentice, so his reputation would be better.But Liunianfeng did not let go of his life and death, and firmly stated that no one would be his apprentice, otherwise Leng Qiumin would never want to stay in this town guard mansion. Return it to Leng Qiumin.

Hence, Leng Qiumin chose the next best thing, since he was not accepted as an apprentice, then he should be given a post like the admiral's assistant, or the admiral's secretary.

But Liu Nianfeng shook his head again, insisting that he was not used to being around other men, which would make him sick. In the end, he abruptly lost a job as a cleaner to Leng Qiumin, and said very coldly that he loved doing things. Just do it, if you don't do it, get out.

The reason why Liu Nianfeng took such a disgusting position is very simple. Of course, he wanted to use this to make Leng Qiumin retreat.

After learning the news, Leng Qiumin also acted very irritable at first, resolutely refusing to be Liu Nianfeng's cleaner.But after Leng Qiumin made a phone call with his sister, his resolute attitude cooled down helplessly, and he could only pinch his nose to express his agreement to take up this position.

In desperation, Liu Nianfeng could only pinch his nose to recognize Leng Qiumin, the cleaner.

(End of this chapter)

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