girl line

Chapter 389 You must choose the landing place carefully

Chapter 389 You must choose the landing place carefully

"The entire combat area is a square area with a distance of one trillion kilometers in length and width. There are 18 small planetary systems, five medium-sized planetary systems, and one large planetary system in this area. Each planetary system has an administrative The planet can provide supplies, repairs, and other services, and the larger the planetary system, the more comprehensive the services it can provide."

"The entire exam lasts for 72 hours. After 24 hours have passed, a large number of star beasts will appear in all small galaxies, and they will attack all candidates in the star system indiscriminately. Please note that the refresh density of star beasts is extremely high. Intensive, there are ten monster-level star beasts in a small planetary system, please carefully consider whether to continue to stay in the galaxy."

"After 48 hours of the exam, a large number of star beasts will appear in all medium-sized planetary systems, indiscriminately attacking all candidates in the galaxy. Please note that the refresh density of star beasts is extremely dense. One There will be a hundred monster-level star beasts refreshed in the medium-sized planetary system, please carefully consider whether you want to stay in the galaxy."

"After the 72nd hour of the exam, if there are two or more candidates alive at the same time, a thousand monster-level star beasts will be refreshed in the large planetary system. Okay, I"

"Now candidate Liu Nianfeng has 10 minutes to decide the region of the planetary system where he was born. You will randomly appear in any position in the planetary system. Please choose carefully!!" After entering the virtual world with all her starship girls, After entering the cabin, Liu Nianfeng heard the system prompt, and at the same time a very simple map was placed in front of Liu Nianfeng.

A total of 24 different planetary systems are marked on this map, with the largest large galaxy occupying a large central circle, surrounded by five medium-sized galaxies, and finally 18 small ones. Planetary systems form the periphery of the entire Admiral.The spheres of influence of these planetary systems showed a beautiful sunflower-like image on the map, and the next thing Fiannianfeng needed to decide was which planetary system he should be born in.

And this has also become the focus of discussion between Liu Nianfeng and the Starship Girls. Everyone looked at the map and started discussing it.

"Let's go to the central galaxy, the large planetary system in the middle!" Xi Yue'er pointed to the largest circle on the map and said excitedly, "I have read the information, and based on past experience, the resources contained in the map of the central galaxy It is the most abundant, and we can see unowned star warships almost as soon as we are born, and we can harvest weapons in the first time. And if we can occupy the central guardhouse on the living planet of this central galaxy, we can quickly Repairing and repairing damaged star warships, you can also replenish ammunition and weapons without limit, as well as special potions for restoring psionic and psionic energy, and there are also shops that can sell peerless equipment. Get the most out of it!"

"And according to the records, those admirals who got this central guardian mansion in the end have an 80% chance of becoming Hui Yuan. Obtaining this central guard mansion is equivalent to getting the champion. Of course we are going to the central galaxy!"

"Stupid!" Hearing Xi Yue'er's words, Ming Yue'er directly retorted mercilessly, "Since you can see this even Xi Yue'er, then other admirals can also see it. The data also shows that every In the college entrance examination in 100, the number of candidates who chose to be born in the central tutelary mansion was the most. There might be a candidate born at a distance of [-] million kilometers. The enemies there are too dense. If one is unlucky, there will be no As for Star Warship, no matter how good the admiral is, he will die in the hands of a rookie."

"History is not without such examples. Just take five years ago, the admiral Xie Yuan of the Youzhou Star District, who was so loud before the exam, thought that the champion must be her. She also chose to be born in In the central galaxy, it turned out that there were no star warships in the 5 kilometers around, and there was only one lifeboat. The result was that it was sunk by a passing player in less than [-] minutes after the start, and the hospital test was over. ..."

"Also, you just said that 80% of the admirals who finally occupied the central tutelary mansion became Huiyuan. But you also said that this is the last admiral who occupied the central tutelary mansion. Before this admiral, there were countless admirals. They also occupied the central guard. But in the end, they became the target of public criticism and were besieged by other admirals around them. In the end, they died in the central guard mansion, which made others cheaper. Only the last one occupied the central guard Only the admiral of the mansion can have the last laugh!"

Mingyue'er talked on and on, turning Xiyue'er's eyeballs away, but Xiyue'er couldn't even find a reason to fight back.At the same time, Liu Nianfeng glanced at Ming Yue'er in surprise. This Ming Yue'er's strategic vision is very good, and she can see the advantages and disadvantages of the central galaxy very thoroughly.

"Then Mingyue'er, where do you think we should start from?" Liu Nianfeng asked Mingyue'er curiously.

"Here!" Ming Yue'er pointed to a small area on the map with confidence.

