girl line

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

"Liu Nianfeng, there is a traitor who betrayed us this time, otherwise you will never win against me... Well, let me make you proud today, and I will definitely retaliate in the future!" An admiral expressed his anger towards Liu Nianfeng. After Ji Ji's speech, he immediately pinched his tail, and the battleship began to turn, and finally headed towards the distant starry sky.

This guy actually escaped.

"This idiot..." Seeing that some admirals escaped, the remaining admirals who stayed to fight couldn't help but spit out a dozen mouthfuls of blood. They were about to be defeated, but if someone escaped at this time, the ending would be known with their asses What will be the result.

"No... I can't stay here to be buried with you..." The admiral, who vomited more than a dozen mouthfuls of blood, was also a smart man. After vomiting blood, he also led his fleet to retreat without saying a word.


"Shameless villain!"

Seeing this scene, the other admirals also cursed.And after scolding, these admirals did one by one more straightforwardly, turned their heads and ran away, pushing the power of the anti-matter engine to the limit, and ran faster and faster one by one, for fear that they would die in the fleeting time if they slowed down a step Under Feng's cannon... This made Liu Nianfeng a little stunned. If these guys used their escape speed to attack, their fleet might lose one or two warships!
But in the end, after less than 5 minutes of fighting, the coalition fleet had already scattered and fled. The admirals around the base all escaped completely, leaving only more than 20 unowned warships floating In the starry sky, as the spoils of the brutal battle just now.

"Hahaha, we didn't lose a single battleship, but instead earned more than 20 warships out of thin air. Admiral, is my operation 6 or 6?" Looking at the large number of unowned battleships in front of him, Liu Nianfeng immediately became complacent, In the communication, he said to all his starship girls very badly.

"Long live the Admiral!"

"The admiral is the best!"

"Admiral, I love you to death!"

"The admiral is so handsome!" In the communication, except for some shy starship girls, the rest of the starship girls were not stingy at all in their praise of Liu Nianfeng, and they all screamed loudly, among them Ming Yue'er and Xi The two sisters, Yue'er, were the loudest.

"Congratulations, Admiral!" Alice also congratulated beside Liu Nianfeng, but Alice's expression was always a bit gloomy, because such a victory was not what Alice wanted to see the most.

"Could it be that I have the Virgin Mary's disease that the admiral said?" Thinking of her current mental state, Alice couldn't help laughing at herself with a wry smile.


"Alice, please take a traffic boat to search these more than 20 warships!" Alice had no time to think about too many things, and Liu Nianfeng issued a new order.

Under the command of Liu Nianfeng, the five starship girls who stayed in the cockpit of the USS Washington, who did not have their own star battleship, all came out, and the transport boat they drove began to go to those unowned battleships... Of course, Liu Nianfeng didn't want to receive these warships. After all, these warships were all types of warships that Liu Nianfeng already owned. What Liu Nianfeng really cared about was the equipment on these warships.

Liu Nianfeng felt that his luck was bad, and he couldn't come across any good equipment.Then there are more than a dozen warships of admirals here, one or two must be lucky enough to get equipped!

The result made Liu Nianfeng very disappointed. Among the more than 20 unowned battleships floating, only two battleships were equipped with equipment, and they were all rare destroyer guns, which can be said to be one of the worst equipment in the entire game. up.

But something is better than nothing, so Liu Nianfeng finally removed the guns of these two destroyers and planned to install them on Harman and Little Swan, so that the combat effectiveness of these two warships could be increased by 30%.

While Liu Nianfeng was searching for loot, the two students from the Qingzhou star area who were sent to clear up NPCs also happily completed their tasks. It was only when they came back to report the results of the battle to Liu Nianfeng that they were surprised to find that what happened just now The densely packed opponents all disappeared, leaving only more than 20 unowned warships floating quietly in the universe.

"Liu Nian Jie Yuan...what happened...where did everyone else go?" Om Shaleton asked Liu Nian Feng foolishly.

"Oh, they suddenly started killing each other. After leaving behind so many warships, they fled separately!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly. As for whether the two admirals believe it or not, only God knows.

But one thing is certain, that is, the two admirals became in awe of Liu Nianfeng in an instant, and their tone of speech became more careful.

What a joke, more than 50 battleships were destroyed by Liu Nianfeng, and these three battleships Liu Nianfeng wanted to destroy, it's not the same as playing!

"Okay, you've worked hard fighting npcs for so long, and I can't make you work hard for nothing. You can figure out what you can do with these warships outside, take all you can use!" Liu Nianfeng smiled, and frankly faced the two men. A fellow countryman said.

"What? What did you say, Liu Nian Jie Yuan?"

"We heard it right, right? What did you tell us just now?" Om Shaleton and Jialu Sonas were completely stunned. They couldn't believe their ears, and asked Liu Nianfeng repeatedly in disbelief .

"Come on, you still have otitis media!" Liu Nianfeng rolled his eyes at the two of them, "I told you, these unowned warships outside are all yours, so you should divide them equally!"

