girl line

Chapter 388 PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? ? ?

Chapter 388 PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? ? ?

"Hello? Where do I sleep tonight?" When Liu Nianfeng was about to go to bed, Leng Qiumin with a black line on his face ran over and asked.

"Oh, let me think about it!" Liu Nianfeng thought with some headaches that although this house is more than 300 square meters in size, there are 15 starship girls living at the same time, so all the bedrooms are already in a state of owner.

If Leng Qiumin is a woman, then just let Leng Qiumin squeeze with any starship girl, it's no big deal.But the problem is that Leng Qiumin is a real man, so there is trouble. Of course, Liu Nianfeng dare not put Leng Qiumin in other bedrooms, and even dare not let Leng Qiumin stay in the living room.What if at some point this Leng Qiumin became a wolf and did something unconscionable?
It doesn't matter if Liu Nianfeng wears a green hat on his head, but the future of a starship girl will end because of this.

So after thinking about it, Liu Nianfeng could only keep Leng Qiumin in his room, and made a bunk on the ground for Leng Qiumin to sleep on.

"I object, why should I sleep on the floor? I want to sleep on the bed, I will never sleep on the floor!" Leng Qiumin protested, waving his small fists.

"If you call me again, I will send your bedding to the bathroom, and I will invite you to sleep with the toilet!" Liu Nianfeng threatened coldly.

"Then I'd better sleep on the floor..." Leng Qiumin was really about to cry. As the prince of the most powerful empire in the universe and the only heir to the throne, the future emperor, Leng Qiumin felt that he was alive. It's not even as good as a dog!

On March 8029, 3, on this day, the 1 star regions of the human empire, hundreds of TV stations, and the eyes of trillions of people, all focused on the planet Imperial Capital, because on this day, 12 The college entrance examination is about to begin.

From 12 star regions, a total of 6000 star admirals and their starship girls will compete and fight one after another on this day, and the 5900 most powerful admirals will enter the palace test, while the remaining [-] The admirals of the stars will be eliminated in this courtyard test, which can be described as an extremely cruel battle.

"Qianqiu TV station, Qianqiu TV station! Dear viewers and friends in the Qingzhou Star District, hello, here is the live broadcast made by Qianqiu TV Station for you. The soul-stirring battles of the proud sons of the district!" In the studio of Qianqiu TV Station Kilanxing, Zhang Juzuo, the female anchor who was recruited by the National Central Television just now, who is already familiar to the audience, is sitting in the studio In the room, while watching the live broadcast signal from ahead, he reported to all the audience.

"How's the audience rating now?" In the monitoring room less than ten meters away from the studio, Feng Feiyang sat on the huge boss chair with a calm face, watching the host's live broadcast, While asking this subordinate.It's just that Feng Feiyang's constantly shaking right leg betrayed the tension in his heart.

"Report, the current audience rating in Qingzhou is 10.2%!" His subordinates immediately reported to Feng Feiyang.

"Too little, or a little bit too little!" Hearing this number, Feng Feiyang immediately frowned and said.

"Chairman, this number is already quite a lot. When our TV station used to broadcast live, the highest ratings were less than 4.5%. Now it has doubled from before. This is already a very good result. Chairman, you don't have to worry too much!" The subordinate immediately comforted Feng Feiyang.

"What do you know! Shut up!" Feng Feiyang immediately reprimanded with an ugly face, and this subordinate also obediently shut up, not daring to say anything more.

"You are also an old man in the station. Don't you know that even when the ratings were the highest at 4.5%, our TV station still lost hundreds of millions of star coins in order to live broadcast the college entrance examination!!" Feng Feiyang snorted coldly Said.

The broadcasting rights of the college entrance examination are directly monopolized by the national CCTV in the imperial capital. If other TV stations want to obtain the broadcasting rights and broadcast signals, they must purchase the broadcasting rights from the national CCTV.In order to ensure that there will be no confusion in the broadcast, the National CCTV stipulates that each satellite area only provides ten broadcast quotas, and these ten broadcast quotas need to be purchased through bidding.

There are hundreds of thousands of different TV stations in the entire Qingzhou star area. If these TV stations are a bit ambitious, they will know that obtaining the broadcasting rights of the college entrance examination is the best way to improve their reputation, so the broadcasting rights of the college entrance examination can be sold for a large price every year.

And this time, the competition for the broadcasting rights of the TV stations in the Qingzhou Star District was even more frantic. Hundreds of TV stations competed with each other.

With the super gimmick testimony of Liu Nianfeng, the first male star admiral in history, the record-breaking results of the college entrance examination, and the identity of the last native Qingzhou native, and finally, the frenzy of ratings caused by Liu Nianfeng before, so all All TV stations are aware that the number of Qingzhou people watching the live broadcast of the college entrance examination this time will definitely reach the highest level in history, and the income and popularity obtained from the broadcast rights this time will also be the highest in history.

For the word "highest in history", hundreds of TV stations with strong financial backgrounds naturally fought like this.