"Plum Blossom Galaxy?" Everyone looked at Ming Yue'er's finger, and saw Ming Yue'er's finger pointing at the top of the Plum Blossom Galaxy.The plum blossom star region is a small planetary system, located in the northeast corner of the entire map, it can be said to be one of the most remote areas on the big map.

This galaxy is also the farthest small galaxy from the central galaxy.

"Mingyue'er, are you crazy!" Seeing Mingyue'er's choice, Xiyue'er was the first to express her objection, "Look clearly, this is the outermost small planetary system. Refresh, we have to flee all the way to the central galaxy... Do you know how many dangers there are along the way? What if someone hides somewhere and shoots our black guns? I think we were born in the central galaxy, but we don't want to fight for the central Guard the mansion, secretly find an empty planet to hide, and wait to shade some passing admirals!"

"Hmph, what's the point of hiding behind the back and shooting a gun?" Ming Yue'er snorted coldly, "Most of the admirals think the same way as you, so they will also choose to be born in the central galaxy, so that other small galaxies There must not be many admirals, and we can have more time to collect resources. As long as the admiral can control the entire fleet, then with the admiral's ability, as long as he doesn't encounter a pervert like Liu Zhuangtian, no opponent can be pushed over. So what if it's a sneak attack, it's just a courier!"

"You..." Xi Yue'er still wanted to argue about something, but Liu Nianfeng at the side took the initiative to say, "Okay, don't argue, let's choose this Plum Blossom Galaxy!"


"After passing through the turbulence of time and space, your lifeboat came to the unfamiliar Plum Blossom Galaxy, I wish you good luck!" After shaking for a while, everyone's eyes lit up, and they found that they were in a small lifeboat at this time.

"Donghuang standard lifeboat, 100 meters long, 30 meters wide, without any weapon system." After quickly reading the lifeboat's information, Ming Yueer blurted out.

"Start the radar immediately, turn on the maximum frequency, scan the nearby area, and see if there are any unowned star warships appearing nearby!" Liu Nianfeng immediately issued an order, and Ming Yue'er came to the side of the radar first, and began to manually operate the radar. .

"Report, there is no trace of the star warship within a radius of [-] kilometers!" Ming Yue'er immediately reported to Liu Nianfeng after operating it.

"Damn, it seems that our luck is not very good!" Hearing Ming Yue'er's answer, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

Liu Nianfeng has seen a lot of battle videos of previous years' mansion tests. Some admirals who were lucky were born directly next to a star battleship. After entering the star battleship, they began to kill the Quartet. They instantly killed those unlucky admirals who did not find the star battleship. ...And some sad admirals did not find the unmanned star warship until they were killed by others.

"Sail to the northeast, it's close to the Plum Blossom Guardian Mansion, and the spawn density of the star warships is also higher!" Liu Nianfeng gave the command decisively, and under Alice's control, the body began to move towards the northeast at this time.

"Report, a large object signal was found at three o'clock, and there is a star warship there!" After advancing for 3 minutes, Ming Yue'er, who had been keeping her eyes on the old-fashioned radar, immediately reported excitedly like Fleeting Fenghui.

"Go forward at full speed!" Of course, Liu Nianfeng didn't dare to neglect, and immediately ordered the lifeboat to change direction, and killed the unowned star warship.

"I saw it, it's a destroyer!" When the star warship came into the sight of the telescope, Xi Yue'er, who was in charge of the lookout, was the first to shout.

"Very good!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and said to Haman beside him, "Haman is now ready to welcome your star warship!"

"No problem, leave it to Haman!" Haman said excitedly, gearing up his hands. Unexpectedly, he could be the first to pilot the Star Warship, which made Haman very excited.

"By the way, will Haman be the flagship of the fleet by then?" Haman, who was eagerly gearing up to smash his opponent's head, suddenly blinked and asked Liu Nianfeng.

"Oh, of course, you will be the flagship of the fleet by then, otherwise there will be no second battleship as the flagship!" Liu Nianfeng replied subconsciously, not knowing why Harman asked this obvious question.

"Great!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's answer, Haman was so excited that he almost cried, "Woooooo... Haman also has the opportunity to be the flagship! Haman will definitely cherish it!"

"This little girl!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but feel a little funny in his heart, because Haman was excited because of this.But then again, as a star destroyer, unless the ammunition is exhausted and only the destroyer is left, it is very difficult to have the opportunity to be the flagship of the fleet. This is the first time in Harman's life. It's no wonder the little girl was so excited.

"I said Haman, although my sister doesn't want to disturb you, I still want to tell you that your flagship is not so easy to be!" Xi Yue'er who was watching suddenly said.

"What's going on?" Liu Nianfeng asked quickly.

"Admiral, we have an opponent. I found that there is also a lifeboat heading towards the destroyer in the north direction! And judging from the distance, the opponent will definitely reach the destroyer before us!" Xi Yue'er smiled wryly. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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