girl line

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Next, Lianna tested the other star admirals, and Liu Nianfeng found that the limit growth values ​​of the other students in a week were around 0.2 bee and 0.12 bee.

This shows that the students in this class are all B-level and A-level talents, and there is no star admiral with C-level and D-level talents.

This is not surprising. After all, this is a class with such strict competition rules. If you are not confident enough in your talents, how can you have the courage to stay in this class.

However, it can be deduced that Liu Zhuantian's talent must be an S-level talent, and it is even very close to an S+ talent level, because Liu Zhuantian's 0.5 is 0.2 times ahead of A-level's 2.5, which is already close to It's the lowest threshold for S+ talent.

"Chen Shihan, this test is 18.520 bees, the last test was 18.321 bees, a total increase of 0.201 bees within a week, the personal limit growth value is 0.21, the limit growth rate is 95.3%, the test is passed!"

Hearing her exam results, Chen Shihan let out a long sigh of relief, at least she passed, otherwise the 500 star coins would be gone again.

At the same time, Chen Shihan cast her worried eyes on Liu Nianfeng, worried what would happen if Liu Nianfeng failed this time, after all, he didn't know what to do this month!


"Student Liu Nianfeng, please put your hand on the ghost crystal!" Finally, it was Liu Nianfeng's turn to test his growth value.

"Liu Nianfeng, because you only took the test a month ago, you don't have enough data to calculate your exact limit growth value, so you can only guess the inaccurate provisional limit growth value, so this test will not be calculated for the time being. You just need to calculate the result and leave!" Lyanna said lightly.

[PS: Once again, the previous settings have changed.In the previous chapters, Fleeing Maple deducted points in the growth test, but now it is corrected to not deduct points... I would like to explain. 】

"Okay!" Liu Nianfeng put his palm on the Lingyou crystal, and the picture of Lingyou Harbor in his body immediately appeared in the crystal.

After some calculation formulas that Liu Nianfeng didn't know the formulas and principles, the calculation results were displayed in front of the class teacher Leanna.

"Seeing Liu Nianfeng's results, Lianna's eyes widened instantly, and just as she was about to blurt out a sentence, suddenly the personal terminal in her hand rang."

"Yes! I understand!" After talking for a while, Lyanna took a deep look at Liu Nianfeng and said lightly.

"Liu Nianfeng, this test score is 5.502 bees, the test score a month ago is 4.703 bees, an increase of 0.799 bees in one month, and the limit increase value is tentatively set at 0.210 bees."

"So your talent is A-level! We are both at the same level!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's results, Chen Shihan immediately estimated Liu Nianfeng's talent level, and said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Liu Nianfeng also nodded with a smile, but his mind was full of doubts.He was clearly an S-level talent, so how did he become an A-level talent?

"It was I who revised your grades. The secret of your S-level talent cannot be revealed, so I asked your homeroom teacher to change it to A-level. Your actual score is now 6.133, an increase of 1.43 within a month. The limit increase value is tentatively set at 0.4 bees, and the limit growth rate is 89.3%."

"I said, what have you been doing this month? Nothing but a limit growth rate of 89.3%? You think about it for me!" This call came from the principal Lexington, which also explained why Liu Nianfeng was so talented. The reason why the grade became A grade.

As for the reason for only 89.3%, Liu Nianfeng knew it himself.

Because in the last month, Liu Nianfeng was busy learning basic knowledge, so his personal cultivation was more or less affected.

"Whose call is it your starship girl?" Chen Shihan asked curiously while walking on the way home from school with Chen Shihan.

"Yes! They want me to go back for dinner!" Liu Nianfeng laughed, of course he couldn't say that it was a call from the principal.

"Hey! When did you get involved with her?" Suddenly, Liu Nianfeng felt Chen Shihan gently tug on his sleeve, instinctively looked up, and was surprised to find that Liu Zhuangtian was actually holding the book, Standing in front of him lightly, as if waiting for him.

"Could it be because my test scores are very close to hers, so she wants to teach me a lesson?" For Liu Zhuangtian's appearance, Liu Nianfeng was also very puzzled.

In fact, in the depths of his heart, Liu Nianfeng's feelings towards Liu Zhuangtian are a bit complicated. He has a desire to surpass her, but he also feels somewhat unattainable towards her.

The more you get to know Liu Zhuantian, the more you will find Liu Zhuantian's terror. Just from Liu Zhuantian's name, you can know a thing or two.

Makeup day!

What a terrifying thought it is to want to put on makeup for God!


"Student Liu Zhuantian, may I ask if you have anything to ask me?" Liu Nianfeng walked to Liu Zhuantian's side and asked with a smile.

"This is for you..." Liu Zhuantian didn't say a second word, he directly stuffed a small box into Liu Nianfeng's hands, and left with his head held high, which made Liu Nianfeng look confused.

"What does she mean?" Chen Shihan asked curiously, and at the same time fixed her eyes on the small box in Liu Nianfeng's hand, obviously very curious about what was inside the box.

"Open it and have a look!" Liu Nianfeng smiled and opened the box directly.

"What is this?" Liu Nianfeng opened the small box that Liu Zhuangtian gave him, and found that it contained a card with the words "Stars" written on it. Complicated and tedious numbers.

"This is a brand new, unbound and unactivated college-specific online game "Stars" identification card!" Chen Shihan said in surprise, having recognized the origin of this card at a glance.

"What did you say? This is an identification card for online games?" Liu Nianfeng was also surprised.

"That's right, it's the hottest online game in the human world right now. It's said that it's authorized by the United Command to perfectly reproduce the data of all starship girls, allowing ordinary people to experience becoming a star admiral or a star admiral." The pleasure of a ship girl!" Chen Shihan introduced.

"In other words, this ID card is equivalent to a game account!" Liu Nianfeng looked at the ID card in his hand, and couldn't help complaining, "What's the value of an empty game account? me?"

"Just kidding! This is not something worthless. On the contrary, it is worth nothing. Even if you spend 100 million star coins, you may not be able to buy a card like this!" Chen Shihan said with an exaggerated expression .

"Aren't you joking! This is just an empty game account, how could it be so valuable?" Liu Nianfeng was even more puzzled.

"Of course it's worthless outside the academy... But inside the academy, it's very valuable!" Chen Shihan said enviously, "We are strictly forbidden to play games in the academy, only those who won the first place in the whole year, In order to get an identification card specially approved by the school."

"Only through this special identification card can you log in to the game through the college's internal network. Without this card, you can't enter any games... This is one of the few cards in the whole school, you said Is it worth money or not?"

"There is still this kind of operation!" Liu Nianfeng immediately understood when he heard it.Think about it, if you become one of the few students in a university with 10 people who are eligible to play games, then you can imagine how valuable this qualification is.

"But, why would she give me such a valuable and precious card?" Looking at the card in his hand, Liu Nianfeng was a little puzzled.

"I see!" Chen Shihan slapped her head, "She must have seen that your grades are about to surpass hers, so she gave you this card. She tried to immerse you in the game and keep her No.1 position... It must be like this, this woman is too cunning!"

"I think it's good! Give me this card, so you don't have to worry about losing your mind!" Chen Shihan said with a smile.

"Goodbye!" Liu Nianfeng chuckled, and under Chen Shihan's angry eyes, he leisurely returned to his dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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