And for the rise of his own TV station, Feng Feiyang has long made up his mind to get the broadcasting rights this time.

After a full 38 rounds of bidding, the final price of the broadcasting rights has reached an astonishing price of 800 billion stellar coins, which is 10 times higher than last year's mere 80 billion price. I was taken aback.

And Feng Feiyang almost threw in all the 1000 billion star coins he got from Ivanka Trump, and finally bought the rights to broadcast this time.

Feng Feiyang's plan is very simple, that is to rely on the Dongfeng accumulated by being the first to broadcast Liunianfeng's battle video and the daily broadcast of Liunianfeng's life documentary, and take advantage of the opportunity of this live broadcast of the college entrance examination to soar into the sky. The people of Qingzhou established a powerful image in their hearts, and finally became the most powerful private TV station in the entire Qingzhou star district... As for the Qingzhou star division station that surpassed the national CCTV, Feng Feiyang did not have the guts, after all, he had too many resources. Too much, in the history of the human empire, there is no private TV station that has the ability to challenge the national TV station.

In order to let this spring breeze blow to the greatest extent, Feng Feiyang not only spent a lot of money to buy the broadcast rights of the college entrance examination, but also spent a lot of money to poach a beautiful anchor from the National CCTV... the one who was on the show with Zhang The beautiful anchor who bet on the seat, under the temptation of Feng Feiyang's position as the program director and the annual salary of 200 million yuan, the beautiful anchor successfully switched jobs.

However, the price seems high, but in fact, for a popular beauty anchor, the price is not too high. I heard that some TV stations offered an annual salary of 500 million yuan to poach this beauty anchor, but the other party finally paid for it. I chose Qianqiu TV.

Later, I heard from the headhunter who was in charge of poaching people that after learning that Liu Nianfeng was the major shareholder of Qianqiu TV, the hostess chose to join Qianqiu TV without hesitation. She didn't waste too much talk and time, and let the headhunter achieve a little success No feeling.

Feng Feiyang not only poached the beautiful anchor, but also dug Zhang Juzuo along with him.Originally, Zhang Juzuo was a guest on the program of National Central Television, and the contract had already been negotiated, but a professor at the level of a big boss turned out. I heard that he wanted to use this live broadcast to become popular, just like Zhang Juzuo back then Same, so relying on his relationship with National CCTV, Zhang Juzuo was directly kicked out, and National Central Television was so arrogant that he was not even willing to pay liquidated damages.

So Feng Feiyang took advantage of the situation and invited Zhang Ju to his own TV station, so that Qianqiu TV station perfectly copied the commentary lineup during the previous government test.

With such a lineup, Feng Feiyang felt that it would be a simple matter for him to get a ratings of around 20%, but it turned out that Feng Feiyang still thought too simple. The TV station went to watch the college entrance examination, so the ratings of the National CCTV Qingzhou branch were as high as 60%, and the remaining 20% ​​was divided equally by the other nine TV stations.

"No, if I can't get more than 30% of the ratings this time, then I will lose a lot!" Feng Feiyang said while pinching the pen in his hand, but facing the current situation, Feng Feiyang seemed particularly helpless, he You can't blow up the Qingzhou branch of National CCTV.


Not to mention the worries in Feng Feiyang's heart at this time, just listen to the beautiful host and Zhang Juzuo's tacit communication with each other, "Zhang Juzuo, please come and tell the audience in front of the TV the rules of this exam. Let's explain it!"

"Okay!" Zhang Juzuo said with a smile, "Actually, there is nothing to say, after all, the rules are the same every year. But I heard that there are many viewers who watched the college entrance examination for the first time this year, so I will repeat Let’s replay the old tune for everyone.”

"First of all, the theoretical knowledge test is completely abandoned in the college entrance examination. After all, the admirals who can reach this stage have extremely strong theoretical knowledge, and the admirals are not selected as professors or scientists. Theoretical knowledge is enough. That's fine, the key still depends on the actual combat level, so the entire hospital examination is conducted around actual combat."

"It's just different from the previous actual battles. This time the admirals didn't simply bring their starship girls to fight each other, but all the admirals would bring their own starship girls. In the absence of any starships Next, driving a small lifeboat, was directly air-dropped to any position in the virtual universe, driving alone."

"And in this virtual universe, there are many unmanned star warships that stay in the universe. The admiral can find the unowned star warship first, and let his starship girl and If the warships are fused, whichever admiral will be able to gain the upper hand, and then attack the rest of the admirals around him."

"After defeating the surrounding admirals, the winner will have the right to choose three star warships from the loser's fleet as his own reward, and the defeated admiral will have three chances to resurrect at random locations, leading the My remaining star warships randomly appeared in another location and started fighting again. And once the three resurrection opportunities are exhausted, the admiral will officially announce the end of the hospital examination."




"Damn, isn't this rule the same as "Escape from the Jedi"?" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help complaining in his heart when he first saw the rules of the courtyard test.

(End of this chapter)

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