girl line

Chapter 41 Talent Determines Destiny

Chapter 41 Talent Determines Destiny
"Everyone go back to rest at noon, and prepare to take the psychic and psionic test in the afternoon!" After all the points were deducted and the rewards were distributed, the class teacher Lyanna also announced the exam to be held in the afternoon, and then the get out of class was dismissed directly.


"It's time to test your results of this week's cultivation!" Lyanna took out a transparent crystal ball.

This is the ghost crystal, which is said to be a crystal made of the materials after the death of the star beast. It can map the bee value of the ghost port in the star admiral's body, so as to determine whether the cultivation of the star admirals is correct during the two inspections. Be lazy.

Psionic energy and psionic energy are like the internal power of martial arts masters. Whether it is for the star admiral or the starship girl, they are the core core and the most important thing. Every star admiral and starship girl will try to improve their own strength. Psychic and Psionic.

It's just that the cultivation speed of psionic energy and ghost energy is completely affected by talent, and has nothing to do with personal efforts.Without talent, your cultivation speed will never be as fast as other star admirals.

It's just that thousands of years have passed, but the method of improving psionic energy and psionic energy has not made much progress. The combination is just two methods.

One is to slowly cultivate the psionic and psionic energy in one's body through the state of inner vision, just like a martial arts master cultivates internal force... It's just that it is different from the strange magical skills of martial arts masters. There is only one method of cultivation from beginning to end, and all the star admirals and starship girls can only follow one method.

The second is to fight against the star beasts, and improve their psionic and psionic energy by absorbing the ghost crystals that fall from the corpses of the star beasts after they die.

Regardless of the second method, unless you are promoted to the third grade, there is no chance to fight the star beast in the academy.

What Liu Nianfeng is most concerned about at this time is the first method to improve psionic energy and psionic energy.

The only thing that can affect the speed of cultivation in the first method is the aptitude of Admiral Star and Starship Girl.

The authoritative organization once launched a set of speedometers for talent cultivation.

Among them, the lowest level is D-level talent. If the standard growth rate of such talent is set to 1, then the standard growth rate of C-level talent is 1.5.

The standard growth rate for B rank is 2.5.

The standard growth rate of A-level is 4
The standard growth rate of S rank is 8
In other words, once you have an S-level talent, you can have 8 times the growth rate of psionic and psionic energy that is equivalent to that of the lowest-level starship girl, which has become extremely exaggerated.

However, the standard growth rate of S-level has a lot of controversy, because the upper limit of S-level talents is difficult to define. Although most S-level talents follow the standard of 8, there are many times in history that have more than 12 times the talent. A super genius, so once the growth rate exceeds 12 times, it will be defined as an S+ level.

It's just that the standard growth rate of S+ is more difficult to define, because girls with S+ talent are extremely rare, and only one or two are born in 100 years, and their cultivation speed varies from 12 times to 25 times. There is no law at all, so it is difficult to define A standard growth rate comes out.

From this point of view, even if Liu Nianfeng did nothing, as long as he practiced for four hours a day, it was equivalent to the hard work of other students for several days.

It's not that Liu Nianfeng doesn't want to spend more time practicing, it's just that practicing for four hours a day is almost the limit of human advancement, and if you continue to practice, not only will there be no better results, but it will seriously hurt people's spirits, it's better not to practice.

According to the information obtained by Liu Nianfeng, most of the students in the class are concentrated in A-level and B-level grades. Of course, there must be A-level qualifications, such as von Hindenburg.

And that Liu Zhuangtian is probably the same as himself, with S-level talent, because Liu Nianfeng has seen Liu Zhuantian's ghost port is a super ghost port that can accommodate an air carrier, quite It is more than 20 times the size of Fleeting Maple.

Back to the topic of the exam.

Because the growth rate of each admiral is currently only affected by talent, students with different talent levels naturally cannot compare.So this exam is actually an exam between the students and themselves.

Although every student has to practice for four hours every day, there will be no other accidents.

The total increase in these four hours is not static, depending on the degree of concentration during the cultivation period, or the influence of some other factors, there will be a change of about 10%.

This has also become the standard for judging the pass or fail of each exam.

Such an examination is conducted once a week, and the total amount increased over a period of one week is calculated.

The school will first calculate the limit growth rate of each student according to a certain formula, and then set 95% of this rate as the standard value.If it can exceed 95%, it means qualified.

Otherwise, it is naturally unqualified.

Unqualified students will deduct 500 points, and qualified students can share the deducted points equally.

This can be regarded as the most harmonious exam among the three exams. After all, the exam is always compared with one's own limit.

【PS: It was set in the previous chapters that the practice of psionic energy and psionic energy is also a comparison between students.Now that I think about it, I really took it for granted. The impact of the gap in talent is very important, and it cannot be overcome by hard work, so the test about psionic energy and psionic energy was changed to compare with my own limit. 】


"Liu Zhuangtian! This test has 117.000 bees, the last test was 116.500 bees, the personal limit growth value is 0.500 bees, and the total increase is 0.5 bees within a week, the limit growth rate is 100%, the test is passed!"

Lyanna loudly announced the results of No.1 Liu Zhuantian. Like the morning exam, Liu Zhuantian is still the indisputable No.1.

Moreover, Liu Zhuangtian's growth has reached her personal limit growth value, which means that she has never made any mistakes in the process of cultivation... This is an extremely terrifying fact... It is really too much for a person who cannot make mistakes. Terrible.

By the way, just like the speed of cultivation, the Combined Fleet Command also made systematic weights and measures for the size of the ghost port in the body.

Set the size of the ghost port required by a standard Hummingbird-class star destroyer as a standard unit, that is: 1 Hummingbird, or 1 bee for short.

In other words, within a week, Liu Zhuangtian's Ghost Port had already increased the volume required by half a Star Destroyer.

(End of this chapter)

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