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Chapter 43 "The Inner Alchemy of the Yellow Emperor" [Thank you for adding more chapters 2

Chapter 43 "The Inner Alchemy of the Yellow Emperor" [Thank you for adding more chapters in one]

[PS: This is a chapter with two chapters in one. So far, leader: Mao Qiusang's debts soaked in soup have been completely paid off, and he can finally take a breather. 】

[Then is the customary thanks, thanks to the readers: Pirate-class battleship, Demon God Daoist, Kuangsan Sansan, Houkai poi, Diejie Sming, Pirate-class battleship, Luochen, Weiai ♀ bosom friend, Meteor Yuyue, Tianbing Hanlu, a tip from yrh12]

Although there was a rare opportunity to play games in the whole school, Liu Nianfeng didn't take this card seriously, he just put it on his bedside, then lay down on the desk, and began to write crazily.

Liu Nianfeng has achieved a staged great victory in basic knowledge, and the total score of 725 points has reached the point where it is difficult to improve. It is extremely difficult to improve one or two points, and Liu Nianfeng does not want to do it again Waste time on basic knowledge, and instead prepare for the cultivation techniques to conquer psionic energy and psionic energy.

Some readers may find it strange that the practice of psionic and psionic energy depends entirely on one's talent, without any other tricks at all. Why do you think that you can improve your cultivation technique, Liu Nianfeng.

Of course, Liu Nianfeng doesn't think that he is a genius who can do things that no one has been able to do for thousands of years.But Liu Nianfeng also has in his mind the precious knowledge accumulated by the ancestors of Huaxia for thousands of years: Daozang.

Daozang is the abbreviation of Taoist books, including Taoist classics since the Zhou and Qin Dynasties.

From the 30 volumes of Daoist scriptures in the "Northern Qi Dao Zang" in the Northern Qi Dynasty to the 200 volumes of "Dao Zang Ji Yao" in the Kangxi period, it can be said that the wisdom of Chinese Taoism has been accumulated for more than 3000 years. The reason why Liu Nianfeng was able to quickly understand the art of inner vision , thanks also to the records in Daozang.

When Liu Nianfeng was a graduate student, in addition to majoring in archaeology, he minored in this Taoist classic.Who would dare to say that he has memorized all the two hundred volumes of Daozang, but it is still no problem to memorize 1/10 of them.

And in this era, with the riot of robots, the complete "Tao Cang" has been lost. When the era of Starship Girls comes, human beings have completely forgotten about "Tao Cang". Learn from the wisdom of the past.

There is always such a guess in Liu Nianfeng's heart:
Since the internal vision techniques of the later generations are similar to the Taoist internal vision techniques, then maybe the Taoist cultivation methods are also similar to the cultivation methods of psionic energy and psionic energy.

If I can carefully study the various cultivation methods in "Dao Zang", maybe I can find a cultivation method that does not rely on talent, but relies on manpower to increase the speed of the limit increase!
It's just that with the passage of time in the future world, the memory of "Dao Zang" in Liu Nianfeng's mind has become more and more thin.

So Liu Nianfeng took advantage of his memory of "Tao Cang" to write down all the "Tao Cang" that he had memorized crazily, so as not to forget it in the future and regret it for the rest of his life.

This dictation took three full days, and Liu Nianfeng didn't even leave the school for these three days, and didn't go to class or exam, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the career of dictation.

When the dictation was finished, the strings in his head were loosened, Liu Nianfeng fell back, and fell asleep soundly, sleeping for a full 12 hours before waking up from the dream.

"It's so comfortable!" After sleeping beautifully, Liu Nianfeng only felt refreshed all over his body, even the white clouds outside the window became particularly pleasant, and his mood suddenly became extremely happy.

"I haven't practiced for three days! Let me practice first!" This kind of mental state is perfect for cultivation, so Liu Nianfeng immediately entered the state of inner vision, ready to habitually scan his ghost When they were in Hong Kong, Liu Nianfeng froze for an instant!

"What's going on!" Liu Nianfeng panicked for a while, and woke up from the internal vision state, with incredible writing on his face.

"What's going on? Why is my ghost port bigger for no reason?" Liu Nianfeng asked himself in disbelief while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

But just now, Liu Nianfeng simply glanced at his ghost port, and was surprised to find that his ghost port had increased significantly compared to before.

Although Fleeting Maple can't judge the size of his Ghost Port by counting the second decimal point as accurately as the Ghost Crystal, the approximate data can still be seen.

According to Liu Nianfeng's calculation, at this time, his ghost port is at least 6.5 bees, which is a full increase of 0.4 bees from three days ago.

This is an unbelievable achievement for Fleeting Maple. According to Crystal's calculation, the limit growth value of Fleeing Maple is tentatively set at 0.4. Yes, the speed is twice as fast.

But during the three and a half days of dictation and sleeping, Liu Nianfeng didn't do any training, logically speaking, there shouldn't be any growth.

This is what makes Liu Nianfeng feel puzzled. He obviously didn't do anything, obviously didn't do any training, how could the total amount of psionic energy and psionic energy increase?
As a result, Liu Nianfeng looked at the white clouds outside the window in a daze, and fell into deep thoughts. This thought lasted an afternoon until...

"What's wrong? Is the admiral still punishing him for copying? Has he been punished by the teacher?" The sound of the door opening and Ning Hai's frisky chattering voice came to my ears.

