girl line

Chapter 397

Chapter 397
"You are so insidious!" Seeing the other admirals outside huddled together, Alice rolled her eyes at Liu Nianfeng and said.

"Can this be considered insidious?" Liu Nianfeng said disapprovingly, "I didn't play any tricks behind my back, I just talked to them a few words and listed a few conditions. All my actions are in the clear. On the surface, I am called Yang Mou, do you understand!"

"I don't know about conspiracy and conspiracy, but I always feel that this is not good!" It can be seen that Alice does not like this kind of behavior of instigating others to fight.

"Okay, it's just a game, not reality, so there's no need to take it to heart!" Liu Nianfeng laughed and said, "Besides, we humans work together, and the admirals are also fighting under the same banner. From now on, we can only fight with each other." Help, there is no need to fight each other like now, the admiral and the admiral are comrades-in-arms and brothers, not enemies... Don't worry, this is just a small entertainment, no big deal! "

"En!" Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, Alice also felt that it made sense, so she didn't say anything more, but concentrated on watching the battles of other admirals.

At this time, the battle situation was very tragic. The admiral who sent the rescue cabin to snatch the four destroyers at the beginning was unfortunately strangled by other admirals, but these admirals also fought off several opponents before they died. There are only 12 admirals who are still fighting in front of Liu Nianfeng.If the fight continues at this momentum, it is estimated that in less than 10 minutes, Liu Nianfeng's opponents will be killed and injured!
"It seems that your plot has succeeded!" Alice pouted.

"How can it be so simple!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head, with a playful expression on his face, "Look, I'm playing with them, why don't they want to play with me?"

"What does this mean???" Alice was stunned, unable to understand the meaning hidden in Liu Nianfeng's words.

"Look carefully, this scuffle has been fought for more than ten minutes. In the previous 10 minutes, more than 20 warships sank, which is equivalent to two warships sinking every minute. But look at the recent In 1 minutes, two warships have been sunk. And these two warships belong to the same admiral, which is equivalent to completely erasing the admiral's fleet."

"Look at the formation of these admirals' warships again... You can see that these warships are fighting lively, flying around in a daze, but there is a faint hint of tricks, and all the bombardment surfaces are aimed at the heads of our fleet , have you seen it?" Liu Nianfeng said lightly, and after being said by Liu Nianfeng, Alice found that it was true, and before she knew it, those battleships who were fighting in the scuffle would kill all the battles that were beneficial to strangling their own fleet. The positions are all taken.

In this situation, even a fool can understand what those admirals are thinking.

"Sure enough, these candidates should not be underestimated. They are all elites who have been sprinkled from tens of thousands of admirals. They have also heard the fable of two peaches killing three scholars. They may have been fooled by me at first, but once they realize it, they will end immediately. Cheng wants to counterattack my alliance...the reaction is not too slow, otherwise such a thing is the elite among the human admirals, and the human race is probably close to extinction!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile, with a relaxed expression.

"Then what should we do? There are still more than 20 warships. If they unite secretly, the number will be twice as many as ours!" Alice said with some concern.

"Haha, if those 50-odd warships are still there, I might have to worry about Liu Nianfeng. But since there are only 20 ships left, they are all chickens and dogs... Forget it, it's too much to watch them act." Tired, let's do it directly!" Liu Nianfeng smiled, and then gave instructions to all the starship girls, "All warships enter the combat state, and all artillery enters. Target the four warships on the left xxx yyy zzz, enter the preview state."

"Admiral, let's wait and fire!" Alice said subconsciously when she saw that the fleet was about to start fighting.

"What are you waiting for?" Liu Nianfeng looked at Alice in surprise.

"If the name is not right, the words are not right. Anyway, we just promised them not to attack them actively, and we have to choose a teammate from among them. If we attack suddenly like this, then we will be morally disadvantaged. Anyway, these warships are also They are not our opponents, why don't we wait for them to attack first, and with the height of righteousness, it will not be too late to counterattack them!" Alice said.

"There's no need to be so troublesome, just kill them directly, if someone really wants to be my teammate, that's fine, but they have already secretly formed an alliance without morality, why should I argue with them!" Fleeing Years Feng frowned and said dissatisfiedly. "Besides, if they are really allowed to fire first, maybe we will lose one or two warships. Wouldn't that be a big loss? How can there be such a reason in the world?"