Liu Nianfeng doubled his voice this time, so that the two fellow villagers could hear him clearly.

"But...Liu Nian Jieyuan...these are your trophies...we..."

"Liu Nian Jie Yuan... So many battleships... Otherwise, you can take advantage of it... The two of us will be satisfied with one or two ships!" Ohm Shaleton and Jialu Sonas said at the same time.

"These are my trophies...but I don't even need them!!!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, "Okay, I'm not such a generous person, if there are warships that I can use, I will It will definitely not be left to you. It is a pity that I have no use for all the battleships here, so who can I give it to you?"

"But if you really don't want it, then I'll destroy all these warships, so as not to save other admirals!" Liu Nianfeng said pretendingly.

"Yes! We want it!" Liu Nianfeng said so much, how could the two admirals refuse, their flagship immediately dispatched more than 20 traffic boats to the unowned star warships, In less than 3 minutes, the more than 20 warships were divided equally by the starship girls under the two admirals, and there was not a single one left.

After all, there are basically more than 20 starship girls who came to take the college entrance examination, except for the strange thing called Liu Nianfeng.

Among so many starship girls, 80% are starship girls of destroyers and light cruisers. It is very simple to digest these more than 20 starships. Ship, they can also be digested.

"Thank you Liunian Jieyuan, your great kindness, we two will never forget it!" After the two admirals had collected all the warships, they immediately got in touch with Liunianfeng's flagship in a hurry. Said to Liu Nianfeng with a grateful face.

"It's okay, everyone is from Qingzhou, of course we should support each other!" Liu Nianfeng said straightforwardly, and these words made the other two admirals even more excited, and their favorability for Liu Nianfeng increased hundreds of times.

"By the way, my people have entered the base just now, gained control of the base, and obtained a lot of good things. Would you like to share some of it?" Liu Nianfeng said immediately.

While the two admirals were picking up the starship girl, Liu Nianfeng immediately ordered the Harman and the Little Swan to rush into the front-line base immediately, obtain the highest authority of the front-line base, and become the controller of the base. At the same time, he also controlled everything contained in the base.

"Good stuff!" The eyes of the two admirals showed greedy gazes for a moment, but these greedy gazes were quickly suppressed, and then the two admirals shook their heads at the same time and said, "Don't dare, dare not!" ! We were able to obtain more than 20 warships out of thin air, which is already an achievement that was absolutely unexpected beforehand! How can we dare to expect other things!"

"That's right, the reason why we were able to get so many warships is actually thanks to you, Fleeing Years Jieyuan. The two of us are already very ashamed of getting so many rewards for nothing. How can we have the face to divide the things in the base... The things in the base are all the rewards that you, Fleeting Jieyuan, deserve, don't worry about the two of us!"

The two admirals spoke very sincerely, and Liu Nianfeng also believed that they were telling the truth.

"Haha, what you two have said is too much. These are all thanks to everyone. How can there be so many things that are out of the ordinary!" Liu Nianfeng laughed, and then asked inadvertently, "The two of you can be regarded as strong soldiers. I don't know what I plan to do next? Are you going to find a classmate from Starship Girls Academy like you?"

"This..." The two admirals looked at each other, then shook their heads in unison, and at the same time turned their expectant eyes to Liu Nianfeng and said, "Student Liu might be presumptuous to say that...I don't know if we can talk to Liu Nianfeng." What's behind you?"

"Following me? Why?" Liu Nianfeng asked in surprise.

"This... To be honest, the strength of the two of us may be able to rank among the top ten in the Qingzhou star area, but in the highest examination room of the human empire, we are really two small shrimps who are not in the best. Even if we get If you have more than a dozen battleships, if you meet a real master, you will only have the fate of giving away your head."

"So the two of us are bold, hoping to follow behind a master like you, Liu Nian Jie Yuan, so that we can get a higher ranking... By the way, Liu Nian Jie Yuan, don't worry, we still understand the rules. Since we follow you , then I will treat you as the supreme commander, and we will do whatever you ask us to do, even if it is used as a pawn or a shield for you, it doesn't matter." Ohm Shaleton said expectantly.

"That's right, and if we are lucky enough to survive to the end, we promise not to compete with you for the No.1 position. As long as we can stay behind you, we will be satisfied!" Jialu Sonas followed closely behind. said later.

"Haha...that's what I said...let's make a fortune chicken together...using you as a could I do it...hahaha...from now on, we are good brothers and sisters As long as the two younger sisters can trust the older brother, the older brother and I will bring the two younger sisters to eat chicken together, and then our Qingzhou Star District will take the top three places in the hospital examination, hahaha!!!" Liu Nianfeng and the other two admirals They laughed happily together.

It's just that when the two admirals were laughing, they still couldn't understand one thing, that is, what did Liu Nianfeng mean by "eating chicken together?"
Could it be that Liu Nianfeng planned to invite them to eat roast chicken after the exam? ?

I have never heard of such a tradition in the college examination!

(End of this chapter)

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