How did this little guy know that Liu Nianfeng was writing silently? When he saw Liu Nianfeng scribbling on the desk and writing, he habitually thought that Liu Nianfeng was punishing him for copying... It seems that the punishment for copying had happened in Ning Hai. Left an indelible mark on the soul.

But Ning Hai did not expect that his unintentional words would explode in Liu Nian Feng's brain like a bolt of lightning.

"By the way! I didn't do anything in these three days, and I used it all to write "Tao Zang" silently!" Liu Nianfeng said excitedly, and he found that he had caught the tail of the truth.

It's not that I haven't done anything in the past three days, but I have been concentrating on silently writing "Tao Zang".From this, Liu Nianfeng had an earth-shattering guess in his mind:

"Could it be said that silently writing "Dao Zang" is actually the same as normal practice, and can improve the power of ghosts in one's body? And the speed of improvement is twice the normal situation!"

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng didn't dare to delay any longer, but couldn't wait to verify his idea.If my discovery is true, then I can say that I have made an unprecedented great contribution to mankind, which belongs to the kind of eternal feat that can be written in a history book alone!
As a result, Liu Nianfeng immediately unfolded the paper in his hand again, recalling the "Lingbao Wuquanren Top Grade Wonderful Sutra" in "Dao Zang".

This is a scripture with tens of thousands of words. It took Liu Nianfeng three hours to write down this scripture silently.

Afterwards, Liu Nianfeng couldn't wait to check his ghost port, wanting to see if the ghost port had grown... As a result, Liu Nianfeng found sadly that the ghost port was still the same, without any growth .

"Could it be that I have written less silently? Do I have to write more words?" With this in mind, Liu Nianfeng silently wrote "Yuanshi Wuquanren Top Grade Miaojing Zhiyin", "Supreme Inner Secret Truth" Tibetan scriptures", "Taishang Wuji Zongzhen Wenchang Dadong Scripture", and more than a dozen scriptures with tens of thousands of words.

It took nearly seven hours, and by the time the dictation was finished, it was already late at night.

But Liu Nianfeng's ghost port still didn't increase in size, which made Liu Nianfeng start to wonder if his guess was wrong. The reason for the increase of ghost port had nothing to do with silently writing "Dao Zang".

"Forget it, after silently writing the last "Huangdi Neidan Jue", if there is still no effect, I will go to sleep!" Liu Nianfeng sighed and began to make the last attempt.

"Huangdi Neidan Jue" is also a Taoist classic with tens of thousands of words.It took almost three hours for Liu Nianfeng to write silently before writing this article completely.

"Let's look at the port of ghosts again!" Liu Nianfeng didn't hold too much hope, and entered the internal viewing state very calmly... As a result, Liu Nianfeng woke up from that state in the next second.

"It's increased! It's really increased!" Liu Nianfeng shouted ecstatically. In the past hour, he was surprised to find that his ghost port had increased by 0.1 bee!It is equivalent to one and a half days of cultivation results under normal circumstances!

"I understand! Not all scriptures in the Dao Zang are effective, but some of them are effective!" Liu Nianfeng clenched his fists, and he finally figured out the mystery inside. !

In the next three days, Liu Nianfeng rewrote "Dao Zang" silently.It's just that this time, every time Liu Nianfeng silently writes a scripture, he has to immediately enter the inner vision state to check his ghost port.

After three days of exploration, Liu Nianfeng discovered that there are a total of four scriptures that have the effect of cultivating psionic and psionic energy. One Son Sanfeng Old Man's Alchemy", and the first "Yellow Emperor's Inner Alchemy".

Looking at the names of these four scriptures, one can find that these four golden books are all formulas for teaching people to practice inner alchemy.

And isn't Taoism's practice of inner alchemy similar to the practice of psionic energy and ghost energy?

In the next few days, Liu Nianfeng continued to study and write these four scriptures silently, and finally found that "Huangdi Neidan Jue" had the best effect, and writing silently once could increase 0.1 bee.

And "Holding a Son and Three Peaks Elderly Dan Jue" has the second effect, and the dictation increases by 0.05 bee.

The effects of "Qing Wei Dan Jue" and "Xian Tian Jin Dan Dao Mysterious Formula" are the same, each time it increases by 0.03 bee.

These scriptures can be recited once a day, and the effects of each recitation can be superimposed on each other.That is to say, as long as Liu Nianfeng spends five hours a day writing all the four scriptures silently, he can increase the ghost power of 0.21 bee.

What's even more amazing is that the effect of four hours of meditation practice per day is not affected, and it can still produce an effect of 0.057 bees, which is 0.267 bees when added together.

What kind of concept is this?
Before, Fleeting Maple worked hard for a month to only 1.9 bees, but now it only takes 7 days to achieve the effect of a month, and the overall speed has more than tripled.

Compared with our classmate Chen Shihan's 0.5 bees a month, it has increased by 15 times... If Chen Shihan was told this, Chen Shihan would probably find a tall building to jump off and commit suicide.

"This is a big tricky secret! What should I do?" Although Liu Nianfeng was surprised by such an amazing discovery, he also hesitated and struggled. Should he tell the school or human beings about this discovery?

Should I eat alone quietly, or should I share all this with everyone?
This is a question that Fleeting Maple should think about carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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