girl line

Chapter 40 Scaring the first class to death! [Thank you for adding more]

Chapter 40 Scaring a group of people to death! [Thank you for adding more]

[Ahem, thank you leader: Mao Qiusang soaked in soup, I'm only two chapters away from you...]

"No. 14, von Hindenburg, with a total score of 627 points!"

Class teacher Leanna announced von Hindenburg's results. The top 15 is already a very good result, which means that von Hindenburg is no longer in the ranks of losing money, but has become a member of the earners.

As a student who has just entered the second grade for a month, von Hindenburg can achieve such excellent results in the struggle with the old students, it stands to reason that von Hindenburg should be satisfied.

In fact, in the last exam, von Hindenburg was only 19th, which is a full improvement of five places compared with this time.Whether in terms of grades or progress, von Hindenburg had no reason to be unhappy.

But in fact, her face was ashen.Because until now, she still hasn't heard Liu Nianfeng's name.

Then there is only one explanation, Liu Nianfeng's ranking is still above her, and Liu Nianfeng has already surpassed herself in the basic exam, which makes von Hindenburg feel absolutely unacceptable, she can't think of it I understand, Liu Nianfeng didn't show up in class for a month, how did he climb onto his head in the blink of an eye?
But then, von Hindenburg's shock continued.

The results have been announced to the top ten, but Liu Nianfeng's name still hasn't appeared.

After the announcement of the top five, Liu Nianfeng still looked relaxed, and the whole class was about to be fried... because Liu Nianfeng had already firmly entered the ranks of the top five.

"No.5, Chen Yanling, with a total score of 671." After Leanna's voice fell, a girl with a child (harmony) face and huge (harmony) breasts stood up excitedly from her seat... Her excitement was not because of Excited and excited, but excited because of shame and anger.In the last exam, she was still No.4.

But this time it was good. Although the score increased by three points, the ranking dropped by one.No need to think about it, who is the guy who squeezed himself out.

Thinking of this, Chen Yanling put her extremely complicated eyes on Liu Nianfeng where the old god was present.

"No.4, Nalan Lingjing, with a total score of 682." This time standing up is a girl with long pink hair and a pair of European style weapons that can be called murder weapons. Her eyes are similar to those of No.4 just now. Similarly, when placed on Liu Nian Feng, he was full of doubts and panic.

[PS: Both No. 5 and No. [-] are played by book friends, and readers who want to get a role in the book can go to the book review area to leave a message. 】

"No.3, Poinova Levich, with a total score of 699!" You can tell from the name that the No.3 girl is a girl of Russian descent, and she looks as stunning as a Russian girl .

"Unfortunately, it's only 700 points by one point!" Poinova Levich sighed slightly, but she didn't look at Fleeting Maple like No.4 and No.5.

Probably because of the accidents of No.4 and No.5, Poinova Levich has already accepted half of the fact that she fell to No.3, and instead struggled with the fact that she was only one point away from reaching 700 points.

After the No.3 result was announced, the students present no longer had any curiosity or suspense about who No.2 was. They had already read all the students’ names, and the only one who didn’t read the result was Fleeting Years Maple only.

The only thing that can make the students curious now is how many points did Liu Nianfeng get in the test?What kind of gap is there with Liu Zhuangtian who is No.1.

"No.2... Fleeting Maple... 725 points!" Class teacher Leanna finally read out Fleeing Nianfeng's ranking and grades in a tone that she couldn't believe.

"What! It's only three points less than Miss Zhuangtian!" Many people were in an uproar in an instant. Although they had already guessed that Liu Nianfeng was No.2, they thought that Liu Nianfeng was only 725 points at most, and they never thought of it , Fleeting Feng actually got a good score of [-] in the test.

No matter in any era, facing the total score of 750 points in the exam, when the score reaches 700 points, the difficulty of increasing one point is no less than a 3v5 comeback in "League of Legends".

Later, when some seniors who entered the army returned to school, they often told her juniors that they would rather fight a star beast than try to improve their grades by a single point. Difficult.

But Liu Nianfeng was lucky, and directly scored 725 points in the test, only 1 points away from the No.3 Liu Zhuangtian.

Who is Liu Zhuangtian?

That is the veritable No.1 in the second grade of Star Admiral, and some people even say that even if Liu Zhuangtian is promoted to the third grade, he can still get the No.1 result.It's just that Liu Zhuantian has entered the second grade for less than half a year, which is not enough for at least one year of study in the second grade, otherwise Liu Zhuantian would have gone to the third grade to stir up trouble.

In fact, some people even say that Liu Zhuangtian is the most outstanding student of the Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy in the past 300 years, the mainstay of the future Starship Girls, and sooner or later he will be a young genius who will go down in history forever.

Since Liu Zhuantian entered the sixth class half a year ago, Liu Zhuantian has been the undisputed No.1 in terms of basic knowledge, the growth rate of psychic and psionic energy, and actual combat. To defeat one's opponent, no one ever thought that someone would be able to push Liu Zhuangtian to the point where he was only three points away.

"Student Liu Zhuantian, what do you think?" The student sitting next to Liu Zhuantian immediately tugged at his sleeves and asked curiously.

"Reading!" Liu Zhuangtian looked at the book in her hand quietly and intently without turning her head, as if the changes in the outside world could not affect her heart.


"Chen Shihan, 500 points will be deducted!" Next came the welcome point punishment and allocation time. Chen Shihan, who was No.1 from the bottom, naturally took over the previous position of Liu Nianfeng, and was severely deducted 500 points.

"Damn! I was able to purchase more than 2000 points last month, and my dad scolded me bloody. I lost 500 at the beginning of this month. How can I live like this!" Chen Shihan looked at Liu Nianfeng. , Said with a mournful face.

"Study hard and improve every day!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile.

"Liu Nianfeng! 300 reward points!" Time passed by, and finally it was Lian Nianfeng's turn.

Seeing that the points behind his name on the electronic blackboard changed to: 5300 points, Liu Nianfeng felt excited. This was the first time he got points from others since he joined the second grade. This feeling is really great!

It's just that Liu Nianfeng himself is very clear that this is only temporary, and his road to struggle is still long.

(End of this chapter)

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