"But Admiral, even if they don't talk about morality, we still have to talk about basic morality. If we do this, it will be..." Alice wanted to persuade her to say something more, but Liu Nianfeng became a little impatient in her heart, and took the picture. He patted Alice on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, admiral, I must be a moral person, but these people in front of me are not worthy of my morality."

"But the admiral..."

"That's enough, Alice, are you tired? Go to the living cabin to rest for a while. In fact, you can rest until you find the space carrier." Liu Nianfeng didn't let Alice continue talking, but He interrupted directly and forcefully.

"No need, Alice already knows what the admiral means, maybe Alice really thinks too much, it's better for Alice to watch the admiral's victory here!" Alice shook her head, rejecting the suggestion to go to the living cabin , but at the same time closed his mouth and stopped admonishing Liu Nianfeng.

Without Alice's obstruction, Liu Nianfeng's order was carried out immediately. Those who were pretending to fight and at the same time were complacent, thinking that they had fooled Liu Nianfeng, and were planning to agree on a unified time, and fired at Liu Nianfeng at the same time. When Liu Nianfeng was caught off guard.

As a result, when there were only 30 seconds left before the collective firing time they negotiated, Liu Nianfeng's fleet opened fire in their complete astonishment. Eight warships roared at the same time, and the shells collectively fell on two Just like the unlucky admiral just now, the admirals of these two fleets revived after a severe headache without even understanding what happened.

"Damn, why did the other side open fire first!" an admiral screamed loudly in the communication.

"That's right, why is this Liu Nianfeng so shameless, how could he fire before us!" Another admiral also cursed very angrily.

"Liu Nianfeng, you treacherous villain, you actually deceived us like this!" Of course, the admiral immediately sent a questioning communication to Liu Nianfeng, and cursed at Liu Nianfeng in the communication.

"Hmph! Since when did I, Liu Nianfeng, break my promise? Grandpa, I always spit and stick at my mouth, and I will never change what I promised. It's you, a dozen or so guys who broke their promises and secretly colluded to attack me!" Liu Nianfeng immediately replied without showing any weakness, his irritable tone was even more angry than that admiral just now!
"How does he know that we are united!" Liu Nianfeng's words startled the other admirals, and he dared to act for a long time, but others had already seen through.

After being taken aback, the admirals became suspicious.I acted so realistically in this play, how did this Liu Nianfeng find out that we were secretly united?

But these admirals don't need to think about this question for too long, because soon Liu Nianfeng took the initiative to give them the answer, just listen to Liu Nianfeng continue to speak to everyone.

"You perfidious villains, do you think that everyone is as shameless as you? There are still moral admirals in this world... Dear sister, I, Liu Nianfeng, thank you for your notice. I will wait for these people Star Warship, we squared off!" Liu Nian Feng said righteously.

"Damn it, there is a traitor among us!" an admiral screamed.

"No wonder, I just said that we acted so well, how could it be seen through by the other party, it turns out that there are traitors hiding among us, damn it!" All the admirals suddenly felt regretful, and never imagined that they actually I was slapped by a traitor!
"Who? Who betrayed us!" An admiral asked loudly, but obviously no one would answer his question. No admiral jumped out and admitted that he was a traitor!
Although the admirals really wanted to find out the traitor, but at this time Liu Nianfeng's attack had already started to attack other admirals, and the admirals didn't have time to be Sherlock Holmes, so they immediately threw themselves into the counterattack against Liu Nianfeng.

It's a pity that their strength is far from that of Liu Nianfeng.

Not to mention the huge gap in their own fighting instincts, just the ten starship girls of Liu Nianfeng united on the same ghost circuit can bring more than double the bonus of psionic energy and phantom energy, What's more, in this fleet, there are battleships and battlecruisers with extremely powerful firepower... Even if Liu Nianfeng's fighting instinct is on par with these admirals, then this is still an evenly matched battle.

And more importantly, with the existence of the traitor in Liu Nianfeng's mouth, it has become impossible for these admirals to unite as one... Everyone doesn't know that the legendary No matter who the traitor is, you must guard your back, for fear that the traitor will suddenly come out and attack you.

In such a situation of attacking the opponent and guarding against the back, how could the admiral's coalition forces win? In just 3 minutes, two unlucky admirals, Liu Nianfeng, were reborn.

(End of this chapter)

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